The following Illinois Republicans are not supporting the one viable candidate in this race for President that generally supports gun rights.  The alternative to a Trump victory on November 8th is Hillary, who has advocated against gun rights relentlessly and who will appoint at least half of the US Supreme Court.

The next time any one of these individuals tells you they support gun rights, you can toss that fresh bovine fecal matter right back into their lap.  Tell them their opposition to a pro-gun candidate at the top of the ticket is effectively a vote for the anti-gun candidate.  What's more, they influence people to follow them.

From the Daily wire:

Rep. Rodney Davis (IL) rescinded his endorsement of Trump.

But he thinks taxpayer-funded perks are funny.

Rep. Robert Dold (IL) never supported Trump.

160317-robert-dold-2-gty-1160Congressman Bob Dold got into office with support of the TEA Party.  After drinking the D.C. water, he now he disavows their support, claiming to be one of the most "independent minded" members of Congress.  He's also now one of the most vulnerable members of Congress. 


Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL) never supported Trump.

Kinzie is another young Republican swept into office with the help of the TEA Party, but has since not only disavowed their support, but he regularly attacks conservatives pointing out his RINO voting record.


Sen. Mark Kirk (IL)  never supported Trump.


Some would say Mark Kirk has never been a Republican, either.  He's running (figuratively speaking) for his political life against another political hack, Tammy Duckworth whose incompetent handing of the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs makes many wonder which of the two would be least bad for the next six years.


12 thoughts on “Illinois Republicans opposing Trump”
  1. I too think it's in the water in DC.  It does something to good people living in that echo chamber.

    I used to think Paul Ryan was a hero.  Now, we see he's a zero.  He's just as bad as Zero, the first putter in chief.

    Rodney Davis?  Oh brother.

    Dold?  Buh bye, Bob.  

    Adam?  I wish he would spend more time remembering who put him into office than posing for pictures without his shirt on.

    And Kirk:  His stroke left him an invalid in more ways than one.  And he is a lawmaker.  That's scary.  He's more like a Stepford Wife of Little Dick Durbin.

  2. How quickly they forget why they were sent to Washington.

    Then they enjoy the incumbant advantage…  until we tire of their crap.

    Then we replace them.  And then they make big $ lobbying.

    The whole system is corrupt.  Just like Crooked Hillary.

  3. guess I'm not voting for Rodney Davis either.  I already wasn't going to vote for Kirk.  (might just write my own name in on both)

    1. I checked out his site… I like him better than Kirk, that's for sure.  He's getting my vote (and probably my wife's vote too once I show her the site)

  4. Vote their a$$e$ out!  I'd rather vote for a known evil than a bunch of traitors.  When the Republicans have no party left, we can either re-establish it with conservatives OR start our own party and they can just join the Democrats. We cannot continue to support Republican treason. Kill it!  

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