Personal Protection for Teens
Help teach the young people in your life the skills they can use to avoid trouble and keep themselves safe in today’s world. The recent terror attack in Orlando, along with increasingly violent cities have more and more folks thinking proactively about their safety and security – as we all should. Personal Protection for Teens brings some very timely and potentially life-saving skills to a one-day class in Central Illinois on Saturday, September 10th.
The course is available to young adults ages 12-22 and will including tips and tactics to identify and avoid trouble, along with how to deal with bullies, home safety, dating safety, driving safety, how to survive spree violence / active shooter situations and a whole lot more from a host of subject matter experts.
Sign up now while slots remain available. It’s filling up quickly.
Course Description
GSL Defense Training has taught Personal Protection courses to adults for nearly twenty years and it’s been great.
We’ve been teaching young people the fundamentals of shooting handguns for many years as well. What could be more fulfilling?
This year, we’ve brought it all together with a one-day course to young people, ages 12 and above. We want to help them stay safe inside and outside of the home. We want to share what we have learned and give back to those that know and trust us.
We’ll teach your kids or grandkids the knowledge and skills they can use to prevent and avoid potential trouble and if necessary, how to counter threats to their personal safety and security using empty-hand combatives, improvised weapons or handguns.
Don’t send your teenager off to college without knowing how to avoid and manage threats.
Don’t leave your child home alone without a basic understanding of the law of self-defense.
Empower the young people in your life with the knowledge, skills and confident attitude to overcome a critical threat.
GSL Defense Training’s Personal Protection for Teens course will include:
NRA gun safety rules
We’ll make sure students know and understand those basic firearm safety rules that will keep them safe for life.
Safe storage of firearms
How should you store your firearms? So they are inaccessible to unauthorized persons. We’ll make sure your teens know and understand this simple, proven method to avoid theft and accidents.
The judicious use of deadly force
You don’t want your kids shooting through a door or window when they are scared, do you? There’s a lot of misinformation out there, including from America’s Vice-President. We’ll teach your young adults an overview of the “rules of the road” when it comes to the judicious use of deadly force, allowing them to act to the standard by which they will be judged.
How to avoid becoming a victim
We’ll share with them simple, proven strategies for avoidance and de-escalation of conflict.
Situational awareness
Personal Protection for Teens will teach your loved ones not only about situational awareness, but about positive threat identification. We’ll teach them pre-assault cues and pre-incident indicators to recognize a potential attack forming and take appropriate action as necessary.
Surviving an Active Shooter
While anyone can freeze up in sheer terror in an active shooter incident or other violent attack, we’ll provide strategies and tactics for surviving spree violence. In short, we’ll teach them not only how to save themselves, but how to save other innocent lives nearby as well.
Improvised weapons
Our young people are prohibited by law from carrying firearms, but that doesn’t mean they have to go through life completely unarmed and helpless. We’ll share common items that will make it through any security screening that can be used as deadly weapons. We’ll also coach them on using items commonly found out in the world against attackers.
Strategies for home safety
Many of the same strategies we’ve taught adults for almost two decades apply to your teenage family members, but there are others specifically applicable to teens. Topics will include fire safety, how to harden the home from burglars and reacting to a home invasion.
Dating Safety
We’ll share basic strategies for dating safety. (Yes, this is mainly for the females, but guys can learn plenty as well.)
Defensive shooting basics
If you’re not home and one or more bad people bring violent evil to your residence, do your kids really know how to handle your handguns? We’ll teach them the fundamentals of shooting both pistols and revolvers effectively in a life-and-death situation.
For those young people new to firearms, we take it slow and easy, with patient instructors helping them with shooting fundamentals and answering questions.
Dealing with bullies
Bullies are everywhere. We’ll share strategies for dealing with bullies, ranging from avoidance to de-escalation to, if needed physical self-defense.
Krav Maga
We’ll offer Krav Maga empty-handed combatives with Israeli (Wingate Institute)-certified Krav Maga instructor Bill Martin (pictured below). In short, we’ll teach these young people how to get out of someone grabbing them or choking them and show them some strategies for both defending against an attack and counter-attacking at the same time.
A FUN, safe and exciting environment!
In short, we make learning how to be safer enjoyable for the teens.
Tuition is $100 per person for the one-day course running from 9am – 5:30pm, held in Central Illinois at the DeWitt County Sportsman’s Club located six miles EAST of Clinton, Illinois on Route 10. Tuition will include course materials, lunch, drinks, snacks, range fees, safety gear as needed, loaner guns as needed and more.
We encourage parents to bring along the family’s personal defense handgun if they have one, along with 50 rounds of ammunition. If the registrant teens don’t have suitable handguns, we’ll put them on a loaner and provide 50 rounds of ammunition. Participants will fire about 50 rounds in this class – 25 rounds from a revolver and 25 from a semi-auto.
Class location:
DeWitt County Sportsman’s Club near Clinton, IL
DCSC is located 6 miles east of Clinton’s city limit on Route 10.
Saturday, September 10th
This one-day class will run from 9am – 5:30pm.
Yes, mom and dad, you’re welcome to tag along and watch. Parents will be responsible for bringing their own lunch and snacks, along with protective eye-wear (sunglasses and prescription glasses are okay) and hearing protection (foam plugs are acceptable). We’ll have sufficient eye- and ear-protection for registrants, but can’t guarantee we’ll be able to outfit a gaggle of spectators as well.
Download the registration form here.
Comments from two of the parents present at our earlier Personal Protection for Teens class.
From the Guns Save Life website:
The Personal Protection for Teens class
I took my 14 year old daughter to the Sunday class and I just can’t believe how great this was. Every kid in America should have training like this. The pictures may look like a bunch of young people goofing around but it’s not. These are 100% serious life saving skills taught by professionals in such a way that made it fun and interesting for the students. Everything was hands on and you could tell the instructors genuinely cared about doing it right.
My daughter is shy and on the quiet side but by lunch time she was already friends with several other students. During training they ALL came out of their shells and worked together. By the end of it I knew the instructors did this for love because there is no way anyone is going to get rich doing this. The kids not only got snacks, drinks, pizza for lunch, ammo ( a lot of ammo ), gun use, range use, a REAL Krav Maga instructor, training gear etc. for $100!!!! I met some wonderful like-minded parents who are Patriots and enjoyed that very much.
My daughter got training on everything from safe dating advice to surviving an active shooter ( God forbid ), fighting ( Krav Maga ) instruction which is actually kicking an attacker’s ass every time in 15 seconds advice, improvised weapons, even legal advice!!!! She loved it and we had a serious heart-to-heart talk on the long drive home. I have two more daughters and I will be bringing them as soon as they are old enough. If this was $1000 a person I would pay it and I don’t waste money on anything that doesn’t work.
I have recommended this class to others today and I swear and promise that if you sign your young one up for this and watch them go through it, you will walk away knowing you made the smartest investment of your life, and in your child.
My deepest gratitude to John Boch and the entire staff who did the training and all the behind-the-scenes work. I just can’t express what this means to my peace of mind and my daughter’s safety. THANK YOU my friends!!!!
Bill H.
Granville, IL
From the McLean County Diversity Project weekly newsletter:
This morning the father of Veteran Scholar Sanjana shares his thoughts on the value his daughter received at last weekend’s ‘Personal Protection for Teens’ course.
Satish was present throughout the entire nine hour course.
For some really great photographs capturing the day’s events, click on the following:
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“Go back!!”, yelled Mr. John Boch at the top of his voice on a pleasant Saturday morning at Dewitt County Sportsmen Club located in Clinton.
The 21 kids and their parents who were attending the day long self-defense training from GSL Defense Training, LLC with Mr. John Boch and his team, were woken up from their slumber after hearing the yelling from Mr. John Boch.
For the next 9 hours they were in for a ride with Mr. John Boch and his team on “Personal Protection for Teens”; a program which teaches young adults on how to manage potential threats including avoidance, de-escalation and, if necessary, the lawful and ethical use of force.
Few weeks back when I received an email from Mr. Jeff Schwartz on the GSL Self Defense training for teens, I was very excited as I was looking for a similar program for my daughter who is going to be a freshman at ISU University High School this fall.
As a parent, I was little worried about the big step my daughter will take from Junior High to High School where she is going to be interacting with kids with different backgrounds. When I told about this program to my daughter, she was initially nervous about it as this program involved shooting live fire arms.
I explained to her that just for one reason, it is not advisable to ignore all other good experiences that she can learn by attending the program; she always has the final say in whether to shoot the live fire arm or not.
She agreed with my views and was ready to attend the program where she would learn different ways of protecting herself, friends and family against unintended threats
The Personal Protection for teens program involved lessons on learning about – Threat identification & management (OODA loop – Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), NRA’s 3 rules of Safe Gun Handling, Introduction to Handguns, Surviving the Active Shooter, Judicious use of Deadly force, Dating Safety, and finally Home & Personal Safety.
The hands-on program included an improvised weapons demo using tools such as fire extinguishers, objects (pens and scissors), pepper spray, chairs, sticks, belts, laptops, etc.
The final exciting part of the program was – live firearm shooting where the kids fired around 50 rounds of live ammo, and received training on Krav Maga (a form of self-defense martial arts). The kids loved firing ammo from revolvers and semi-automatic pistols as some of them were holding handguns for the first time. Even though the training on martial arts were basic, the kids enjoyed learning them from Mr. Bill Martin.
All in all, it was a great program for both Kids & Parents; the kids learned a lot from this program while the parents were able to observe the increase in confidence levels of their children.
I can see a vast change in my daughter’s confidence while traveling back from the program as she now likes the live fire arm shooting and is not afraid to use deadly force if it is required to save herself and others from threat.
The personal care that Mr. John Boch and his team took to train the kids on fire arms, practical skills were exceptional.
I would highly recommend this program to any young adult and their parents to ensure personal protection.
-Satish Venkatachalapathy, Parent
McLean County Diversity Project
Knowing most of GSL’s Force on Force trainers personally allows me to offer some perspective here. As I am effectively shut out of FoF coursework for the next few months due to another surgery GSL is the ONLY legitimate outfit in IL with the experience and the conceptional understanding to execute this class of event.
Let me be clear.
This IS the next generation of civilian defensive training. As LE has embraced stress innoculation training as a proven standard for preparing for a direct threat to life, so must we embrace this concept in the training we offer our civilian students. The problem is there are not many training companies that can safely and EFFECTIVELY run such a program. Bad RBT (Reality Based Training) can get dangerous very quickly…..and worse- it can condition the student to develop some potentially fatal training scars.
I have absolute faith and a great deal of pride in what John Boch and the GSL crew have accomplished here.
What GSL has done with this type of training has surpassed my hopes for their program by leaps and bounds.
It needed to be done.
I’d like to believe I know a thing or two about Force on Force NLTA training. I have been involved with these exercises for the better part of my adult life. Most of my practical coursework has always reflected the lessons of RBT. John is one of the few trainers developing FoF coursework that I would send my wife and children to without hesitation. As someone who produces and develops instructors, I try not to openly advocate one over the other.
This is different.
If you carry a gun, you need this training. If you have never participated in RBT it would be safe to say that you don’t know what you don’t know. This is about understanding your limits and testing your capabilities under controlled conditions that are designed to prepare you for the day that will define all that follow. When that moment arises, you will not rise to your level of training, you will fall back on your conditioned responses.
RBT is the ONLY mechanism for this type of conditioning.
You will not be disappointed with your investment in GSL.
It might just be the best investment you ever make.
Rocco M. Wlodarek