Missouri Governor Jay Nixon.  Photo via Bookriot.com
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. Photo via Bookriot.com

Missouri got concealed carry less than fifteen years ago when they brought in one of their legislators from Guantanamo Bay to cast the deciding vote to over-ride then-governor Holden’s veto.

Yesterday, Democrat (surprise!) Governor Jay Nixon vetoed a constitutional carry bill that would also allow a common sense expansion of the right to use force in self-defense.

He let it sit on his desk for the full 45 days, waiting until the last day to veto a bill that passed with overwhelming, bi-partisan (and veto-proof) majorities back in May.

The veto is expected to be overridden in September.

(FoxNews) – Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has vetoed a bill that would have let people carry concealed guns without a permit and expanded their right use weapons in self-defense.

Nixon said the bill “would make Missouri more dangerous” by relaxing current safeguards for concealed guns. The Democratic governor vetoed the measure Monday.

The Republican-led Legislature could try to override his veto during a September session.

The bill would allow most people to carry concealed guns even if they haven’t gone through the training required for permits.

It would create a “stand-your-ground” right, meaning people don’t have retreat from danger any place they are legally entitled to be present. The bill also would expand the “castle doctrine” by allowing invited guests such as baby sitters to use deadly force if confronted in homes.

9 thoughts on “STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES: Missouri’s governor vetoes Constitutional Carry”
    1. How’s that?

      The REPUBLICANS will override the commie dumbocrat’s veto and they’ll have Constitutional Carry.

      How’s that “falling down on the job???????????”

  1. Vetoed something that helps good people and makes criminals’ lives more dangerous? Must be a Democrat. Wouldn’t want to piss off his constituency.

  2. Nothing even GSL could have done this time with that democrat. There will be a veto-proof override late this year.

    And, unless they can buy enough votes in STL and KC with the BLM crowd, I suspect there will be a new governor next election.

  3. Did he just pull his finger out of his ass to sample the direction the wind is blowing? Or maybe it was so he had room to put his head back up there.

  4. He’s using that finger to identify how many brain cells he’s using to process information about guns. Or, give the number of how many “original ideas” he has had in his life.

  5. Look guys, these liberals are not stupid, they are willfully ignorant. Big difference! They have an agenda, and they will pursue that agenda at all costs, even their career. There are a couple of things I can’t understand without sounding like a conspiracy theorist;
    1. What kind of agenda is so important that a politician would pursue it with reckless abandon, even to their own detriment?
    2. Who has the power to force these politicians to commit political suicide for an agenda? We’re talking politicians, they have no moral compass, they only seek money or power.

    These guys, like Jay Nixon, are not sticking their finger in the air, because if they did, they would all be conservatives.The winds of conservatism are blowing all over the world right now, people have had enough. No, somebody has his nuts in a vise and is applying pressure.
    So who is it; Soros?, Bloomberg? Who is the puppet master?

    1. Small nuts like Nixon’s are hard to find, much less put in a vise.

      Nixon’s a weasel.

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