
Hands up, don’t shoot?

Black Lives Matter loves to promote the fiction that police officers, especially white cops, are slaughtering unarmed black males.  The reality is quite the opposite.

Cops are nearly 18.5 times more likely to be killed by black males than to kill an unarmed black male.

What’s more, a recent NYPD study reported that black and Hispanic cops were three times more likely to shoot a black suspect because of a mis-perceived threat than white cops.

Rush Limbaugh had a great exchange with the author of The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe.

Go read it.  It’s dismantles the entire fiction that Black Lives Matter and leftists promote.  It also blows apart Obama’s gaslighting relating to the motives of the Dallas Police killers.

“I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter,” Obama said.

Yeah, right Barack.


Here’s the transcript of the beginning of a long interview with Miss MacDonald.

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MAC DONALD:  Well, Rush, President Obama lied to the nation last night, and he embraced the Black Lives Matter myth that there is a racist war by white officers against black civilians in this country.  And we see the results.  In fact, there’s no government agency more dedicated to the proposition that Black Lives Matter than the police. Proactive policing has saved tens of thousands of minority lives since the mid‑1990s.

And now police officers are backing off.  They’ve been backing off before the Dallas assassinations under the assault of hatred that is being spewed at them on the streets. But above all in the mainstream media by activists and by politicians from the White House on down, they’re backing off of proactive policing, and crime is going up astronomically, as much as 90 percent in cities with large black populations.  And now, after these Dallas shootings, officers are going to be even more reluctant to engage.  And the result is going to be more carnage.

RUSH:  Yeah, it’s going to be a long summer.  And something I mentioned to you yesterday that I want to throw back out there is that the sickening thing to me about this, nobody likes seeing this.  We can’t deny that what happened in Minnesota happened.  We can’t deny that what happened in Louisiana happened with those two shootings.  We can’t deny what happened in Ferguson happened.  But they make it up after it happens.  We don’t really know what happened in Minneapolis yet.  We don’t really know what happened in Louisiana yet, all the circumstances.

But we do know that in Ferguson they created a totally false narrative. Hands up, don’t shoot, never happened.  And yet how many people in this country, minorities, believe that it did, to this day.  Now, how is that possible?  And my contention is that we have a political party that’s seeking to benefit from all of this.  A political party, the Democrats, are seeking to advance their agenda with every one of these unfortunate incidents.  And if that is the case it isn’t going to stop.  You’ve got Jesse Jackson out there today blaming Donald Trump for this, for crying out loud.  And he’s not the only one doing so.

MAC DONALD:  Well, it’s politics and it’s also ideology.  There’s an ideology that’s taken hold of universities, that has taken hold of elite establishments, that is committed to the myth of endemic white racism.  And you’re right, there have been bad shootings, police shootings.  The Walter Scott shooting in North Charleston was very bad. The Laquan McDonald shooting in Chicago.  These were appalling incidents of police negligence and likely criminality.  But those are not representative of this nation’s police forces.  They are more professional than ever before and they are dedicated to saving black lives.

RUSH:  Heather, let me stop you there because these are assertions that you’re making that you have backed up with research.  You’re not just pontificating here off the cuff.  By the way, Heather Mac Donald’s our guest here, The War on Cops is her new book.  Everything you just said has been backed up by research you conducted.




One thought on “TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA: Cops 18.5x more likely to be killed by black male than to kill an unarmed black male”
  1. Thanks to the politicians of all parties in this Republic.
    Two words you can’t say or think again without a big bloody stainon them is
    ” hope and change “.

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