Chicago Police have shot and killed three suspects in the past week. The latest incident happened Wednesday evening in Englewood, where a police sergeant stopped two men, one of whom matched the suspect description in a battery complaint. Suspect Kajuan Rayes and his buddy took off on foot, running in separate directions to evade the officer help the officer find the true suspect. The sergeant pursued Kajuan and during the foot chase, police say the young man pointed a gun at the officer. Twice. Shots were fired and Kajuan ended up dead, but police found no weapon.
Now the family is trying the officer in the court of public opinion.
- Karonisha Ramsey, mother of Kajuan Raye, spoke briefly at a vigil near the spot where her son was shot and killed Wednesday night by a Chicago police officer. Also there was her son's cousin, Ahkeya White (at right, in red sweatshirt), who said references in the media to Raye's criminal record did not tell the whole story of his life. | Andy Grimm/Sun-Times | Sun-Times photo and caption.
In statements to the media. the family described Mr. Raye to anyone who would listen as a 'fun-loving and happy kid' who had a 'bright future' ahead of him. They said that while he no longer attended high school, he was going to get his GED and become a veterinarian. How did they know? Because he loved dogs and watched Animal Planet all the time.
His family says the teen did nothing wrong. His cousin says he didn't have a gun. The family provided a couple of pictures to the media, including one of Kajuan in a tux.
They neglected to share some photos from social media accounts.
And then there's the video found on Facebook of Kajuan rapping about always packing his heater and his gang lifestyle: "Always fu@king pistol packing…if I got it….then it's crackin".
Posted by Chicago Code BLUE on Friday, November 25, 2016
And yet his cousin says he never had a gun. It's possible that dollar signs may be part of the reason for the family's ambulance-chasing land shark's pledge to get justice for the aspiring veterinarian Kajuan.
You can put lipstick on a pig…….
There is a very old saying in CPD, that a thrown gun never bounces twice on the south and west side of Chicago. It is the norm that these thugs throw their guns where other thugs are so that the gun will grow legs, it's also normal for these same thugs to chase after the police who are chasing another thug. We call them trailers, they follow along to grab anything thrown by thug #1. And this uproar about shooting him in the back, if you point a gun at me then turn and continue to run with that gun in you hand, I can shoot you in the back, on the top of your head, in you face if need be. It is completely justified and legal to do so. To all the poor black folks who are so worried about the police, here is a golden piece of advice. Don't commit crimes, especially with gun, and you won't get shot or go to prison. It's worked for me my whole life.
THe thrown gun never bounces twice. I like that. I laughed out loud.
I'm pleased to say I bet the bodies sometimes do though.