Gun sales are up, and accidental gun injuries are down, according to a report released this month by the National Safety Council.
The NSC’s “Injury Facts -2017 Edition” shows a 17 percent decrease in accidents involving firearms from 2014 to 2015, a period when gun sales soared.
There were 489 unintentional firearms-related fatalities during that time period, the lowest total since record-keeping began in 1903, accounting for less than 1 percent of accident deaths. This decrease, which was the largest percentage decline of any category cited in the NSC’s report, came in a year that saw record-high firearm sales.
Mainstream media journalism continues its decline. Just yesterday, a journalism prof at Missouri actually signed his name to a clinically insane opinion piece that proclaimed that the National Rifle Association poses a bigger threat to Americans than ISIS. Incredibly, he lays blame for the Orlando Muslim terror attack and others at the feet of the NRA.
Yes, U of Missouri Professor George Kennedy declared that America's oldest civil rights organization more dangerous than a group that throws gays from rooftops, decapitates people with knives, cuts children in half with chainsaws, rapes women and molests goats. Oh yeah, and burns people – including children – alive.
- ISIS photographers document the immolation of children for propaganda purposes.
What kind of Kool-Aid does this George Kennedy drink?
And no, this isn't George Kennedy of Airport fame.
This is the University of Missouri's Professor Emeritus of Journalism George Kennedy.
He wrote in The Missourian:
GEORGE KENNEDY: The NRA's influence is a danger to us all
…Which organization is more dangerous to Americans — ISIS or the NRA?
As you know, ISIS is the acronym for The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is a terrorist organization founded in 1999, headquartered in Syria and feared around the world.
The NRA is the acronym for the National Rifle Association, founded in 1871, headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, and feared by politicians across America.
What makes ISIS so feared is its willingness to kill in pursuit of its goal of creating a fundamentalist caliphate.
What makes the NRA so feared is its willingness to spend heavily and campaign aggressively in pursuit of its goal of removing all restrictions on the possession and use of firearms just about anywhere by just about anyone.
The good professor cites one piece of science to justify his rather extremist rhetoric…
Euronews calculated some annual averages on U.S. soil since 9/11:
- Number of Americans killed each year by Islamic jihadist terrorists: 9
- Number of Americans killed each year by another American: 11,737
So, the NRA bears responsibility for criminals ignoring the law and murdering people. Meanwhile, the delusionally psychotic professor lumps the Orlando Pulse Nightclub Muslim terrorist's victims into the second category. Why, Professor, do you need deception if your cause is noble and righteous?
He left out one key number:
- Number of Americans killed each year by the NRA in its civil rights advocacy: 0.
Additionally, the NRA's firearms safety training programs have helped bring America's accidental gun death rate down to record lows. The NRA's Eddie Eagle program for kids helps protect young children should then encounter a real gun. NRA firearms training programs teach Americans the gun safety rules. FoxNews has it:
Accidental gun deaths hit record low, even amid recent boom in firearms sales
You want to know how you get more Donald Trump? Go full on George Kennedy.
The good professor needs to spend more time trimming his nosehairs and less time thinking the NRA is the bogeyman under his bed.
Some people are educated beyond there intelligence. Hers's your sign!
You're right: This is how Republicans win in 2018 and 2020. These Democrat Party hacks have gone off the deep end.
And yes, he looks like he's got quite a pair of bushes in his nose. Ugh.
Logic dictates that is gun owners were as violent as leftists say we are, there would be no leftists left.
I wonder how many NRA members suffered from accidental gunshot injuries or deaths in the past couple of years ……I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is -ZERO-……it's too bad we now have scores of journalists who bring dishonor to their chosen profession….I remember a time maybe 40 or more years ago when Walter Cronkite was referred to as "the most trusted man in America"….them days are long gone.
The picture of the kids is from a staged protest in Syria against Basher al-Assad to show that his campaign is killing children making him no better than ISIS. It does not depict an actual execution committed by ISIS. Those kids weren't hurt (at least not on that day, who knows if they were later barrel bombed by the Syrian regime).