
"Unrealistic and offensive".  That's what the Canadian Federal Minister for the Status of Women says about a proposal to allow women to have some tools for self-defense, specifically pepper spray.  First of all, what in the Sam Hill is a "Minister for the Status of Women" and second of all, this individual must be a real gem to suggest that women having tools with which to defend themselves, their bodies and their loved ones is "unrealistic and offensive"! 

Here's the story from Heatstreet:

A proposal to allow Canadian women to defend themselves with pepper spray or mace is “unrealistic and offensive,” said the federal minister for the status of women.

Since 1995, Canada has prohibited the use of mace and pepper spray—a law that Conservative MP Kellie Leitch, who is a candidate for party leadership, wants to change if she becomes prime minister.

Allowing mace and pepper spray, Leitch said, would “give women a greater measure of protection against would-be attackers.”

So, what is the reasoning of this "Minister for the Status of Women" and her rather antiquated notion that allowing women to defend themselves as "unrealistic and offensive"?

Brace yourself.

But Leitch’s proposal met opposition from Patty Hadju, the status of women minister, who claimed that letting women carry pepper spray would actually further gender inequality.

“Her misguided approach places the onus on women to defend themselves rather than focusing on addressing and preventing gender-based violence,” Hadju said in a statement.

That's like saying that allowing people to drink water contributes to dehydration!  Here, let me re-phrase Hadju's statement: "Your misguided approach places the onus on people to drink water to hydrate themselves rather than focusing on addressing and preventing activities that lead to dehydration!"

It looks as though the Obama regime isn't the only place in North America where liberal lunatics are running the asylum.





4 thoughts on “OFFENSIVE INDEED! Canadian Official: It’s “Offensive” to allow women self-defense”
  1. A safe " HAVEN " for all those elite progressive liberals from the United States of America LEAVING since Trump was ELECTED.

  2. Well from what I've seen those who said they'd leave haven't, but now are trying to figure out even more ways to destroy our country. The only one I believe that might have left was the comedian George Lopez, but I think he would have went south of the boarder.

  3. When I encounter someone who belives that disarming the law abiding is a really good idea, I ask, "Is an abstinence-only approach really the most effective solution?  Try it.  Watch the gears start turning.  See how long it takes for them to change the subject.   

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