In this week's ISRA Executive Director's message, Richard Pearson announced that ISRA will not sponsor charter buses for the event this year.

by Richard Pearson
Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD) is coming up on April 5th this year and for the first time in a long time, the ISRA is not going to sponsor charter buses to the event.  The expense of these buses has become too great.  This does not mean the ISRA does not welcome clubs, gun shops and shooting ranges to sponsor their own bus.  The money is better spent in other ways to protect the Second Amendment in Illinois, such as a better alert system and, perhaps, litigation.  There will be a local bus from the Prairie Capital Convention Center to the Capitol Building for those who have difficulty walking in the march.  I hope to see you all there.

Guns Save Life's board of directors is investigating the feasibility of sponsoring buses along the I-55 from the north and the I-74/72 corridor from the east, and possibly others as well.  We'll keep everyone apprised.



9 thoughts on “ISRA will not sponsor buses this year for IGOLD”
  1. I'm a little disappointed at ISRA for their decision. Last year the rift and now this year they don't want to sponsor buses? How do they expect a good statewide turnout if there aren't buses to help get supporters there? I just renewed my membership to ISRA and it will be my last time doing that.

    1. I'm with you, brother.  I got the impression hearing John and Steve that the antis are busy in Illinois, and here's ISRA taking its foot off the gas pedal?  

    2. Instead of criticizing a difficult financial decision by an organization that is working to defend your freedom, perhaps you should volunteer and do fundraising so that they have funds for the buses.

  2. No big deal. Who doesn't have a car to get there on their own, or know someone to go with?

    Driving individually gives one more freedom to do other things in Springfield afterwards.

  3. Yeah, I saw this Thursday too in that email from ISRA.  Nothing like dropping a bombshell.

    Nary a peep about Mike and Valinda Rowe filing an amended lobbyist report on January 21st, indicating they were no longer employed as lobbyists for ISRA.  Did they quit in a tiff, or were they FIRED?  Given the date, did Trump's inauguration have anything to do with it?  Please tell me they haven't been picked up to lobby at the national level.

  4. I have been as  critical of the ISRA as anyone, but dont throw the baby out with the dish water.

    The cost of buses are getting higher and higher, so the answer is to find someone and car pool.

    Damn people you dont get upset over bad bills, compromise and stupid FOID cards but you get upset over a lack of funds for buses?

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