USA Today photo

We at Guns Save Life are mulling over some ways we can say thank you and show support for our police officers who maintain law and order.

Their job as police, already thankless for the most part, has been made increasingly difficult as social “justice” warriors, ne’er-do-wells and some leftist politicians attack them at every turn.

Their uniforms and badge have made them the target of terrorists and assassins, who see their despicable acts as a revolutionary cause.

(Photo by: Cooper Neill / Reuters) via wftl

We will publicize our plan in the coming days or weeks, but in the meantime, if you see a cop – especially a uniformed cop on the streets, stop and thank them for the work they do.  Let them know you support and appreciate the work they do and thank them for their service.

In the meantime, here are a couple of more tribute videos.




18 thoughts on “SUPPORT OUR POLICE: A tribute and Dear Officer, I See You”
  1. “Their job as police, already thankless for the most part, has been made increasingly difficult as social “justice” warriors, ne’er-do-wells and some leftist politicians attack them at every turn.”

    Add Kenny boy to that list.

  2. Is our cop hater Ken still with us? I thought John pounded him halfway to China with the ban hammer?

    Yes, we need to support the police. They put their pants on just like we do and protect us from that criminal culture that’s run amok since Ferguson.


  3. Wow, this site has really lost its sense of direction.

    It used to be reasoned thought.

    Now it’s just knee-jerkedness all about.

    Mindless, blind support for cop/killers is neither patriotic nor honorable.

    you are as bad as the BLM people.

    1. You’re right, it was reasoned thought until you showed up.

      C’mon Kenny boy, when are you going to stand up at a GSL meeting and go public? Don’t want to leave the safety of your mommy’s basement?

  4. Maybe you’ll call me a “cop hater” too, but I’m getting disgusted also at the neverending cop adoration. I’m a middle aged man, and my interactions with cops have been negative. They are the knife edge and shake down artists of a corrupt system that views citizens as enemies. You call it a thankless job, when in fact it’s a highly lucrative career where the pay and pensions are great, the chance of getting fired are about nonexistent, the status is above mere citizens, and the work makes them obese it’s so uneventful. And to me these demigods have nothing to do with a citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights–unless you figure how they arrest and harass citizens trying to exercise that right.

    1. John, as with Ken, you confuse adoration with respect. We know theirs is a generally thankless job that most of us would not or could not do, yet it has to be done. They are human beings just like the rest of us with all the positives and negatives that the rest of us have. Hopefully the ones with too many negatives get weeded out, but of course that is not always going to happen soon enough. If there is a cop out there that is a real scum bag, we say so. However, we don’t automatically assume that just by a headline in the drive-by media. We wait until facts come out, and then make a judgement.

    2. KK[K]

      **Why does he keep forgettin’ his third “K” he’s such a skinhead!?

      You don’t WAIT FOR FACT! It is your kneejerk, unfailing reaction EVERY SINGLE TIME something happens to DEFEND and leap to laud the cops. You’re despicable.

      It’s not ADORATION, son, it’s outright WORSHIP.

      These cops are EVIL and need to be culled.

      And they wonder why the blacks are killin’ ’em, nowadays?

      Your answer is in every video I’m linking to, unfortunately, on a DAILY basis now.

      In ECONOMICS, this model is called UNSUSTAINABILITY.

      How long can the coppers keep killin’ the peoples before we the peoples hit back?

    3. Looks like john smith is just Kenny boy writing under a different name to make it look like there is more than one fool like him.
      Kenny boy, it’s called being innocent until proven guilty. We do still have that in this country. Unlike in Baltimore where they bring cops up on phony charges, with each one of them being acquitted.

      Nobody here bothers to look at your video links. Why do you waste your time?

      Still haven’t answered my question Kenny boy. What are you afraid of?

    4. I think you’re right, Gipper. john smith sounds just like BLM Ken. Same hate, different name.

      Nice try Ken, but we can smell you.

    5. Your convictions are so weak and your thought processes so puerile that you think I’d create a new identity just to post something that agrees with me?

      That’s really sad, jerkers, really sad.

      The funny thing is, apparently you don’t get that half the country agrees with me, and 99% of the minorities.

      And YOU are supposed to be the good guys.

      You voting for Cruz this year for president? Yeah, figures!

    6. no I’m not Ken. Amazingly similar the reaction to someone who threatens the way something’s always been getting called a hater. Libs use the “ist,” “phobic,” and “hate speech” verbiage to silence dissent, just like the other side. Sure, Ken sounds a bit acerbic, but his basic premise sounds plausible, and even if not, it’s an opinion that I just don’t see requiring vitriol to confront. Thankless jobs include about every one in America, so I don’t think that necessitates respect. I hate liberal government and control, and I view cops as part of that government and control. To the poster who said I should call a crack head, well, I’ve never called a cop in my life, and frankly, would be nervous to do so, and not based on the extremely biased “drive by media,” but by using my own experience and faculties of judgment.

  5. BLM Ken- half of which country? It certainly isn’t this one. Anyone can throw numbers around with nothing to back them up. You do it quite nicely.

    1. I equate BLM with the Dems.

      About HALF of the country is voting Hitlary right now. So I lump them all in together.

      You wanna challenge me, show some statistics yourslef, KK[K] (why you racits always forgettin yo odder K?). I don’t work for you, punk.

    1. Nah! I don’t fit the criminal profile!

      Was doing some anecdotal research on der youtube today and found this:

      What’s that, you say? Since none of you circle-jerkers ever follow my links, I’ll tell you……..

      It’s the EIGHTY ONE THOUSAND results one gets on youtube alone when performing the basic boolean search, “Cop Sentenced.”

      Yep, 81,000 results!

      Yet you WORSHIP them!

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