Joe Adams.

Joe Adams of Project Bluelight Scouts delivered a compelling and scary look at who and what is coming across our southern border with Mexico at the Champaign Guns Save Life meeting Tuesday, September 13th.

A former Marine, Joe Adams has amassed decades of work with various government agencies including the FBI, DEA and CIA.  Among his specialties was training indigenous populations to fight communist governments, including the Contra rebels in Nicaragua under President Ronald Reagan.

He founded Project Bluelight which is an anti-terrorist intelligence operation in support of Homeland Security personnel in the field, and the group has helped apprehend about 10,000 people illegally entering the US from 126 nations, including 15 terrorist states, along with weapons, explosives and lots of drugs.





Nothing comes across our southern border without drug cartel approval.  Drugs still make up the bulk of the smuggling, including 95% of heroin in America coming through our border from Mexico.

Today though, they traffic people as well as drugs, and the cartels have even publicly announced their alignment with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Sex trafficking is also profitable for them too, along with smuggling military-grade weapons and explosives.

While everyday Mexicans can sneak across with a coyote for $1200-1500, the cartels charge $50,000+ for every Middle Easterner.

Cartels will even “finance” their fee for Mexicans who can’t afford to pay by making them act as drug mules as they come across or turning the women into sex slaves.  Sometimes they even abandon those border crossers if they become injured on rough terrain or are unable to continue because of exhaustion or dehydration.


Or they are killed like the individual above who was decapitated.

The US Border Patrol estimates there are 20-22 million Mexican illegal aliens in America, and that the number might be as high as 30 million.  Adams dismisses claims that the American economy “needs” illegals, citing as an example how less than 3% of produce in the USA is harvested with illegal workers.

Adams cited the massive influx of kids in 2014-2015 as nothing more than a distraction orchestrated by the drug cartels.  730,000 unaccompanied minors crossed the border and, according to his sources in the US Border patrol, to keep the border agents busy literally babysitting the kids while thousands of Muslim jihadists were escorted undetected across the border.

Joe Adams and his wife Deanna.
Joe Adams and his wife Deanna.

Joe talked about seeing Middle Eastern males, in full military garb, with rucksacks and weapons crossing the border in squad formations – and he’s got the video to prove it (skip to 2:05) as well on his website   What’s more, he’s seen groups like this as far as 45 miles into the USA.


The former Obama campaign fundraiser turned Department of Homeland Security head Jeh Johnson has ordered the Border Patrol leadership to patrol less trafficked areas so they will have fewer contacts to report.  Local authorities have also been told not to notify the feds about illegals and those with deportation orders are being set free inside America.  Why is all of this important?  So the Obama administration can point to declining apprehensions as a sign that illegal immigration is declining.

Adams was also highly critical of the Syrian refugees that Obama is importing.  Many of these people are unskilled, illiterate and they certainly don’t speak English.  They come with a different set of values, coming from a country where corruption and violence is expected and the norm.

These immigrants are not the best and brightest from Mexico or anywhere else.  They are generally the low-skilled, poorly educated cohorts that are told to come to America for opportunities and guaranteed welfare benefits.  The American taxpayers get to foot the bill for their costs.

In the end, Adams says that Muslim terrorists smuggled across the border are going to hit us someday soon, and the drug cartels are looking forward to that time so they can expand their power and control in the ensuing chaos.

6 thoughts on “PROJECT BLUELIGHT SCOUTS: Joe Adams on Southern Border Security”
  1. Adams had an interesting speech, but it is very scary to think about. The enormous number of illegals and terrorists already in this country is absolutely unnerving and terrifying to say the least.

  2. That decap Muslim in origin?

    That is some scary stuff! Glad I am in IL and not Texas.

    Ya know, if we cut off their jobs, they would sslf-deport.

  3. My wife and myself wanted to say thank you for taking the time to attend my presentation on the Border situation and the immigration policy’s implemented by our treasonous elected politicians. Please invite me back in the future to continue our conversation. Semper Fi.

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