Just as we posted yesterday, even the mainstream media can’t help but report on the political violence inflicted upon peaceful Trump supporters at rallies across America.

The atrocious events of Friday in San Jose would seem to have been the worst so far, but increasing violence by the left’s self-appointed brown shirts continues to be the norm.

And as I wrote yesterday, unrestrained violence against peaceful Trump supporters will not go unanswered if the police won’t enforce the rule of law upon troublemakers and violent hooligans.

The violence and its ramifications not gone unnoticed.

From Evan Halper at the LA Times:

The violence at Donald Trump’s rally is unwelcome news for Democrats

(Noah Berger / Associated Press)

The violent protests that erupted outside Donald Trump’s rally in San Jose on Thursday night, which included punches thrown, eggs pelted and Trump supporters’ hats stolen off their heads and set ablaze, are likely to have political fallout for Democrats.

Indeed it will have political fallout.  Americans see this thugish behavior by those trying to impose a heckler’s veto on peaceful political gatherings as fundamentally un-American.  Halper doesn’t really cover this aspect of it, but then again, he’s writing in the LA Times.

Barger isn’t the only one writing about this.

From Jonah Goldberg at the Trump-loathing National Review:

by Jonah Goldberg
…the violent protests at Trump’s rally.


The Violence Double Standard

I think my record is fairly clear that I am not Donald Trump’s most committed supporter. Indeed, compared with me, Paul Ryan looks positively euphoric in his hostage-video endorsement of Trump. (How funny would it have been if the AP kept the camera rolling as Ryan took off his mic and he yelled to an aide “Can someone call Corey Lewandowski and tell him he can release my family now!?”)

And yet, it’s an absolute no-brainer for me that these goons, thugs, and morons in California must be condemned for their violent tactics yesterday.

I don’t believe that all violence is equal. I subscribe to the William F. Buckley line on such moral equivalence. As Bill put it, if one man pushes old ladies in front of buses and another pushes old ladies out of the way of oncoming buses, you cannot describe them both as the sorts of men who “push old ladies around.” Well, actually you could describe them that way, but what you gained in technical accuracy would be offset in moral vapidity.

But in a democracy the rules are different. In political contests there are no such things as fighting words. The state has a monopoly on force, and when activists violate that monopoly, the state has a right to stop it, gently if possible, forcibly if necessary.

When Trump encouraged violence at his rallies — and he did — the media rightly condemned him for it. They went further than that, actually. They openly fretted about the health of our political system and the threat Trump posed to it. Personally, I think the rhetoric of those concerns was at times overblown, but the underlying concerns were entirely valid. I think Trump is an irresponsible demagogue and his supporters who use violence are goons.

[GSL Editor:  Remember, Trump haters love to play up trivial instances as something significant, when in the grand scheme of things, mole-hills never become mountains despite the best efforts of some.  Instead, mole hills get stepped upon and squashed as insignificant.]

But the social-justice-warrior shock troops attacking Trump’s supporters are no better.

[GSL Editor:  Goldberg is calling the physical attacks by rabid mobs burning the American flag, carrying the Mexican flag, hurling fists, bottles and all manner of objects at police and Trump supporters with Trump calling for troublemakers to be ejected into the cold without their coats?  Wow.  That’s about as morally and intellectually vapid as Gov. Nikki Haley comparing Trump’s rhetoric with the racist spree killer who shall remain unnamed.]

And yet, the response from the same media figures has been, shall we say, more muted. An editor at Vox even seems to think rioting is a legitimate weapon in political discourse, when aimed at the right target.

(This is the same outlet that treated Trump’s encouragement of violence quite differently, indeed as a “threat to democracy itself.”)

…My only disagreement here is that I don’t think this started in the ’60s or ended in the ’80s. I think it’s safe to say that few left-wing labor historians — by which I mean nearly all labor historians — treat the various labor riots a century ago as outrageous violations of the rule of law. The 1992 LA riots — widely described as a “rebellion” by riot ideologists — were routinely cited as a justification for vast new spending on HUD and the expansion of the Community Reinvestment Act, which contributed to the financial crisis of 2008.

Of course, left-wing rioting isn’t simply a cynical political tactic for the Left, it’s also a modern expression of political romanticism. (emphasis added)  Remember when the mayor of Baltimore matter-of-factly said, “We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

Nor is it just rioting — Political violence has always been graded on a curve. I don’t want to eat out of Jay Nordlinger’s food bowl, but if the Left considered all violence, including cold-blooded murder, as categorically and unequivocally evil, Che Guevara onesies would not exist, O.J. Simpson would have been thrown in jail 20 years ago, and Hillary Clinton would never have been so sympathetic to the Black Panthers.


Shed a Tear for the Tea Parties

It’s no exaggeration to say that this double standard amounts to a profound moral rot in our politics. I don’t need to cite chapter and verse about how the profoundly peaceful and law-abiding Tea Party movement was treated as a proto-fascist army of vigilantes while the Occupy movement was seen as a heartwarming expression of authentic people power. Never mind that violence was far more endemic to the Occupy movement. Left-wing youth, particularly minority youth, who threaten and intimidate people and destroy property, are seen as expressing their righteous passion. Right-wing youth who do likewise are terrifying harbingers of fascism and authoritarianism.  (emphasis added)

My own view is that anyone who engages in such tactics should be condemned. And, if you actually read Liberal Fascism, you’d know that I think the ideologies driving such behavior on both the left and the right are more similar than different.

And that is what is so frightening about where we may be heading. And it is why I am so heartbroken by the failure of the Tea Parties.

As Glenn Reynolds noted last March, the liberals and moderates wetting themselves over Trump blew it when they allowed the Tea Parties to be smeared and demonized as racist. (emphasis added)  They were cheerful, patriotic, law-abiding, and principled. Their agenda, for the most part (every movement has knuckleheads) upheld the very best ideals of this country: constitutionalism, limited government, and, in terms of policy, living within our means without overtaxing the most productive economy in human history. Sure, there were opportunists and rabble rousers at some rallies, but given fair treatment and responsible leadership, the Tea Party was the ideal vessel for a populism-infused movement to rein in government responsibly.

Responding to David Brooks’s column about the Trump movement, Reynolds wrote:

When politeness and orderliness are met with contempt and betrayal, do not be surprised if the response is something less polite, and less orderly. (emphasis added)  Brooks closes his Trump column with Psalm 73, but a more appropriate verse is Hosea 8:7 ‘For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.’ Trump’s ascendance is a symptom of a colossal failure among America’s political leaders, of which Brooks’ mean-spirited insularity is only a tiny part. God help us all.


So now the de facto leader of the Republican party is a “counter-puncher,” and his fans love him for it (he’s also just a punch-firster — and a low-blow puncher at that — and if you can’t see that, it’s probably because you’re enthralled in resentment or his cult of personality).

Through innuendo, insinuation, and sometimes outright incitement Trump is fighting fire with fire.

The Center Crumbles

The Tea Parties were not a white identity-politics movement. But liberal elites treated it as such and now we’ve got the beginnings of one. And while I’d be happy to engage in a debate about who started it, I don’t think it’s necessary because it’s so frickin’ obvious. Moreover, as any parent knows, identifying who started unacceptable behavior is not an exercise in excusing unacceptable behavior (no matter how much Trump thinks “He started it!” is a justification for any calumny, including suggesting that Ted Cruz’s father was in on the Kennedy assassination). If two brothers are throwing rocks at each other, you might punish Timmy more for starting it, but you wouldn’t tell Tommy it’s okay to have rock fights.

And this points to why the anti-Trump protesters are such monumental morons. Every time they live down to our expectations, they stoke the coal in the Trump Train’s furnace. (emphasis added)   The ultimate result of the 1968 Democratic convention riots was to get Richard Nixon elected. And as sure as shinola you can expect the Left to start talking about how such violence is justified. Indeed, they already have.

9 thoughts on “LEFT’S BROWN SHIRTS: Americans unimpressed with political violence against Trump supporters”
  1. I find Joker Goldberg to be another RINO apologist for the GOP establishment in the mold of George Will-less and Charlie the Hammer and the insufferable Billy Kristol. They express the profoundly myopic viewpoint of “We didn’t get our way, and all you rubes who vote for Trump are spoiling our party”. If those ass clowns had resisted Obama as hard as they have trashed Trump, we would not have had 2 terms of the worst president in the history of our country. I hope all those allegedly establishment profound thinkers leave the country and go ruin some other nation with their lockstep DEEP thinking. I have found the majority of the GOP establishment to be as philosophically deep as a parking lot puddle after a brief rain shower.

  2. These thugs are Hillary’s voting base, the parasites and illegals. She will sell out every aspect of this country to get what she wants. If she gets elected I guarantee that violent crime in this country at the hands of those she is pandering to will explode. You think the current idiot is bad, she will make him look like a savior. God help this country.

  3. All or most of the states are broke and eventually millions of these Hilary parasites will have the “entitlement rug” pulled out from under them due to lack of funds to support these entitlement programs…..unfortunately theses disorganized grabastic pieces of amphibian shit won’t just disappear, they will become desperate as no more food stamps will be given out as well as all the other safety nets that the democrats created for them will be gone too.
    that’s when the thin veil that holds society together will be start to rip away and that’s when crime will explode out of control…..why do you think folks are buying guns and ammo at record rates and I don’t think it’s because Obama is the “best gun salesman ever”….he is just another symptom of a much larger problem…..the good news is we(the good guys and ladies) have more guns than the gun grabbing idiots in government and their parasitic constituency have….this may sound cruel but it will be a blood bath before it’s all over…..as the Rambo character said in the last movie…..Live for nothin’….or die…. for somethin’……your call.

  4. The welfare benefits will be the last thing our government pays before going under. We’ve already seen huge reductions in defense spending so we can pay for welfare benefits to non-productive citizens.

    Democrats (and RINOs) will spend our last dollar to buy votes, future generations be damned.


  5. When Trump wins, the Left’s violence will explode. The Federal employee labor unions, the media and the corrupt “elite” will do anything to preserve their power and wealth. The adversaries we face today are every bit as arrogant, dangerous and ruthless as what we faced in WW2. This is going to be much harder than most people think…

  6. Good news, Rep. Wilson was right about Obamama. Illegal aliens ARE getting medical care under Obamamacare.

  7. It’s time to clean my tools and stuff magazines.

    My trunk shotgun got a new playmate yesterday: an AR15.

    I can think of a lot of things that will cure Trump Derangement Syndrome. The fastest cure is hot lead for the violent ones.

    We have talked about Obama creating a private army to stifle our rights. Are these thugs it?

  8. the Brown shirts will care when concealed carriers protects themselves, this is the Democratic party at its best, wake up people it’s now us against them time, if we do, we fall into the bas***d Democrats hands for more weapons control, pick out the leadership and accidently put names on the Web

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