As is the case, given some time and investigation, additional information has surfaced about the recent deaths of two men shot and killed by police in recent days.

A whole lot of Americans have seen video from both incidents, with Mr. Castile’s girlfriend streaming his death live on Facebook and Mr. Sterling’s death caught on a couple of videos.

Castile shot while reaching for his CCW license?  Hardly.

Mr. Castile’s case has a lot of gun owners across America concerned because the woman in the video says he had a concealed carry license and how he was merely reaching for his wallet when shot four times.  She also claimed the car was stopped for a broken tail light.

Let’s look at the facts that have since emerged.  The Conservative Treehouse has done an outstanding job investigating.

On July 2, a convenience store located not even four blocks from where Mr. Castile got shot by police was robbed.  Two black males were caught on video.  Mr. Castile looks remarkably similar to one of the robbers.

Police are on a recording saying they were going to do a traffic stop on Mr. Castile’s car because he matched the description of one of the armed robbers.

In the post-shooting video, as Mr. Castile is bleeding out, his girlfriend claims that her “husband” was reaching for his CCW, however he’s listed as single in social media.  She claimed they were stopped for a broken tail light, however the stop was conducted during the afternoon (daylight for those in Rio Linda) and both tail lights work just fine.  The sheriff said Mr. Castile has never applied for, much less received a CCW license.  Castile is a Crip gang member with a criminal history.





One and the same man?  The bottom two are positively the same person.


Photos courtesy The Conservative Treehouse.



Alton Sterling:  Not a sterling reputation

The Gateway Pundit has some information about Mr. Sterling, who got himself shot resisting the police in Baton Rouge.  He was no pillar of the community, unless you’re talking the criminal community.

Felon, Pedophile and Deadbeat Dad #AltonSterling Shot Dead After Wrestling with Police – DOJ to Investigate (VIDEO)

Photo via Gateway Pundit

Alton was in possession of a gun despite being a convicted felon.
He was a pedophile and deadbeat dad.

He wrestled with police before he was shot.
Alton Sterling was pedophile and deadbeat dad who owed $25,000 in child support – not exactly the good “father of five.”

Mike Cernovich asks – Why did felon Alton Sterling have a gun?Why did convicted pedophile #AltonSterling have a gun? Was he going to stick up little kids and rape them again?— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 6, 2016

In addition to being a convicted pedophile, #AltonSterling had active warrants for his involvement in gun running.— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 6, 2016

57 thoughts on “NOT GOOD MEN: Philando Castile & Alton Sterling”
  1. Shhhhh-don’t tell Ken. Facts might get in the way of his moronic rants.

    So the woman’s “husband” gets shot, and the first thing she wants to do is stream it on Fecebook? If this was a totally awful cop, wouldn’t she be concerned for her life instead of worrying about recording and broadcasting it?

    Something/many things are wrong with society.

    1. Not even the first thing lol…… the girl was removed before she started filming indicating some time had passed. Something smells fishy

    2. When you are black, and are constantly profiled by police–stopped so many times, you have already lost count–you practice what to do. It’s a talk every black parent has with their black child. Move slowly. Say sir. Stay calm, very calm. Be respectful. Don’t make sudden moves. Do what they tell you. Phil did all those things, and still, he was shot. Diamond Reynolds knew that if she did nothing, Phil’s life would have been lost and the officer could claim he drew a gun, which Diamond knew to be untrue. Her eerie calm is part shock and part warrior. If your partner had been shot for no reason, and you knew that the risk was there, I hope you would have the courage to do what she did–to fight for justice for your beloved.

  2. So black people with criminal pasts are lying about what happened? Inconceivable, I’m sure the president will make a statement condemning the police before all the facts are in because that makes so much more sense. These poor criminals, getting shot for committing crimes and having guns they aren’t allowed to have. I surprised she didn’t claim he was on his knees begging for his life. This BLM bullshit has to stop. This idiot president has steered this country into a race war.

    1. So, since the president DIDN’T condem the police, where can I find your letter of apology to the president?

  3. Wow. I made it in before our resident cop-hater “ken”! Or maybe John hit him over the head with the ban hammer again.

    I’ve been stopped by police with my CCW and not only did he not shoot me four times, he didn’t even take the pen out of his strong-side hand. I didn’t get a ticket either.

    If you act and dress like a decent human being, you generally get treated as such. You act and dress like a hoodlum, well… you can end up like these two if you ignore the commands from police in tense moments.

    Good shoots. Glad our friends in blue made it home that night and hopefully they won’t lose too much sleep over taking out the trash.

    1. My experience with getting stopped and having my firearm and CCW is the same as yours, no big deal.

    2. Unless you think that being black means you don’t “act and dress like a decent human being,” Phil was just fine. He had just gotten his hair cut for his birthday this coming weekend. He was wearing a clean white t-shirt. He was returning from the grocery store with his girlfriend and her little girl in the car. He was racially profiled. After he was shot, one officer comforted another while he still held the girlfriend at gunpoint and Phil–our school’s kind, gentle, responsible Philando, our kid’s “Cafeteria Gentleman,” went into hydrostatic shock. If he had been white, he would not be dead. I am white, and have friends of color and we know that is true.

    3. Your school should be investigated for hiring a someone with PUBLIC past gang affiliations to work within proximity of children. Disgraceful. The internet is forever.

    4. The things is THE LAW, which is what LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are charged with enforcing, does not pertain to sartorial or linguistic choices. It deals with crime. If you choose to be a police officer, you have to be intellectually disciplined enough to understand that and carry out your job by operating under those guidelines. If you are mentally incapable of doing so, you should choose another line of work.

    1. Bob:

      Follow the link to The Conservative Treehouse. There are links there to all of the sources they are citing. I wouldn’t post it if I wasn’t confident in the sourcing and the information.

      Expect some pushback from those who are uneasy with the truth destroying the media and political narrative.


    2. Says JB, who once posted a BLARING, GLARING HEADLINE that Washington’s ban on weapons had been OVERTURNED by the D.C.Circuit Court of Appeals, when………..IT HAD NOT BEEN.

      And when I pointed it out, politely, of course…….crickets.

      Yeah, J.B., you really are an ethical journalist! No retraction? No apology? Ken’s a “special snowflake,” indeed! At least I don’t make up shite to get eyeballs!

      On the other hand, you’re looking prettier and prettier every day, man. You workin’ out?

    3. His CCW was not issued by Ramsey County. It was issued in Hennepin County. Permits in MN are issued by the county sheriff, not the state.

      “For Minnesota residents, individuals may obtain permits to carry a pistol by submitting an application and other related documentation to the sheriff in the county where the applicant resides.”

    4. Snopes, the online debunking site, has debunked everything conservative Treehouse said.

    5. No, Snopes didn’t debunk anything.

      As usual, they provided the adjacent strawman defense, and took things out of context.

      Further, “a source” is not a verifable fact.

      Who is the source? Obama, Hillary, Comey?

  4. Regarding Castile:

    I just looked at these accusations from another crap article making the same points. The mug shot is from an arrest based on not paying a fine for a Driving After Revocation ticket.

    His carry permit(assuming he has one) mostly invalidates the BS accusation of being a Crip. People in Minnesota’s gang database can’t get carry permits. The sheriff didn’t say he didn’t have one, just that his office didn’t issue one. The news is reporting that it was issued in the next county over.

    And the security camera footage kind of screams “They all look alike to me!”.

    Castile is a productive citizen who–at a minimum–passed a background check to work for the school district.

    1. Did you not visit his social media pages where he’s flashing gang signs and joining at least one pro-Crip group?

      The arrest photo is nothing but an arrest photo. I don’t have one. Most CCWs don’t have one. Reportedly he’s been arrested plenty of times, primarily for driving issues (as in no license).

      I don’t know many CCWs with revoked driver’s licenses either. I’m sure it happens, but not often.

    2. I know permit holders with DUIs and revoked licenses. Castile has a record, but it’s 100% nonviolent. The only thing that isn’t traffic is a public nuisance obstruction of a public street in 2008.

      And Crips don’t wear red shirts, like he was in one of the “proof” pictures.

    3. We don’t have Crips in St. Paul. He would have been a Selbysider or a West-sider, and he is not. Crips don’t wear red. His carry permit was from Robbinsdale, which is a suburb of Minneapolis, the twin city to st. Paul.

    4. Jason, you’ve made the classical alien error of assuming there was intelligent life here.

      you’ve stumbled upon a group of cop-worshipers! They’ll **** a cop just to get a pat on the back!

      Don’t try to CONFUSE Them, or even CLOUD their judgment with FACTS, it’ll get you nowhere.

      But, well said, sir, well said.

    5. I’m glad to see some reason here. Crips do not where red. Crips also maintain a higher level of secrecy than posers. I’ve worked with youth in gangs for 12 years, I would know. This guy had a permit. This guy was non violent. If you look hard enough at anyone you will find something to smear them-doesn’t have to be a criminal record. The people demonizing this young man are pretty ridiculous. I cannot believe people so devoid of critical thinking skills are allowed to vote. Regardless of his petty mistakes, what happened was wrong. Are all cops this way, ABSOLUTELY NOT. I interact daily with amazing police who, for the record, object to how Philandos situation was handled. They may not feel as strongly as I do, but they object. You can see that this was outrageous and still support our men in blue. It doesn’t make you a bad American, it makes you a good one. Lastly, if people cannot take the discussion of race with this then fine. If you remove race, we still have a major problem-this guy cannot act with impunity. A crime was committed against an innocent civilian. If any of us killed someone who was not a threat, we would absolutely go to prison. This officer should be tried. Fortunately for those on this site that do not believe in the rule of law (even though you claim to) the officer will likely face no punishment at all. Impunity.

    6. was he working for a school district? I thought he was working for a Montessori school, isn’t that a private school? And if so, can they hire anyone they want without such rigid guidelines as a public school? Also, did anyone from Montessori school every bother to check out this guy’s FB page or join his friends circle so they could take a look at what he posted? crip stuff, etc. I wouldn’t want such a person employed around kids. Montessori is very very liberal in their ways, so maybe a crip wannabe (or actual gang member), wasn’t too much a problem for them, nor a person with 30-50 traffic violations.

    7. The Montessori school where Phil worked is a public school–there are three in the district. Montessori has nothing to do with being liberal. It’s about brain science, and teaching the way kids brain’s work. Maria Montessori started out teaching street kids in Italy. It involves practical life skills, peace-making skills, and teaches the children a lot of self-control and self-responsibility. Inner city Montessori schools, like ours, are a huge success in poor communities. Also, Phil had only misdemeanor and petty misdemeanor violations–driving without a seat belt, driving without proof of insurance in the car. he is not a gang member. He worked, he took care of his mother and sister, provided for his family. If you knew Phil–and we knew Phil, all of us, at our school–he never missed a day in the three years he worked for us–we are devastated. You can’t imagine a more peaceful, gentle man.

    8. He has a permit from when he lived in Robbinsdale, which is a suburban Twin Cities community.

    9. Let me get this straight. In Minnesota CCW’s are issued by individual counties and are only valid in that specific county? Seems to me that understanding that requirement would be part of the test to obtain the CCW.

  5. Put me down as another guy who hasn’t been shot like this guy. I am very skeptical about this whole thing, not the least of which the girl seemed more interested in shooting video than helping her friend.

    1. She most certainly was! Either looking for her 15 min. of fame, or a winning ticket in the ghetto lottery.

  6. First, we pray for their souls.

    Second, the woman with Castille is the most cold-hearted, calculating, lying bitch who ever lived, undoubtedly.

    Third, KK[K] (why’s he keep forgettin’ his third “K?”), what, did you expect me to come down on the side of the dead black fellers? Huh!

    Fourth, it would appear that the FACTS are still not in yet, so why don’t we, as the penultimate REASONABLE MEN, wait til all the facts are in before we make up our minds?

    Fifth, either Castille had a CCW or he didn’t. Did either justify the cop shooting him dead as he reached for “SOMETHING” (whether a license or a gun, why do we not yet know?)?

    Sixth, re Sterling: Okay, yeah, he’s a BAD man. Admitted. But does a past conviction for pedophilia or ANYTHING else justify his cold-blooded murder? I haven’t yet heard the cops’ side of this one–was he reaching for a gun? Did he have a gun? Or did these crooked cops have a throwaway piece? What? You’ve never heard of a cop planting a gun on a dead guy? You’ve obviously never been to Chitcago!

    Seventh, If you don’t like pedophiles, join the group. But until we make it a capital crime, this guy has rights, including the right to live. It looks like cop murder to me.

    Eighth, and perhaps most important of all, it is PERCEPTIONS that matter the most now, as always. It is the PERCEPTION of cop-on-black violence that caused DALLAS last night, and how many cops were shot? Killed? Is it NOT time to do something about it? Why not indict bad cops? No more paid vacations. No more time off with pay.

    Finally, I once saved a pedophiles life with my gun, from a lynch-mob. Yep. I would have shot every one of them for trying to lynch him. That is as it is.

    And last, I also had a positive experience with some good cops this week–I intervened in a domestic violence situation (I always do, despite the fact that I swore I would never again when my best friend, a cop, was killed on a domestic call) and the cops were eventually called. So yeah, there may be some good ones out there, but too few, too far between, and too quiet.

    Oh, and I unloaded a HELLUVA battery-ful of ammo this weekend in celebration of the INDEPENDENCE of this once-great-but-now-dead nation! We scared ALL OF THE neighbors.

    Carry on, circle-jerkers, carry on.

    1. Look ken, the evidence is clear. Alton sterling did have a firearm on him at the time of death. He was not cooperative when approached by the police for being almost identical to someone in a call who actually did brandish a firearm and threatened someone with it.
      When the police arrived on scene, based on the info we have now, he was not the most cooperative person. When you match the description of a criminal in an immediate repory regardless of guilt, the police can investigate and demand your cooperation. However, Alton did not cooperate. Does that justify his death? No, obviously not, but it doesnt also consitute to “cold blooded murder”. If the first thing the cop did was shoot him without attempting to detain him, then okay. But the police first tried to use non lethal means, like a tazer, but that did not work as well as it would with others. Remember this man is 310 pounds and 5’11. Non lethals would have impact, but not as much as other lighter individuals. I see fault on both sides. I see a violent criminal who did not only broke the law this time, but repeatedly. I also see a police officer too eager to shoot and utterly panicking in a cutthroat situation. Faults on both ends were made.
      If the police didn’t shoot him, he would be alive.
      If the police used a tazer once more he would be alive.
      If Alton sterling cooperated he would be alive.
      If Alton himself, admitted he had a weapon on him and peacefully followed police instructions, he would be okay. Was alton Sterling’s death justified, no. But there is evidence and convincing arguments that are atleast half coherent on both sides.
      Lets just say that, although this wasn’t fully just, faults on both sides lead to this escalated outcome. Which comes to my personal stance that both the black community and the police need to come together and figure shit out. It’s not easy, but it sure as hell doesn’t stsrt with a fucking hashtag.

    2. It’s ironic how your statement is more so justifying the actions of the law rather than of a life. I can guarantee that you won’t justify the fact that five police men were shot and killed or what about if more continue to be killed? It’s clear that the only reason why you can justify something so malicious is because you are not a minority. The problem with society today is the constant lack of respect for another life even if it doesn’t effect you personally. Today it may be a black life that may be under attack, however the reprocussions or unfortunate karma could very well be any life; including yours. You may have won an award for the best opininated being but not for the most intellectual.Your opinion doesn’t mean anything versus what is just and what is unjust. Equality and justice for all is what the constitute pledges or have we all forgotten. An eye for an eye isn’t just right? Well wake up and speak up for others because it may indirectly effect you sooner than you think.
      God bless you

  7. Oh, thank God ken has arrived to regale us with his fucked up beliefs. Ban him, please.

  8. Disagree with my beliefs…okay.

    Argue your position…nah.

    Intelligent debate……….nah………..

    Just call names….yah!

    Point out the error in my logic? Nah!

    You wanna hear one side of every story, and that’s it. Shame on you.

    Evidently, based on the number of cops being killed in “revenge” killings of late, there’s an entire contingent of our community that fees about the same as I do, only a LOT more strongly.

    What you gonna do about them? Just say they have “fucked up beliefs?”

    ban them?

    Why don’t you grow up ?

    You’re a superhero cop-jerker, arentcha?

    1. Plain and simple….if you don’t do what the fucking cops tell you to do, and you think you can be belligerent and anal, your not going to like the outcome…..BLM paint a picture of the devoted father of five, the school worker, blah, blah, blah….save the bullshit, if your a felon, then you shouldn’t possess a gun jackass…and if you have a gun, then you try to resist the police, you get what YOU deserve…..PERIOD!!!!! If you have a concealed gun in your LAP, and you don’t put your hands up like you were told, then YOU get what YOU deserve!!!!! How come the majority of white people who have CCW don’t have this problem??? Let me guess, because we are racist right?? You fucking dumb mother fuckers……fuck all of you…..

  9. Boom… sorry Ken and Isiah, I know truth and facts aren’t really your cups-o-tea, so you’re more than welcome to disregard those links by keeping your heads firmly buried in the sand (or elsewhere)

    1. Point out ONE (1) (just one) statement as of fact that I’ve made that is not true. And I’ll donate $1000 to a charity in your name.

      Or continue your lies because you don’t like my beliefs.

      You’re supposed to be the GOOD GUYS, but you’re no better than Nazi brownshirts toeing the PARTY line. And the hell with anyone who doesn’t think like you.

      Again, POINT OUT ONE thing I’ve said that isn’t true. Or shut your yap and get in the kitchen and make me a sammich.

  10. Hey, I live here and I know this guy. Phil had traffic stops only. A lot of them–people of color get profiled. The most he was ever convicted of were Misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors–driving without his seatbelt. Not having proof of registration in his car. Also, it is now confirmed that he was licensed to carry in the city of Robbinsdale. (A suburb of Minneapolis, sister city to St. Paul, where Philando worked.) He worked in our school’s cafeteria, as the supervisor, a job that is far more complicated than you might realize. He ordered food, supervised and worked on meal prep, and fed 520 kids two meals a day–kids with special needs, kids with behavioral issues, kids with food allergies that could kill them if they came in contact with a certain food. We’re talking little ones, from four through eleven. And he knew the name of every one. He gave extra food to kids who were hungry. He checked food choices and encouraged healthy ones. He helped the kids with special needs transition from breakfast to the classroom. He’d stand there–he never missed a day–his dreads in a silly bun covered with a hair net–and when you asked him how he was, he’d smile–a real smile–and say, “Just another day in Paradise.” Please look in the mirror and understand that he was a better man than most, a kinder man than most. He knew that strong could be gentle. Our school–our parents, our staff, and all of our children–are devastated by his death. And our little vigil for him on Thursday turned into a calm protest march thousands strong. When you slander this man, when you libel this man, realize that–if you believe in God–someday, you will have to face your maker about your choice. I know Phil will be there, and I’ll bet he’ll ask God to be merciful to you.

  11. Oh, and that busted tail-light? Video confirms that Phil’s tail-lights were just fine.

    1. Sam your comment was absolutely beautiful! Thankyou! This is the first I have ever heard of the incident. I don’t watch the news but I received an email. I decided to search the internet for the facts. I saw the video but I still had questions because the video was filmed after the shooting. I saw the mug shot on this posting and begin to wonder about the character of the deceased victim. Thank God that I continued to read the comments! The truth was deeply buried. The writer seems to have steered away from the truth and more towards their personal opinion. A good example would be the picture of the robbery. The writer said that it happened four days prior. When I looked at the pictures I noticed that the individual in the robbery scene did not have long sideburns and did not have a thick goatee so I had to question if a man could grow hair that thick in 4 days. Also, the writer never mentioned that the arrest photo was for a traffic violation. Instead, the writer chooses to focus on a tail light in the day time which is interesting because yes tail lights do show in the daytime. How else will the driver behind you know that you are going to stop? I feel sorry for the victim of the shooting but I also feel sorry for the author of this article. The bible says that God “Hates” a false witness that speaks lies. Proverbs 6:6-16. I would not want my character to be on God’s hate list.

  12. the social media should be charged with in sighting a riot for posting things without getting the facts straight first. this would stop a lot of bad marks that people have with our officers.

  13. I was recently pulled over while uber driving (basically taxi driving) for pulling into a fire lane in a busy bar district while picking up a couple of drunk passengers to provide them a safe ride home. The police officer asked for my license and registration to which I replied “Yes sir” and I took a second before grabbing at my back pocket for my license to notify him that I had my CCW and a legal firearm in the vehicle that I was licensed to carry. He immediately yelled for me to “put my goddamn hands on the wheel while he drew his service pistol on me and pointed it right at my chest from arms length. I immediately felt violated! What had I done wrong? I was dressed in a collared shirt and khaki pants, I am a 9 year veteran of the military as a search and rescue medic, I have no criminal record, and I am currently a college senior studying to become a doctor. I would be very surprised if any recent street crimes happened where a gentleman was dressed like me. I had complied and showed him the respect that was due for a high ranking officer. Lastly, I am white. Why was I being treated like this I asked myself? And a saddened part of my heart answered back “because you are white AND black”. Even though I am equally 50% white and 50% black all he saw was a black man with a gun. Honestly, half of my family is white and I have an uncle who is LAPD. I didn’t want to believe that this prejudicial discrimination was real. I had two drunk white female passengers in the car who jokingly said “Oh my god, it’s because our driver is black. Wow!”. After that incident was over and I dropped my passengers off I tried to ignore thoughts like that for weeks (by repressing them) and successfully so, but when I saw the same situation lead to the execution of an undeserving man who regardless of color did not deserve to brle murdered by an officer who knows that citizens rights, de-escalation, and proper following of procedures are a key to serving the nation it made me feel like this man could have been me. I am essentially Phil! We all are. Please do everything you can to promote a peaceful progression towards neutral third party investigations of police killings. One that does not involve investigators that are so deeply invested in the police department or biased. Please stand with me to see that those small percent of cops who at as criminals or as incapable of serving with honor properly are convicted as such and that only those who do not make mistakes in judgement are set free to have the honor and authority of wearing that badge again. If you choose to stay silent and let this stuff happen in your time then you are showing me and everyone else (including our kids) that black lives DON’T matter, thus all lives must not matter, and that the actions of blue lives don’t matter, thus blue lives do’nt matter, thus no lives matter enough for you to stand up for what is right. #BlackWhiteandBlueLivesMatter please make it more than just a hashtag

  14. He either did or did not have a State CCW. A vehicle investigation for whatever reason is an “investigatory stop”. Broken not functioning tail light or persons in the vehicle fit description of persons for investigation. IF it was the later it would have been a “Felony Car Stop” and handled with extreme caution. There would be no reason for the Officer to even approach the vehicle until he gets proper back up to order the occupants out of the car point of gun. I see the victim is still seated in the car when shot. That is interesting/unusual. If he worked in A SCHOOL he had to pass a back ground check for relevant criminal behavior. I have not looked at his FB page because I do not know how it is related to any of the information regarding the shooting. I have not interviewed his girlfriend to see how he likes her to have sex with him because AGAIN I do not see how it is relevant to the stop or shooting. In todays world there are blacks that act white, whites that act black and a lot of wannabes for various reasons. I have no idea IF he puts up a front that he is a crip, blood, gang member or works for the CIA to get chicks? I do not know IF the initiating Officer did a mental status evaluation to figure that out BEFORE he approached this person who he believed had committed an armed robbery? I did not hear anything about the vehicle NOT stopping or attempting to flee from elude Police? That is sometimes a reaction when people commit serious crimes. have illegal weapons and are wanted gang members. Sometimes huh?

  15. Ex Police Sergeant Philadelphia, Philadelphia School Police, Philadelphia Prisons and MHW Temple University Emergency Services.

  16. I was wondering if anyone else had noticed or compared the photo of the robbery suspect and of the shooting victim? The robbery suspect has no “chin strap” facial hair running up to his side burns. The shooting victim in which the photo is no more than 48 hours old (I believe) has a very clear defined and groomed “chin strap” that does run up to his side burns. I do not believe that an individual would be able to grow their facial hair within such a short period of time. I am not discounted that what I hear is that the “officer” was making his stop based on his belief that the victim fit the description to a degree. Under the officer’s belief then he was making a “felony car stop” that would dictate extreme caution and usually ordering the occupants from the vehicle once proper back up has arrived. I am sure everyone has seen this done by various Police Departments nationwide. Based on this I still do not understand how the victim would have been approached by any of the officer’s and then shot in the vehicle at that angle?

  17. In all of these police brutality occurances. I have not seen ONE. Where the person shot. Hadn’t. Just committed a crime. Look at Ferguson. He robbed a convenience store then fought the cop for his gun — chicago. The guy robbed a convenience store. Slit the tires on 2 squad cars. And when the cops got there he waltzed. Down the street with a knife in his hand. And no doubt didn’t do what the cop told him to do and got shot. — Minneapolis just matched the description of one of the robbers. And went for a gun. — Bayton Rouge. Resisting arrest. Fighting with a cop on the ground. When are people gonna realize these cops are law enforcement officers. You had BETTER do what they tell you or you are gonna get shot. They want Togo home when their shift is over. If the black people don’t want to get shot. Tell them to obey the law. Problem solved !!!

  18. Another buggered choir boy doing his best to raise 20 bastards, suck off food stamps and welfare but get a Job hell no, buy a gun think you bad! die hard, can’t read except Ebonics! poor misguided pedophile, liked young goat ropers oh forgot they sold them too him! but don’t you know he is a BLM subject and special! he was getting his life together gave up blow for a week no money no street cred, dime dropped for owed big time on street get him done by cop then can raise more hell and steal more!

  19. In the responses here I see some who write about their own personal encounters with Police, some people here are trying to figure out what exactly occurred based on the information available and some people who hate blacks and or minorities and believe the Police never lie and IF the were killed by Police they deserve it. I would only suggest that a simple internet search will reveal many incidents where Police killed American Citizens (yes even Blacks can be Americans and have rights too)and they were not engaging in any serious crimes. Eric Garner was selling a single cigarette in New York and killed on video tape, Thomas Kelly was beat to death in California, another man in Arizona camping illegally was shot with an AR15 and a dog chewed on him afterward. Do a little research and try to be objective and fair. Michael Brown was an incident in which I believe was justified, he had just committed a strong arm robbery and Michael knew it but the Officer was not aware of it. I believe Brown’s actions against the Officer was due to him thinking the Officer knew the robbery was done by him. The Officer resigned but I would hope that he is able to recover and return to doing Law Enforcement. This is a case in my opinion was justified. Not all blacks are evil rapists, not all catholic priests are protecting our children, not all hispanics are drug dealers. Guns do not save lives, people save lives. Guns do not kill, people kill. Just my opinion and 50 cents will get me a cup of coffee.

  20. Liberals and democrats want the law enforcement new verbal commands to be, ” Stop or I’ll say Stop again “. The Ferguson effect is forever America.

    1. The picture and story about Philandro is someone else’s biography or just totally made up!!! He did have a permit to carry. So you are lying about everything, all fiction. If this story is that bogus then everything on your website must be total fiction as well! Shame on you! I would think that your site would defend his right to carry a gun. But, no, because he is black, and you are Racist, you made the whole thing up that he is the bad guy before the investigation is complete. Shame on you! And you idiots that commented. Do you ever do any fact checking? Of course not! Stupid people believe anything they read on the internet! I have made a copy of this article and am posting it with all your racist and vulgar comments! And with the true story about Philandro! And I telling my uncles and their friends to stop supporting you! You are disgraceful bigoted Americans!

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