Photo via Wiki


Make sure you carry when you go to church later this today or tomorrow.  In today's Obama world, plenty of radical extremists – including terrorists or terrorist wannabes – want to make headlines and become famous for taking part in an attack upon Christians.

Just this last week, authorities arresticated two would-be (or wannabe?) terrorists who plotted attacks.


The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force picked up Derrick Thompson, the neckbeard clown pictured above.  From his online activities, ABC15 news reported that authorities believed he intended to strike a midnight mass tonight.  The felon tried to buy guns on and some have suggested he may have converted to Islam while in prison.

Then there's a kid in Florida who liked to brag about his allegiance to ISIS and that he was a terrorist.

Here's a YouTube video of a deputy's body cam of what happened when cops made contact with him:


All it takes is one social misfit or committed Muslim terrorist to wreak havoc among a flock of sheep.  Don't be a sheep.  Be a sheepdog.  Pack your fangs today should you find yourself in the middle of tomorrow's headlines. 

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