Yes, the thugs in Chicago celebrated Labor Day not by taking a day off from their jobs, but by doubling down on the violence.  Or maybe tripling down.

31 shot, 9 fatally, over 21 hour period Monday into Tuesday

(Chicago Tribune) – Nine men were killed and at least 22 other people were wounded in separate shootings over a 21-hour period Monday morning into Tuesday morning, police said.

The Windy City’s primarily black-on-black crime problem has exploded this year.  We’ve almost eclipsed last year’s 2996 shooting victims and we’re barely into September.  We’re two dead bodies away from topping 2015’s homicides.  All according to

5 thoughts on “HAPPY LABOR DAY! Chicago violence leaves 31 shot, 9 dead on holiday”
  1. Will the Left’s reaction be:

    A) Blame the NRA?
    B) Blame Trump?
    C) Blame those evil “fully semi-automatic” AR-AK-15-47’s made by Glock with their super-high capacity “clips” and other scary features?
    D) Ignore it completely because it doesn’t further their agenda to draw attention to black on black crime.

    I’m betting D, but the others wouldn’t be surprising either.

  2. Sounds like just another weekend in Commie-town.

    The blame game isn’t anything new either.

    The day of trying to wake up the left to the real problems has pretty much come to an end.

    Bottom line…You can not help people that either don’t want help or refuses to listen.

    Its time for conservatives and gun owners and all other people that are not the Left to move on. We need to worry about ourselves and doing what needs to be done which is too save the Constitution and our Country.

  3. Most of the black folks in Chicago want to enjoy their lives without the fear of becoming a victim of horrific violent crime. Just like everyone else. But it’s those gang-banging thug-life shitbirds that tear everything up for everyone because they have no self-control and a piss poor upbringing. Democrats who have run Chicago for generations refuse to identify the real cause (and the real people behind the problems) for political reasons… Because it’s their voters!

    Better to attack guns and Republicans as the cause for their problems than to actually hold people accountable.

    THe sad part is they give all blacks a bad name. Like they care though.

    Blacks will vote for Dems until their dying day, such is the effect of living on the slave plantation all their lives.

    1. The last line is why I tend to care so little. If they don’t have the brains to make changes by voting differently, why should I care?

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