
Say hello to 23-year-old Sylville Smith, the choirboy shot dead by Milwaukee Police Saturday afternoon, triggering looting, arson and rioting by a couple of hundred of America’s criminal class in Milwaukee Saturday into Sunday.

Sheriff David Clarke and Governor Scott Walker have called in the National Guard to augment the police presence tonight to ensure there will be no repeats since gun-hating Milwaukee Police Chief utterly failed to contain the violence last night.


Driven by social media, the initial protest grew from one hundred or so to two hundred plus.  The “peaceful protesters” hurled more than taunts and expletives at police initially, throwing rocks.  Soon they began looting and burning stores, and firing shots.

Before it was over, a half-dozen businesses had been burned to the ground and the mob sought out and attacked white folks where they were found.

There’s video at Infowars as they reported:

The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.

“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.

“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.

“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.

“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.

The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.

The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason – they bust open the window.”

15 thoughts on “NO REPEAT: Milwaukee Co. Sheriff, Governor bring in the National Guard to Milwaukee”
  1. Sooner or later someone is gonna notice that its not the gun, or the economy, or ‘racism’ or other such bull… It is a segment of criminal class blacks who have never been taught a damned thing about responsibility. The fact that dozens of black men are killed by OTHER BLACK MEN on a daily basis across the country is the real bigotry, because no one gives a shit unless theres a means to blame whitey for the death…

    1. These scumbags certainly don’t make life any easier for all of the good and decent blacks in America.

      The problem is the subclass born into the world without a morality compass. Or any inhibition.


  2. This is just the beginning. It is going to get much worse. The Obamas enabled the black criminal class by further enforcing the black victim mentality all the while destroying law enforcement at every turn. His lackey, Lynch, won’t do her duty by going after the Clintons because she wants to keep her undeserved position. The Chicago Way polluting the white house. The out of control black criminal class is going to reach unseen levels of violent criminal behavior. If Hillary gets in, multiply that by 10. America needs to wake up, black America is spiraling out of control. How many more innocents need be murdered, robbed or raped before we wake the hell up. Clean your guns, stock up on ammo, practice with your weapons. The savages are at the gate. Led by the Obamas and the Clintons.

  3. I hope this now good gangbanging POS (good because he’s dead) was taking a selfie. Otherwise the soon to be Darwin award winner took a huge chance while taking this picture, finger on the trigger with the chambered round visible. All I know though is that the police are the problem, not the poor victimized choir boy shown here.

    1. Black America always claims to want “an honest conversation on race.” But not too honest because God forbid the community looks in the mirror. This is a black violence problem in the city and until black America gets honest with that fact nothing will change.

    2. Thinking same thing. I would hope the camera was up on the dash. (Not!)

      (btw, from the looks of the car’s interior, it’s a late model.)

  4. Ah, I hope Mr. Police Officer didn’t ruin Mr. Shitbird’s fancy tattoos paid for by our tax dollars via welfare payments and drug dealing proceeds.

  5. Yeah, I hate it when those darn good guys ruin the thug life tats.

    An order for cops to Shoot looters on sight would stop this problem in its tracks. I am afraid that would never happen under this regime though.

    God forbid we actually hold violent thugs accountable.

    1. Napoleon’s cure for a riot is to shoot the first 300 you find.
      It will be difficult to find the next 300.

  6. Where are his cap and gown pics? Or the pics from his tenth birthday party?

    Or past Father’s day pics with dear old dad?

  7. Up next, SOBama and his so-called Justice Department will nationalize the Milwaukee Police Dept like they have in other race torn cities. You’ll soon see UN peace keepers on the streets there. This is all leading to a One Government World. Once OGW comes to pass these rioters will be summarily dispatched (shot on site)because they are no longer needed and are incapable of adding anything beneficial to the collective good. They will have served their purpose. All lower class citizens will have a work station, a place to sleep, and a nice chunk of chocolate flavored soylent green. Sobama, Clinton, and Soros will be living on private estates guarded by highly rewarded armed guards whose orders will include permission for more dispatching should the uninvited come over the fence. The good news is we will all have a nice medallion with SOBama’s picture on it to wear about our neck our neck (that’s where the RFD chip and GPS tracker are)Have a nice day, fellow loyalist to OGW.

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