Gabby Giffords’ Americans for Responsible Solutions FINALLY got around to sponsoring their Gun Dealer Licensing scheme for Illinois. Illinois far-left, gun-hating Representative Kathleen Willis has proudly sponsored this mess.
Instead of rehashing the bill’s features, suffice it to say it’s awful. It makes it a felony crime for you or me to transfer more than 8 guns per year without a license. Instead of taking a nibble, the gun grabbers swallowed the whole apple, including the poisonous seeds therein.
Nevertheless, we need to make some calls, submit witness slips and rattle some cages.
File your witness slips here as an OPPONENT. Be advised, the anti-gun hacks have sent out emails and promoting witness slip submissions by the anti-gunners, so we need to bury them on this.
Todd Vandermyde, the NRA-ILA contract lobbyist sent us his take on this fiasco (at the bottom of this post) and makes the following observation:
It should also be noted that to date, not a single pro-gun bill has been given a hearing in either chamber. [The House and Senate Leadership] seem to be bending over backwards to give the anti-gunners their chance at getting something, all the while not letting us have a hearing or vote on any bills to protect or advance the RKBA.When you call your legislator to oppose HB-1016 or any dealer licensing scheme, it would be interesting to poise the question as to why not a single pro-gun bill is allowed to come to the floor for a debate and vote?
If you have a Democrat State Representative or State Senator and they claim to be pro-gun, call them on their leadership’s unwillingness to let pro-gun bills get free and fair votes on the floor of the House and Senate. Actions speak louder than words. Talk is cheap. Claiming to be pro-gun means nothing if they allow the leadership to continue with their anti-gun jihad against gun rights in Illinois.
From our friends at the ISRA::
THE 10-YEAR PLAN TO ELIMINATE LAWFUL GUN SALES IN ILLINOISThe ISRA warned you weeks ago that the gun-controllers planned to introduce legislation to shut down Illinois gun shops. Well folks, that day has arrived.
Late Wednesday, the gun-grabbers introduced HB1016, “The Gun Dealer Licensing Act.” Instigated by gun-hating Astronaut Mark Kelly and his wife, HB1016 would make it nearly impossible to operate a successful retail firearm dealership here in Illinois.
HB1016 consists of 42 pages of mind-numbing bureaucratic hogwash carefully crafted to obscure its objective of shuttering your favorite gun shop. The heart of HB1016 is the requirement that all firearm dealers must have a state-issued license in order to operate.
As you probably know, firearm dealers are already required to hold a Federal Firearms License (FFL). FFL holders are held to a high standard of business practices, record keeping, and inspections by federal agents. The federal licensing procedures are apparently quite effective, as it is a rare occasion that an FFL holder is found to be criminally liable for his or her actions.
The strict federal standards for gun retailers are not good enough for Illinois gun-grabbers – simply because federal law does not include an outright ban on the sale of firearms to civilians. But, then again, that is why we call gun-grabbers, “gun-grabbers.” They want to grab your guns by any means possible.
So, in steps Mark Kelly and his band of gun-grabbers to “fix” federal law by instituting a whole raft of complicated, time consuming and expensive state regulations. HB1016 is rotten to the core and a perfect example of government at its worst. We could go on page after page with what’s wrong with HB1016, but we will not. Instead, here are some of the most distasteful provisions contained within this latest attempt to take your guns away from you.
– The licensing process would be administered by a 5-member board consisting of: a police chief; a state cop; an officer of a gun control organization; a lawyer; and an FFL holder. Gun owners are entirely without representation on this board. We all know what that means.
– The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation is empowered to establish dealer licensing fees at its whim without oversight. We all know what that means.
– The Department of Financial Professional Regulation is empowered to require the completion of any written or computer-generated forms the board feels are necessary to discharge its licensing authority – including the creation of state-wide gun registration forms. Register your guns now – get them confiscated later.
– Firearm retailers will be subject to unlimited inspections by administrative authorities (you know what that means). The board may also shut down a firearm retailer at any time for “public safety” reasons (and you know what that means too).
– In order to apply for a state license, an applicant must have already worked for 5 years in a licensed gun shop. So, you cannot get into the business of dealing firearms unless you have already been in the business of dealing firearms – the perfect Catch 22.
– Any person (this means you) who transfers more than 8 guns per year must hold a state dealer license. So, even if you want to put 10 guns on consignment at a licensed gun shop, you have to hold a state dealer’s license. In order to get a state dealer’s license, you have to have an FFL and you must also have 5 years’ worth of experience working in a gun shop. Get the picture of what this bill is trying to accomplish? Under HB1016 there are only 3 ways to liquidate your gun collection: 1) Sell off no more than 8 guns per year; 2) Turn all your guns in at one of Fr. Pfleger’s guy buy-backs or; 3) Die and leave your collection to your relatives.
There are quite a number of other anti-gun gems hidden in HB1016 including establishment of arbitrary dealer qualifications, written and oral examinations, continuing education classes, and a confusing array of licensee categories. Add all these regulations up and you create a business landscape rife with pitfalls
Let’s face it, firearm retailers are, first and foremost, businessmen. They operate their shops in order to make a profit so they can feed their families and do the things in life that they enjoy. If a firearm retailer cannot make sufficient profit selling firearms, he or she will move on to some business endeavor – it’s that simple. HB1016 makes it virtually impossible for a person to make any money selling firearms. And that, friends, is the rest of the story.
If HB1016 does get signed into law, the immediate effect will be the closing of most gun shops in the state. The shops that remain open will be nothing like they were before HB1016. Costs of complying with HB1016 will add at least $100 to $200 to the price of any gun you buy. Ammunition will skyrocket in price as well. The selection of products will most likely be very limited. Remember – gun shops would be subject to closure at any time for creating a “public safety hazard.” We do not doubt for a moment that shops would be shut down for selling the “wrong” kinds of guns – and we all know what that means.
Probably the most telling language in HB1016 comes at the end of the bill where it is stated that “The Gun Dealer Licensing Act” would “sunset” in 2027. The message is clear, the authors of HB1016 figure it will take 10 years to eliminate all gun shops from Illinois and, after that, “The Gun Dealer Licensing Act” will no longer be needed.
Bottom line – HB1016 is one of the most dangerous collections of insidious threats to your gun rights that we have ever seen. As always, there is only one person who can stop HB1016 from passing – and that person is YOU.
1. Beginning Monday, May 16th start calling Senator Don Harmon’s offices at (217) 782-8176 and (708) 848-2002 and politely tell the person that answers the phone that you are a law-abiding firearm owner and that you are steadfastly opposed to Sen. Harmon’s Firearm Dealer Licensing bill.
2. Beginning Monday, May 16th, start calling Representative Kathleen Willis’ offices at (217) 782-3374 and (708) 562-6970 and politely tell the person that answers the phone that you are a law-abiding firearm owner and that you are steadfastly opposed to Rep. Willis’ Firearm Dealer Licensing bill.
3. On May 16th, contact your own State Senator and your State Representative and politely tell them that you are a law abiding firearm owner how is opposed to state licensing of firearm retailers and that you would like your State Senator and State Representative to vote against any bills that would license firearm retailers.
4. Pass this alert on to all your gun owning friends and family and tell them to make calls as well.
5. Please post this alert to any and all Internet blogs, bulletin boards and social media sites to which you may belong.
From the NRA-ILA:
Illinois: Anti-Gun Coalition Proposes Outrageous Legislation that Would Only Close Gun Stores
Yesterday, state Representative Kathleen Willis proposed an amendment to Rep. Michael Madigan’s shell bill, House Bill 1016. As we reported earlier last week, former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords joined with anti-gun Illinois legislators to announce their creation of an anti-gun coalition. While the purported intent of this coalition was to enhance “responsible business practices,” this proposed legislation only proves that their express intention is to close as many federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) as possible. House Bill 1016 is scheduled to be heard by the House Judiciary Criminal Committee on Tuesday, May 17, at 1:00pm. NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are strongly encouraged to file witness slips in opposition to this anti-gun bill. Please also contact members of the House Judiciary Criminal Committee and politely urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 1016.
TAKE ACTION! (click here)
The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) licenses and closely monitors all FFLs and strictly enforces any infringement of federal law. HB 1016 goes far beyond federal law in its mandatory regulations and red tape imposed at the state level that it would almost assuredly force the closure of most firearm dealers, and prevent prospective owners from opening new ones. This legislation seeks to create so many department divisions, anti-gun 5-member licensing boards, and licensing fees that dealers would be forced to close through oversight by anti-gun appointees or being priced out of business.
Again, it is more important than ever that NRA members and Second Amendment supporters file witness slips in opposition to this House Bill 1016. Also, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact members of the House Judiciary Criminal Committee and politely urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 1016 when it comes up for a vote.
From Illinois Carry:
Please file slips against this bill now!
Log on to the ILGA Dashboard, Create a New Account, or complete the required fields manually:I. IDENTIFICATION: Enter your personal information. Enter “NA” for the Firm/Business or Agency and Title fields unless you are officially representing an organization.
II. REPRESENTATION: Enter “Myself” unless representing an organization.
III. POSITION: Unless instructed otherwise for a particular bill leave the description field at its default value “Original Bill”. Indicate your position by selecting the “Proponent” or “Opponent” radio button.
IV. TESTIMONY: Select the “Record of Appearance Only” radio button.
If filing manually, complete the Captcha challenge and agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
Then click Create Slip.
HB1016 HFA1 – Gun Dealer Licensing Act – OPPONENT
In addition to witness slips, your State Representatives must be told that you oppose the kind of process that runs afoul of the “open government” we all desire. They must know that Illinoisans do not support their efforts to drive gun dealers out of business – that we don’t appreciate them taking their orders from out-of-town gun control groups.
They must hear this from YOU!
Please begin calling your Representatives now. Tell them to vote against HB1016 and any other, similar legislation that may be filed.
Click here for contact information, or here to search.
Witness slips can be tracked here
More analysis from Illinois Carry:
HB1016, if allowed to become law, will add layer upon layer of red tape to the process of selling firearms, red tape meant not to make society safer but designed to drive gun dealers out of business.
HB1016 stipulates that:
> Dealers must obtain permission from the local sheriff to operate their business by obtaining a statement that they are in compliance with all law
> Applicants must disclose their Social Security number
> Nonresidents may not obtain a dealer license or employee license, and cannot work in a gun store
> Family members may not participate in the family business if under age 21
> In the ultimate circular logic, applicants for a license must first have 5 years licensee experience and pass a written exam
> Employees must be licensed in the same way doctors and lawyers are licensed, including continuing education on subjects still to be defined
> Employees will be registered with the State
> Any person accused of conducting “unlicensed business” is defined as a licensee for the purpose of enforcement, investigation, and hearings
> Any person selling more than 8 firearms can be retroactively considered a dealer
> A licensee shall not be issued to locations within 500 feet of a school, preschool, or day-care facility, eliminating all possibility of gun stores in Chicago
> License fees are not limited by law
> Branch locations are forbidden without prior approval
> Penalties range as high as $10,000 for each offense, even a first offense. Penalties must be paid within 60 days with no provision for a stay pending appeal
> Unlimited, harassing examinations of records are allowed
> Establishment of a Gun Dealer Licensing Board, similar to the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board which has been the source of so many problems
> Inclusion on the Board of an anti-gun advocacy group member
> By inference, local anti-gun ordinance is codified into State Statute
> Undefined anti-theft measures are required, beyond those already implemented by the dealer
> Creation of a video record of every sale, available for inspection by State and Federal authorities, which translates to firearm registration
> Failure to live up to “social justice” requirements is a violation of the Act
> A license may be summarily suspended, without a hearing, if suspension is deemed to be in the public interest
Todd Vandermyde’s take on it:
So the “dealer licensing” bill finally gets introduced.
I actually thought that with ARS and Gabby coming in, they would get smart about how to handle this. With the number of bigger named lobbyists that have been hired, it looked that maybe this time they were going to get smart about this.No, they went full retard.We always thought the Daley bills were bad. Poorly written and thought out. This makes those look smart.This is not going to be a full run down on what is in the bill. But it is not about dealer licensing. It is not about background checks on gun store employees. Its about running them out of business. Pure plain and simple.They hate the fact that gun shops exist in Cook County. they blame them for all the ills of the City’s skyrocketing crime rate and shootings. They hate the fact that they have been unable to shut down shops like Chuck’s, Midwest and Shore Galleries.They cling to this crazy nothing that guns are coming in and going out the backdoor in some black market smuggling scheme because there is oh so much money to be made selling guns to criminals.They either refuse to understand the industry and how it and ATF actually work, or they willfully ignore all of that to spout lies and made up propaganda to push their agenda.They are playing some sort of game here where they come in the last month of session and try to run this major piece of gun control. I don’t see it having a chance of passing as is, but that doesn’t mean we let our guard down, or take things for granted.There is talk they may try a bait and switch and try to find a senate bill in the House to shorten things up. But we are ready for them. And we are mobilizing for it.It should also be noted that to date, not a single pro-gun bill has been given a hearing in either chamber. [The House and Senate Leadership] seem to be bending over backwards to give the anti-gunners their chance at getting something, all the while not letting us have a hearing or vote on any bills to protect or advance the RKBA.When you call your legislator to oppose HB-1016 or any dealer licensing scheme, it would be interesting to poise the question as to why not a single pro-gun bill is allowed to come to the floor for a debate and vote?Crank it up.
She doesn’t skip a meal.
Rule #1: Cardio.
She doesn’t have it.
Isn’t she purty?
Witness slips sent from my family. How about yours?
witness slip filed. Unfortunately I don’t have time to go to Springfield and slap people for being stupid.
Slip Sent! Sent slip alerts to others.
I am not going to criticize this Representative over her weight or looks but in my opinion her views are in conflict with the values, traditions and faith that founded this nation/state.
2A supporters are the single largest vote block in this state. We need to strongly encourage every 2A supporter and their families to get involved into the election process and vote these social justice warriors out of office.
But please remember we need an informed voter, so its up to ALL of us to try to educate 2A supporters into being informed voter.
Yeah, she has neither superficial beauty, and considering this crap that she’s introducing, she doesn’t have inner beauty either.
Come on guys, don’t stoop the childish level of liberals and attack this poor ignorant women’s appearance. Just focus on the facts and the issues. Take the high ground, its a much better place to shoot from.
I’ve seen some of you. I’ve seen some of your wives.
Methinks you shouldn’t be teasing the portly gal.
Ya know………..people in glass houses, and all that.
Sorry about the posts. He is usually in bed by now. He’s still upset about mom leaving him for a cop.
Ole dad ken was ok until mom told him that she used to be stupid…then she dumped him. He’s never been the same. So again, sorry.
This is the epitome of ignorance. Don’t you have better things to do, such as fill out witness slips for whatever side of the debate you are on?
Why yes I did fill out my witness slips, thanks for asking! Would you like to put the other foot in your mouth?
Good that you filled out the witness slips. Proud of you for doing something more than casting stories about others. If my foot is in my mouth then you must be a special kind of blessed.
I think it’s funny ken got a little ribbing. Try not to be so serious, life is short enough as is
For now, I’m unable to check the status of witness slips. How are we doing?
4491 opposed.
950ish in support.
Keep them coming.
As of Wednesday 8 am, the Judiciary-Criminal Committee on HB1016-HFA1 “recommended to be adopted” with a vote of 9 yea (all Democrats) to 6 nay (all Republicans). Witness slip count pro 963/oppose 4912. What’s next with this bill?
Why Gabby Giffords does not provide her anti-gun politic in her home state Arizona, which has much more liberal gun-law than Illinois? She has no chance over there, because there are not so much liberals lie in Illinois…