
Know your enemy.

ISIS, the goat-humping Muslim terror group, has published a statement praising the Orlando Muslim terrorist and praising his choice of the gay nightclub for an attack as “a very smart choice”.

The statement specifically called for targeting the following venues:

  • Movie theaters
  • Hospitals
  • Airports
  • Trains
  • Amusement parks
  • Restaurants
  • Gay nightclubs

Also, past terrorist statements have suggested attacking:

  • Schools
  • Shopping Malls
  • Sporting event venues

The current statement also encouraged the use of poisons and gases in their attacks.

Go forth and be prepared, not afraid.  Be prudent but enjoy life.

And remember, the best Muslim terrorist is a dead Muslim terrorist.

13 thoughts on “FAIR WARNING: Muslim terror group outlines American targets for jihadi attacks.”
  1. Sex toy shops also?

    I like your ISIS flag. The only thing missing are the assorted farm animals.

  2. Why don’t they pick on someone who can fight back?

    Oh, that’s right: they are cowards.

  3. Bury those terrorists who attack in America in a pig carcass. That will test thier religious zealotry.

  4. For those of you out there who love a good book, i HIGHLY reccomend “Day of Wrath” by William R Forstchen (author of One Second After).

    Like the Muslim attacks at Beslan, I consider this book to be an instruction manual for coming events. They WILL hit us again, and with increasing strength in our most vulnerable locations – public schools.

    I HIGHLY recommend each of you read this, and develop action plans accordingly.

    (Disclaimer: I have no connection with the author or stand to make any financial gain from the sale of this book – I was just really moved by it and I think the likely-hood of an organized terror attack on our schools is all but an absolute certainty at this point. The POTG need to be talking about this.)

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