by John Boch

Gun control has a long, sordid history of being used to keep the “undesirables” disarmed, and helpless in the face of oppression and unjust treatment in these United States.

Chicago is just one of those such places.  The Democrat Machine has used gun control to keep African-Americans dependent upon government for their safety and security for generations.  Through laws prohibiting possession of guns, or prohibiting certain types of guns (including affordable guns), or banning guns in certain places, government officials keep those they deem undesirable from the ability to protect and defend their own families.

These politicians, of course, exempt themselves from these rules and regulations.

We thought with the passage of Illinois’ new right-to-carry law, and with it the invalidation of local rules and regulations on handgun ownership and possession, that our state had moved significantly closer to universal gun rights for everyone.

Old habits die hard though.

At a recent Chicago gun buyback, we spent nearly an hour watching as every white person with guns got turned away while blacks with similar quantities and types of guns were welcomed with open arms.


We can’t help but think that the purpose of Chicago’s “buy back” events are to pull guns out of the crime-riddled black communities in Chicago – from the very same law-abiding people who have the most to gain from the proven benefits of firearms ownership.

Yes, that old .32 Smith & Wesson break-top revolver or that affordable .38 Special revolver might not shoot a perfectly or fire the ideal self-defense cartridges, but when pointed at a violent criminal predator, they can prove themselves priceless at saving precious innocent lives and thwarting crime almost every time.

Cook County’s “catch and release” program for violent criminal predators continues to fail as evidenced by skyrocketing violent crime.  Judges in Chicago compare some of these neighborhoods to the lion’s den at the Brookfield Zoo.  Fewer and fewer cops patrol the mean streets of Chicago, and those cops that do find themselves hamstrung by more regulation and second-guessing from politicians and attacks from social justice warriors.

It’s no wonder gun ownership continues to skyrocket in Illinois, up from just shy of 1.2 million Firearm Owner Identification cardholders at Barack Obama’s first inauguration to just over 2 million today.

Chicago’s political leaders don’t want law-abiding residents to own the means with which to protect themselves from the predatory criminals that are frequently arrested and then re-released to continue to prey on their neighbors once more.

They seem to prefer them helpless to the oppression of America’s criminal class…  and Chicago’s Democrat machine politicians.

5 thoughts on “CHICAGO: Still Keeping Blacks Disarmed”
  1. The difference between a citizen and a subject is the citizen has the means to defend ones self against predators and a tyrannical government and the subject relies on that government for protection. The Democrats of Chicago want subjects not citizens. They want the population totally reliant upon the “services”-food stamps-welfare-subsidized housing- only they can provide and thus keeping the population enslaved. They stay in office by offering more and more freebies at the expense of the actual working population.

  2. Paraphrase;
    Chief Justice Taney said in his concerning opinion to the majority in Dread Scott that Blacks were not citizens because citizens could keep and carry arms including across state lines.

    From that statement we can assume at least 2 things.

    (1)Citizens have a right to KABA and restrictions prohibiting carrying weapons are unconstitutional.

    92) Chicago is still clinging to the institution of slavery

  3. Ya know, if the good black folk would stand up and speak out against the bad apples in their midst in Chicago, they might not have to live in fear of crazy violence. Turning in their guns isn’t going to reform the predatory criminals. Only life in prison or death in a gutter will fix them.

    So long as they live on “the gun control plantation” as you’ve called it in the past, they are doomed as a whole.

  4. Our nation is on the verge of a total social and economic collapse. Our government leaders NO longer serve the people.

    The 14th amendment was supposed to have solved this problem. Instead we are all slaves of the state

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