Bob Owens, the man behing – one of the best firearms rights blogs out there (right beside Concealed Nation, Gun Free Zone and The Truth About Guns) – earned himself a smear piece in a leftist publication in advance of this year’s NRA Convention which gets underway today in Louisville.
You know you’re effective when the left scorns you and hurls invective at you publicly on the webs.
From the lightly-trafficked* “RawStory” website:
Meet the big NRA sponsor who loves smearing slain black kids and their families
Donald Trump will join with his Republican colleagues Friday in addressing the National Rifle Association’s annual Institute for Legislative Action leadership forum. Bearing Arms, run by racist Bob Owens, is co-sponsor of the forum.
Look at that! They mention three hot-button anger topics for kooky leftists like Steve Bojangles: Donald Trump, Republicans and the National Rifle Association in one sentence! Trying to incite Trump Derangement Syndrome in fewer words than are in the Second Amendment.
That’s impressive.
And then they toss in the ad hominem attack against Bob Owens.
Rawstory doesn’t even know what “racism” means, but since when have facts, science, logic or reason slowed down progressive fascism?
What is their best evidence?
Just a few months after Martin was shot by George Zimmerman, Owens called him “a violent, drug-abusing thug who appeared to get off on hurting people” and “a semi-literate violent criminal.”
Well, the facts and best information we all have would suggest Mr. Martin was indeed a “a violent, drug-abusing thug who appeared to get off on hurting people” and “a semi-literate violent criminal.”
Tray-tray was indeed a poster-child for America’s young criminal class.

So, our hats are off to Bob Owens for doing a great job calling out scumbags and effectively promoting gun rights – in essence, pushing back at the far-left, gun-hating social justice activism.
His hitting back twice as hard is hurting them and they know it.
We’re proud to stand behind Bob Owens and
If it’s not one of your daily stops on the web, it should be.
Oh, and the best for last: Here are some of the thoughtful, intellectual and well-considered comments respectfully offered by the intellectual giants at Rawstory. Courtesy of The Gun Free Zone.
* Yes, is ranked in the top 1000 websites in the USA, BUT… It’s worth noting that RawStory’s website re-loaded the page constantly as I wrote this piece, effectively counting my time on their site as dozens of “visits”, which certainly appears to be effectively artificially inflating their traffic count to enhance advertising revenue.
Can you spell fraud?
It’s nothing new to the left.
I’ve seen his stories from time to time, but I’ve also seen his hyperbole-loaded writing that Trump will be the doom of the Second Amendment.
For that reason alone, I’m not that big of a fan of Bob Owens, although I’ll concede he’s a good 2A guy.