Photo via GOPUSA

When police can’t or won’t maintain the rule of law, gun owners will take it upon themselves to do so.

Just look at Ferguson, Missouri.  After days of rioting, looting and arson by “protesters” completely unchecked by local police ordered to stand back and watch as thugs destroyed property, gun owners showed up and took positions on rooftops with their police patrol-type rifles.

Photo via

The St. Louis County police chief threatened to arrest them for providing security without a license, but his empty threats fell on deaf ears as these heroes volunteered their services and in one day these men stopped the orgy of looting and arson.  Someone should have told the chief that volunteers don’t need licenses.

Now, across America, emboldened opponents of Donald Trump’s presidential run are becoming increasingly violent towards Trump supporters.  And in San Jose yesterday, we saw what can happen when the police won’t enforce the rule of law.

Photo via Photo via Photo via

Even the mainstream media couldn’t help but notice the horrific acts that happened yesterday in San Jose, California.  The Democrat mayor justified the wanton violence by saying, “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign.”


Police in San Jose stood by, literally, while mobs of Mexican flag waving thugs assaulted Trump supporters with fists, bottles and all manner of objects.  In one instance, as many as a dozen San Jose police officers held the door closed on a blonde woman attacked by a crowd of a hundred or more.  Then CNN Reporter Sara Murray actually had the gall to blame the locked-out victim for the attack upon her – as if expressing her support for a political candidate is grounds for physical attack from a mob.

What’s next?  Will Sara Murray blame a rape victim for wearing a short skirt for her rape?
Here’s the deal:  If Trump-hating thugs want to attack Trump supporters with physical violence on public streets at campaign events, either the police will take action to restore order or card-carrying good guys will do so.  Gun owners will not stand by and watch mobs of thugs attack innocent life and threaten them with death or great bodily injury.




24 thoughts on “WHEN POLICE WON’T PROTECT US… Brazen violence against Trump supporters will not end well”
    1. Jan, lick me?

      N.B.: Heretofore, my comments have all been factual, and supported by cogent argument or reference to contemporaneous news stories, including links when available.

      All your attacks on me are ad hominem. PERSONAL. NOT factual.

      you people are supposed to be the GOOD GUYS, but you’re as DUMB, illiterate and inarticulate as the bleeding heart lib gun-grabbers.

      N.B.: My Memorial Day weekend was lovely. We honored a couple of family HEROES (my family STARTED this country, you johnny-come-latelies!). We popped off a BUNCH of rounds. I shot my new pea-shooter (A GUN, KK[K]) and we destroyed some paper targets, ate some good food and managed, miracle of miracles, NOT to be killed by some despicable brown-shirt COP/KILLER.

    2. Ken, you are a cop-hater. A foaming at the mouth cop hater with a seriously delusional view of the world. If I didn’t know any better, I think you maybe thrive on the conflict you create. A troll, in other words.

      Yes, police “followed orders” in San Jose and acted shamefully, but that doesn’t make all cops bad people.

    3. … any more than your antics make all guys (and gals) named ken despicable at times.

    4. Wow Kenboy,looks like another nerve was struck. You don’t have a solid argument,do you resort to a “lick me. ” I can only imagine the utter joy it brings people when you leave a room.

      You are the poster child of those that can dish it out,but can’t take it.

    5. Jan, you’re not even cute!

      You say, “we thought the 4th pic came from your family reunion.”

      I retort: “Lick me.”

      You say, “you don’t have a solid argument….”

      Baby, just give ‘er a lick, you’ll find out how SOLID my argument is!! Bwahahahahha

      Sorry, gentler gender, but ya gotta give me that one! She really is asking for it (and I don’t know how short is her mini-skirt!).

      Now SHUT UP, get back in the kitchen and make me a sammich.

      Oh, and Dys? You too!

      I may be a cop-hater (heck, I’ve even given in and will admit to being a racist – cause you can’t say A THING related to the races without BEING a racist nowadays! “um, I don’t think you should be stealing that old woman’s purse, son!” “Thass raacissssss!!!!!!!!”), but you still haven’t refuted a SINGLE one of my arguments, or commented on how the COPS are wantonly murdering the civilians.

      Don’t worry, estimable circle-jerkers! Your day is coming soon. ARe you ready?

    6. I’m guessing your an old lonely man to invite a perfect stranger to “lick it.”

      I’m seeing now why your wife/girlfriend ran off with a cop. I’m sure you’ll rebound though since you’re such a prize catch! LOL

  1. America is watching this. And we have a long memory.

    Even people I know who aren’t all that involved are appalled at these illegals waving the Mexican flag while attacking Trump supporters.

    You’re right, John. This will not end well.

    And the semi-literate police chief who can’t even spell “Amendment”? An affirmative action hire by a low-information politician, no doubt.


    We’re going to make America great again.


    1. I have been a Trump supporter since Day 1, but all we can hope is that he doesn’t betray us like George Bush did. Let us hope that he doesn’t get into the Oval Office and become enamored of the hollyweirdness of it all.

      If he does, it’s all over for us.

      If he does not, he can put America on the path to greatness again.

      I’m a single-issue voter this time around, really. It’s the borders. It’s “build the wall,” and “eject all the illegals,” which is the first step. If we kick out ten or twenty million illegals, the social welfare programs’ budgets will be refreshed. The social programs will be used, perhaps, for those who really NEED. The illegal sare a net drain, every honest reporter knows that. Get rid of them, keep the terrorists out, and we’ll get somewhere.

      I am afraid of him, because of all of his flip-flops, though. He’s like a fickle little girl (Jan?) who’s entertaining people at a party.

      This time, I’m holding my nose and voting.

    2. mental midget ken-boy has been a Trump supporter since “Day-1”, yet he is going to “hold his nose and vote”?

      seems to me ol’ mental midget ken-boy is seriously mentally deficient! I have to hold my nose every time he is posting, wish he would get on the banned list again, but I guess it is instructive to see what the hate-filled mentally ill are spouting

    3. You wanna compare c.v.’s, mental midget?

      How many degrees do YOU have?

      I happen to be a doctor. And “Ken” may or may not be my real name.

      Take that, hick.

      And yeah, what you say is true, Trump is NOT the best man for the job, but right now he’s the ONLY man for the job.

      Say your house is burning and the 5′ lil girl on the F.D. shows up. You gonna turn her down cause she’s the only one who showed up? No. You take what you get. And this time around The Donald is it.

      All we can do is hope he does ANY of what he’s promising. Thus will start a NEW BREED of Conservative, and the next time around, maybe 8 years down the road, a TRUE CONSERVATIVE can take over. Someone like a Ronald Reagan.

      Yeah, I’d much prefer to have a Reagan ALL THE TIME, but that’s not how our corrupt system works, is it?

      Ban me, it’s censorship and you can carry on with your circle-jerk unimpeded.

    4. Ohhhhh,kenboy had his feelings hurt. Shame on us for calling his racist/sexiest self out!

    5. I think Jan just complimented me!

      Thanks, toots!

      Gawd, how DUMB do you have to be to make a mistake like that? Jan-dumb!

      Honey, no wives run AWAY with cops. They run FROM THEM! Bwahahahahahaha

    6. No kenboy, I’m guessing your wife found something that you weren’t providing!!! LOL.

      Next time,let the adults do the talking. You can stay in your fetal position and be afraid of the cops! Hahahahaha

    7. Janny-honey!

      Since this has devolved into you calling me names, I’ll let you have the last word – go for it.

      No wife, sorry, honey. Nobody left me for a cop.

      It’s simple: I detest what cops are doing and getting away with nowadays. You prefer to lick cop sack. Okay, we get it.

      Now come back and call me some name again, though you don’t know me.

      And hereafter, you refer to me as Dr. Kenboy, okay, wench? Now make me a sammich.

    8. Oh my little mental midget kenboy, just because you say you’re a doctor doesn’t mean that you are one. We will have to make you take your nap since you get so grumpy. Hahahahaha

      And no sandwiches for you. People that work for a living may have a sandwich. That’s not you.

    9. LOL, Jan I love it! Ken-boy has to change pants since he probably wet himself by now! It’s nice to see others really serving him up for a change. Unfortunately, his only comeback to you is sexual acts and sexist remarks.

      And we all know he isn’t a doctor, he’s barely a gun supporter. I’m guessing he’s a Hillary supporter trolling the site to feel important.

  2. This is CA, so card carrying good guys are hard to find. If this is how they are acting now, before Trump is elected, what will happen when he is?! Something tells me those attacks/riots will be far worse. At that point, CCW (permission slip) or not, you best be heavily armed, accurate and absolutely ready to kill these violent thugs. Good luck and stay safe!

  3. Oh my little mental midget kenboy, just because you say you’re a doctor doesn’t mean that you are one. We will have to make you take your nap since you get so grumpy. Hahahahaha

    And no sandwiches for you. People that work for a living may have a sandwich. That’s not you.

  4. is this Hitler all over again?
    From 1931 to 1933, the Nazis combined terror tactics with conventional campaigning – Hitler criss-crossed the nation by air, while SA troops paraded in the streets, beat up opponents, and broke up their meetings.

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