

A deranged lunatic engaged in a one-man murder spree in Taunton, Massachusetts (near Boston) armed with a knife.  In the state that disarms its citizens thoroughly, the man was able to attack people in multiple locations before he ran into an off-duty cop who shot him to end the attack.

The only thing that stops bad people with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun.  However, in Massachusetts, state law keeps the numbers of armed good guys very low.

The authorities in Massachusetts are telling Americans there’s “no known nexus to terrorism” but they admit the motive is unknown.

Is this a case of gaslighting the true motive?

gerund or present participle: gaslighting
  1. manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

If it looks like a duck, talks like a duck and acts like a duck, it’s probably not…


Here’s a photo from the crime scene, before the suspect died.

Photo via The Conservative Treehouse.

Note his facial hair.

Look familiar?

CNN photo
Bowe Bergdahl’s parents with Emperor Obama. The deserter’s father is a devout Muslim.

The only thing missing from this story is Aloha Snackbar.

Empower yourself, folks.

You don’t have to be a defenseless, unarmed victim.

Buy a gun.

Get training and learn how to use it.

Carry it everywhere you can legally.

Become a hard target.

Do it for your friends and family.  They love you and count on you being there tomorrow, not on you getting killed by a lunatic for what he sees as his religion’s “jihad” against Western civilization.


2 thoughts on “MUSLIM TERROR? Massachusetts knife attacks leaves multiple dead, more wounded”
  1. Should have strapped the “suspect” across the front of the ambulance for the ride to AAAHHCHEW.

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