
A truly special snowflake at Loyola University in New Orleans saw a fellow classmate in a full police uniform and became “uncomfortable” at the sight of the officer’s sidearm. That’s right: the sight of Josh Collins, a sheriff’s sergeant in uniform with his sidearm, caused a delicate little flower to complain to the professor. What did the professor of the Law and Morality class do? He called the police!

The cognitive dissonance on display boggles the mind. The professor called police – officers armed with guns – to respond to a police officer lawfully carrying a sidearm. Where are the adults who supposedly run Loyola?

Sheriff’s Sergeant Josh Collins.

What’s worse, this wasn’t exactly the first day of class. In fact the semester is almost over, so Sgt. Collins’ should have been a familiar face.

Here’s a post he put up at Facebook, captured by the UK Daily Mail:


From the Daily Mail’s story:

A police sergeant and part-time student was told to leave his law and morality class because he was dressed in his full police uniform.

Josh Collins, a sheriff’s sergeant in New Orleans, attends the classes at the city’s Loyola University.

In a Facebook post he explained how he arrived at class this week in his uniform as he didn’t have time to change.

However a fellow classmate complained to the professor of being ‘uncomfortable’ at having an armed police officer in the room.

The University’s response: Oops!

In response the university claimed the incident had been a misunderstanding.

A spokesman said: ‘A student in the class saw another student with a firearm, and during a class break said something to the teacher. The teacher contacted campus security to determine university policy.

‘Campus security directed the teacher to confirm that the student with the firearm works in law enforcement. The teacher confirmed that the student worked in law enforcement and the class resumed at the end of the break.’

The teacher/professor didn’t already know university’s policy on police officers on campus? C’mon. To quote Hillary Clinton, the University’s statement requires a ‘willing suspension of disbelief’.

5 thoughts on “OMG! Call the Police! There’s a Cop in my Classroom!”
  1. The special SNOWFLAKE should have taken the course out on the playground and Skyted the course via video.

  2. I'll bet the the person who complained drives a Prius with the bumper sticker "I'm ready for Hillary" still on it.  This ahole should move to Canada with all the other celebrities who swore they would if Trump won.  Is anyone in the media going to call them on their BS?

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