Photo via Fortune magazine.

Katie Couric got busted for unethical reporting in her “Under the Gun” so-called documentary, and now distributor EPIX has pulled it from their streaming service.

(Fortune Magazine) – The day after news anchor Katie Couric apologized for “misleading” editing of her new documentary, Under the Gun, the movie about gun violence disappeared from the streaming library of premium cable network EPIX’s website. The movie had premiered on EPIX on May 15.

In a statement posted on the film’s website Monday evening, the Yahoo News anchor took responsibility for an edited sequence in the film that she said “misrepresented an exchange” she had with members of the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), a non-profit gun rights group. In the movie, which Couric executive produced, the veteran news anchor asks VCDL members a question regarding the ability of convicted felons and people on terror watch lists to legally purchase guns without enforced background checks. The film then includes a pause that makes the group’s members appear to have no response to the question.

Chalk one up for the good guys.

Katie Couric’s unethical reporting in this high-profile piece of agitprop should serve to end her career, but it probably won’t.

4 thoughts on “GRUMPY CAT SAYS GOOD! Katie Couric’s gun control “documentary” pulled”
  1. You’d think people with that much experience would know better, in this day and age. Don’t they learn from Dan Blather’s farce that you really can’t pull one over on people anymore? This isn’t fifty years ago when newspapers and three networks ruled the world.

  2. Now there is talk that the film makers may have committed a felony by breaking a federal firearm law when they performed an illegal private sale across state lines.

    Much like how David Gregory and his crew got a pass when he held up an illegal to possess 30 round magazine in Washington DC, I suspect that nothing will come of this for Couric and her literal partner in crime Stephanie Soechtig.

    Too bad though. It would be delightful schadenfreude to see a group of anti-gunners being prosecuted for gun violations stemming from their effort to push for more gun control. Even more fun would be to see the big mean NRA advocating on their behalf after they are prosecuted!

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