
Gun hating Democrats have pretty much given up on passing gun control at the national level through Congress.  But they don't let that slow them down. A Project Veritas Action undercover report shows Wisconsin Democrat Senate candidate Russ Feingold supporting radical gun control measures.

How does he plan for that to happen? He's talking about President Hillary Clinton enacting substantive gun control through one or more executive orders. What's more, he talked about this directly to James O'Keefe, the independent journalist who has stung Democrats in a long list of undercover reports.

O'Keefe also talks to one of Hillary's friends (spelled d-o-n-o-r) who says the presidential candidate wants to "shut it down" and "get guns away from everyone in this country" along with the ability to buy unlimited "bullets".

Another Feingold donor says that Russ Feingold supports limited gun rights – like the right to own a handgun – admitting that if Feingold came out with his true beliefs on guns he would never get elected in Wisconsin.

From the Project Veritas Action YouTube Channel:

Published on Oct 13, 2016

In this video released by Project Veritas Action, James O’Keefe exposes Hillary Clinton’s plan to ban all guns through an executive order. In the video, James O’Keefe attends a private top donor campaign fundraiser for Democratic Senate candidate Russ Feingold. He attended the fundraiser the same day that a Project Veritas journalist was burned in the Feingold campaign.

While at the fundraiser, which was hosted by Clinton friend and donor Amy Rao, a Project Veritas journalist spoke with former Senator Feingold and his donors about gun control. When asked what Hillary Clinton would do about the Second Amendment, Feingold said without hesitation, “Well, there might be an executive order.”

Here's the video:

6 thoughts on “Hillary’s got big plans for gun control via “Executive Orders””
  1. Look folks Obama has been running his mouth about EO's on guns for quite some time, do we not think if he could actuly do EO's on guns leaglly he would not already have do so? If you listen to the staged question Hillary got last year by a member of an audence at a campain stop ref. Australia style gun control, the man presenting the question to Hillary had no clue what he was talking about, in fact he got all the "facts" he was presenting wrong and Hillary was just at unemformed on what Australia did as the man presenting the question, she just went along because ut was red meat. Now would Hillary do an "Australia" if she thought she could get away with it? Yes, yes she would and we would be in a civil war.


    All this being said the election is not over yet, not only do we have the Presidency up for grabs but also Congress, get out and vote. Both candidates have given us their list/type of folks they would put forward for the Supreme Court. Hillary has said that she believes that the SC got it wrong on Heller & McDonald, just like Obama told us all what he was going to do before he was elected Hillary is telling us how she is going to go after the Second Amendmet, get out and vote.

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