
Ah, some days you have to chuckle at the special snowflakes who think they have achieved the rank of sergeant in the social justice warrior corps.

Take Steve Bojangles, who may or may not be a real person.  He’s on Facebook throwing rhetorical firebombs, yet the people at Fecebook (yes, I spelled that right) don’t suspend his account or delete his account or anything else.  I guess it’s good for traffic.

Steve, I wish you the very best in your jihad against gun owners.  You must not believe the far left’s charges that we gun owners are basically violent lunatics merely a bad day away from going berserk and slaughtering innocent people.  You would be right, for if gun owners were as violent as gun haters say we are, logic dictates there would be no gun haters left.

We both know that you and your comrades will never get the green light from Minister Barack Hussein.  But as much as you seem to relish the thought of that day, I too relish the thought of you or your ilk trying to do the same to me and my fellow gun owners.  It would be like dropping a truckload of chlorine powder into the gene pool.

8 thoughts on “PAGING CHLORINE TO THE GENE POOL: Steve Bojangles can’t wait for he and his comrades to force their way into your home to get your guns”
  1. Yeah I’ve read in many of our local town forums this person saying the same thing. Of course he always uses a different username each time he makes his comment.

  2. Bojangles would have a hard time finding his ass in a snowstorm, unless he followed his long hair up to its roots.

    Talk’s cheap, boy.

    Why don’t you come show us how you would go about doing that, okay?


  3. ROFLMAO! When the reality of the world catches up to this boy and his comrades, are they gonna be in for a big surprise.

  4. The best thing about this boy went down the crack of his momma’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on a mattress……I think he got cheated.

  5. Must be tough when all the cute puppy causes are spoken for and you get stuck with “Confiscate 340 million legal guns from citizens”….
    Gonna be a bad day for you Bo, but please start at my house…..

    1. Guess again, Seamus.

      We’ve sold almost 250M guns since Obama Fruitcake took office.

      We had easily 300M guns before that.

      And, no, that little penis breath doesn’t get to start at your goddamn house… I’m waiting for his sorry little ass here. I’ll even queue up some banjo music so he’ll feel right at home when he walks up to the door.

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