
Dear Lord.  Michael Tracey over at posted up a plan for he and his fellow social justice warriors to take up arms and violently overturn the results of November's election.  Yep, he has a plan to take up "arms" and thwart the will of the American voters. 

Hillary's most radical supporters choose to ignore the fact that voters in 84.5% of the nation's counties voted for Donald Trump.  And that Trump won 306 electoral votes, far more than the 270 required for a win.  Yes, it's true that Hillary only won a majority of votes in 487 of 3141 counties in America.

With just a few days before the December 19th Electoral College formality, Michael Tracey suggests violently blocking the vote.  In essence, he's proposing a coup.  In America.

I don't know if he drafted this tome while drunk blogging, or if he was eating those special brownies he got from the dispensary, but he lays out exactly how he would go about pissing off 84.5% of the nation. 

He couches it front and back with claims that he doesn't support such a plan.  Yeah, right.  Doesn't he understand that in a revolution, Tokyo Roses / Michael Traceys are fair game for assassination.  And even if Tokyo Roses / Michael Traceys survive the revolution, they get their necks stretched when it's over?

Here's his picture.



Here's his piece and my comments:

For the dense, let me just state unequivocally up front that I do not support this plan, and I do not advocate that violent measures be used to stop Trump.

"For informational purposes only…"

That said, there are innumerable high-profile pundits and political figures who have characterized the threat Trump poses as unprecedented. Many have thrown around the word “fascist.”

Monkeys throw around feces too, pretty much like progs are tossing around the word "fascist".  

If that’s your view of Trump, that he’s not just a garden variety-level threat — the kind we should be accustomed to by dint of living in a rapidly declining hegemonic imperial prison state — but something exponentially more destructive and terrifying, then certain previously-unthinkable preventive tactics would be warranted.

If I took this view of Trump, and was able-bodied, here’s what I’d do to prove that I actually believe my own rhetoric, rather than just spout alarmist nonsense for political effect.

I’d assemble armed resistance brigades in and around states that voted for Trump. I’d make sure the participants are well-trained in urban combat. I’d do drills. I’d ensure that secure communications have been established to enable inter-state coordination. I’d impart to participants that they should be prepared to face severe state punishment for their rebellious acts— perhaps even death.

"I'd assemble armed resistance brigades…" 

So, this guy Michael:


And his buddy Pajama Boy…


Are going to lead these armed resistance brigade members…





You're going to drills with them and train them up in all of less than a week?

The plan would be as such. The brigades would position at Republican state capitals (Harrisburg PA, Lansing MI, Raleigh NC, etc.) where the Electoral College is due to meet on December 19. I’d make sure every Elector expected to vote for Trump is identified. The night of December 18, the brigades would forge a blockade at the various state capitol buildings. Electors identified as Republican and/or Trump supporters would be physically prevented from entering, if necessary by lethal force. It’s possible that Electors would scramble to meet someplace other than the state capitol building; the resistance must take precautions to ensure this does not happen, possibly by physically restraining the Electors, imprisoning them, or worse.

Listen up sweetcheeks:  Even if the police and the United States' military stood aside and let your gaggle of dildo-waving "armed resistance" try to execute a coup, I guarantee that people like these:

Or these:

Will cut you and your bed-wetting friends to shreds.

Even if your friends overcame their fear of guns and managed to wear Depends so they didn't go code brown at the first shot, they are going to have very short, exciting careers in America's third revolution.


If this is carried out successfully in enough Republican state capitals, Trump will fail to receive the requisite 270 electoral votes, and the election would be decided in the House of Representatives. Who the hell knows what would happen at that point.

What would happen?  The House would elect Donald Trump.

Or there would be a real civil war.

Again: I don’t support the enactment of this plan. In fact, I vigorously oppose it. However, if I took the extreme view of Trump that so many in our media class do, I’d see it as morally obligatory.

Sure you don't.

And we won't hunt you down if your friends launch this attempted coup.

33 thoughts on “BED-WETTERS UNITE: Guide To Violently Prevent Trump From Taking Power”
  1. By God, I think Pajama Boy got a job writing at Medium!

    Cocks not Glocks…  Are they going to beat the electors to death with their rubber phalluses of doom?


  2. He writes he does not condone the actions he suggests. Yet the claim of his ilk is that words matter and can incite violence and we must be careful.  Contradiction is the norm for leftist. 



  3.    A plan to arm themselves so they can violently change the out come of an election, interesting.  Of course if this does happen the main stream medis will still report it was a peacefull protest that went bad because of insults from Trump supporters.

    1. He talks about brigades. I'd like to see him put a single platoon together. I read this when it came out, and he's basically telling the other snowflakes what they need to do. It's just sad…..

  4. Just trolling, trying to Gage the backlash, hopefully this young man realizes he is risking his future, with all his friends,relatives futures as well as own! once you go VC retribution gets the innocent as well as the guilty!

  5. He doesn't just have to worry about folks that spend their time and money on gear, training, and ammo (good Lord, so much ammo …) – getting all "tacti-cool" with chest rigs and multi-cam.

    Just the tired, old, grumpy grampa's and the nation's hunters, armed with just their hunting rifles and their sporting clay shotguns would be enough to put this nonsense down. 

  6. The majority of the leftist filth didn't even bother to vote so I doubt they could pull something like this off. It sure would be fun though !!! Instead they will go online and sob to one another .

  7. "I’d assemble armed resistance brigades in and around states that voted for Trump. I’d make sure the participants are well-trained in urban combat. I’d do drills. I’d ensure that secure communications have been established to enable inter-state coordination. I’d impart to participants that they should be prepared to face severe state punishment for their rebellious acts— perhaps even death."

    Really Nancy?? 

    Where do you expect to find these well trained urban warriors? Starbucks? Anyone with those skills and a frightening number with those inclinations are on OUR side.

    So before you go all Patrick Henry here, please understand that theres about half the population that will cheerully resist you in ever escalating levels of violence aimed at you and your dildo-bearing pajama boys. 

    And Ill add this;

    I certainly do not advocate violence aimed at your cause of course. Although the events described would very likely impress upon you the value of a quality firearm, and the trained citizen behind every one.  I know more than a few genuinely nice, polite people who will cheerfully kill you if you threaten them, their family or their country.

    So lets simply quit dancing around this hypothetical nonsense Michael.

    Bring it.

    You have no idea the dam-burst of violence about to befall you.  A civil war of unbelieveable proportions. You shit on the voters, and stage a coup. You think we will just go quietly?

    Dont bet your hacky-sack…


    Your move, dildo-warrior.

    1. They will needle the bear until they wake us up.  Then they will become little turdlet dispensers and crap rolls out of their pant legs as they run shrieking away, only to die tired.

  8. If I took this view of Trump, and was able-bodied, here’s what I’d do to prove that I actually believe my own rhetoric, rather than just spout alarmist nonsense for political effect.

    If you were able-bodied?

    What a cop-out.  My 34 years living life from a wheelchair haven't kept me from becoming proficient with handguns and rifles.  I've had the honor of teaching concealed carry students who didn't let their advanced age, heart disease, hemiplegia, oxygen-dependence and even limited vision prevent them from becoming a potential predator's nightmare.

    Methinks Mr. Tracey isn't nearly as committed to his principles as he would have us believe.

    1. JAS:  "If you were able-bodied" is just one of many excuses their "members" will make for why they aren't going all ninja warrior on us rubes and hicks that have guns to make up for our little pee-pees and dim-witted intellects.

      They are committed…  to anything they can do with a mouse on their computers.  That includes their video game combat and shooting experience.

      God bless America. 

      Hillary for Prison 2016.

  9. They need safe spaces, play-doh and therapy dogs for microagressions.  What are they going to do when the Patriot Guard Riders rumble by on their bikes?  Probably crap their drawers.

    I have to chuckle at the thought of the dildo brigade blocking entrances to keep electors from voting their duty.  These people can't even organize their lives.  How in the eff you see kay are they going to organize something any more complex then finding their way to the nearest safe space to shelter themselves from those terrible microagressions they encounter on campus?


  10. They are NOW made to stop pissing on the Deplorables and calling it rain. So, now they have their real rewards…..pissing in their beds and calling it spilled glass of water.You'll have to wear mostly dark blue clothes to cover the wet spots.

    1. They believe their own hogwash, that they will easily go buy guns, and upon purchasing them (and running up against all the delays built into the system) they will be magically imbued with the skills to operate them effectively, and to operate as small to midsize units. Since Illinois is winner take all for Clinton, they don’t even have targets in Illinois.

  11. I believe we have many, many more months of entertaining posing by clueless Leftists ahead of us.  Make lots of popcorn.

  12. RE: More Than Merely 'Stupid'

    <b>Stupid, adj., Ignorant and proud of it.</b>

    These people are grossly 'stupid'. Why? Because if they REALLY want to begin a civil war, even of the guerrilla form:

    <blockquote>a) There are a lot of us, 

    b) We're more likely to be willing to fight than the pajamaboys and meterosexual beta-males of the left.

    c) We are much better armed, 

    d) We’re more likely to be veterans of the Army’s and Marine Corps’ ground gaining combat arms, and 

    e) We have an historically demonstrated cultural aptitude for mass, organized violence.</blockquote>


  13. I’m just an old Widow in Tennessee and I say BRING IT.

    My Dad was a Marine Raider in WWII, I’m not afraid.

  14. Look at his other posts.  It's pretty clear from that context that he's probably not a card-carrying NRA member, but neither is he Pajama Boy.  This is Swiftian-style satire (whether it's on the level of A Modest Proposal is a different question).

    Full disclosure – I fell for it when I first read it, too.

  15. I fell for it at first,too. What he is really saying is, if you really feel that Trump is a dangerous fascist, this is what you'd be doing, and you're not, so shut up. He's trolling the lefties, not one of them.

  16. This line: 

    I’d assemble armed resistance brigades in and around states that voted for Trump. I’d make sure the participants are well-trained in urban combat. I’d do drills.

    …was the clincher for me.  First off, nancy boy, in order to do your armed resistance brigages "trained in urban combat", you'll have to russle up an awful lot of Dindu's to do your work for you.  Good luck with that.  Otherwise, your search for militia in the Democratic utopias of the large cities will be as futile as keeping Bill Clinton off the Lolita Express.  Your "type" doesn't cotton up to firearms and bangsticks and other things that go boom.  That stuff is antithetical to your safe spaces, therapy puppies, play-doh, and therapeutic dildoes.  

    The odds of you and your millenial buddies staging a coup is very poor.  Pull it off, and god help you-  you'll be on the wrong side of the resulting chaos.  

  17. Look, I've been following this guy on Twitter for a couple of months now (via Mike Cernovich), and you have got him wrong ("you" being the article author and most of the commenters.) This guy is a committed Bernie-style liberal who has been writing forthrightly about Hillary's shenanigans and the corruption of the media and Democrat party for several months. He is, in fact, an honest liberal reporter and as such ought to be cherished as one of the last of a dying breed (him and Dave Rubin.) This is not by any stretch of the imagination a Hillary Sore Loser who is trying to plan a coup.

    His article is not advocacy. It isn't even satire. It is a serious thought exercise designed to show what it would look like if anti-Trump people really meant what they said. The beginning and end disclaimers are not pro forma–he means them, from everything from him I've read. The conclusion to be taken away from it is that people who claim that Trump is a unique evil that must be stopped are just "[spouting] alarmist nonsense for political effect".

    Rather than chanting "bring it on", the best thing to do with this piece is share it with your liberal friends and family and tell them, "if you meant what you're saying, this is what you'd have to do. You won't do it, so I know you don't really mean it." This is a tool, not a target.

    1. We don't care.. His page read's like he's trying to incite a coup which makes him Guilty by all accounts of Treason! If anything happens to Trump over the next 4 years his head will be on the chopping block right along with all the Snowflake Cry-babies!

  18. Has anyone ever heard of Poe's Law. 

    When a group has entered the far bend of reality with their beliefs (Trump haters) it becomes impossible to distinguish their rhetoric from satire (Tracey's article).


  19. Wuz it too cold for them to come out of momma's basement to launch their little blockade of state capitals nationwide?  Poor little bed wetters!

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