Senate Bill 50, the Suppressor Bill, will be heard in committee tomorrow, Tuesday, in the Senate Criminal Law committee.
We need witness slips in support of the bill.
Here's a link to fill out your witness slip.
Here's a look at who's onboard (and who has a "no position" position).
And from our friends at Illinois Carry, here are instructions for filling out witness slips.
Thank you!
Here is how I fill out a witness slip.
I fill out the self-explanatory stuff, first and last name in the name field, street address, city and zip code.
Under "Firm Business Or Agency" I type in "On behalf of self"
Just a note here – please do not misrepresent yourself. If you are not designated and authorized to represent a group in an official capacity, please do not say that you do. Just because you are a member of the National Rifle Association doesn't mean that you represent the NRA. Just because you are a gun owner doesn't mean that you represent all gun owners.For "Title" I type two characters – "NA" I don't use a slash in the title field because the slash is not an accepted character for this field and the form won't accept a slash. You won't be able to submit the Witness Slip with a slash in this field.
I also type out my e-maill address in the Email field so I can get a confirmation that my witness slip was submitted and so I can double check that it was filled out correctly.
I also put my phone number in the phone field.
In Section II. "REPRESENTATION" I type in "Self"
Again, unless you are a lobbyist or representing a group in an official capacity – just type in "Self".
In Section III. "POSITION" I choose Opponent (most times when we are filling out witness slips we are opposing oppressive anti-Second Amendment legislation. If we were supporting a carry bill we would choose Proponent). Make sure you actually click inside the round radio button and that the radio button gets highlighted. Simply clicking on the text portion of the form will not work, you need to click INSIDE the radio button. Its important to make sure that the correct choice is selected and highlighted here, and that this section is filled out correctly.Be sure to use the scroll bar to move up and down on the screen – using the arrow keys can change your vote of "Opponent" or "Proponent".
Under Section IV. "Testimony (Check all that apply) I only click in the check box "Record of Appearance Only"
Then I check the box "I Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement."
In the box that says "Type in the text above" I type in the letters and numbers that are visible.
I click the button that says "Create (Slip) and the Witness Slip is created and submitted.
Here is a PDF which shows everything except the radio buttons or check boxes selected:
Witness Slip.pdf 99.47KB 2141 downloads
Edited to add: How to modify your witness slip
if you accidentally mark "proponent" or "opponent" wrongModifying your Witness Slip:
Log in
On the left side,
Click on âMyILGAâ, then
Click on âManage Slipsâ and find the slip you would like to modify on the right, then
Click on the âViewâ icon, then
Scroll down to âIII. POSITIONâ and modify your position accordingly, then
Click on the âUpdate (Slip)â icon, located on the lower right.
To simplify the witness slip process:1. Go to and register/create an account.
2. Confirm Email
3. Log in if not logged in automatically
4. Go to your profile:
Edit your profile – put NA for organization, and title. For "Firm/Business or Agency:" put "On behalf of self" For "Representation:" put "Self"
Just a note here – please do not misrepresent yourself. If you are not designated and authorized to represent a group in an official capacity, please do not say that you do. Just because you are a member of the National Rifle Association doesn't mean that you represent the NRA. Just because you are a gun owner doesn't mean that you represent all gun owners.
5. You can now create witness slips quickly and easily.
6. It also helps if you create a separate mail folder / mail box to organize the confirmation that you get from ILGA – that way if you are ever in doubt if you have already filed a witness slip on a bill or not, you can just pull up the confirmation e-mails and check them against Molly B's Action Alert post.
How to find which bills to create witiness slips for:
1) mauserme creates a thread when the IL Senate or the IL House is in session. The thread for the day is called "Illinois General Assembly mm/dd/yyyy" The threads will be in the Illinois Politics forum, and they will be tagged ILGA:
http://illinoiscarry…php?showforum=62) mauserme's thread usually has links to creating a witness slip. Occasionally, the notification as to which bills or amendment require immediate attention will come from Molly B. usually in a post called
"Action Alert… " like the example thread below:http://illinoiscarry…=35444&hl=alert
The posts usually contains links to each witness slip. BTW – this is A LOT of cutting and pasting and typing – I am very thankful we have people who have so much dedication and so much energy to do this for us.
3) If you sign in to the site with your account, before you click on the link provided in the "LegislativeIllinois General Assembly mm/dd/yyyy" thread – it will take you directly to the creation of the witness slip for the relevant bill,
4) Slips can be for the House or the Senate. There is a cut-off time to file a witness skip – electronic witness slips can be submitted up to the end of the day of the committee's scheduled date. (I'm not trying to encourage anyone to procrastinate on filing them) if you would like your witness slip to be tallied for the committee hearing, you should submit your slip well before the committee meets. My point is, try to file the witness slip as soon as possible. If you don't get it submitted before the committee meets, submit one anyway as your witness slip will still be part of the tally if the bill is heard on the House Floor.
Do we have to wait until 1 hour before the committee is in session to file the witness slip?
Not unless you're trying to hide your actions from the rest of gun owners in Illinois, and nationwide.
Then it's best to wait until the final ten minutes.
I filed mine last night.
I've filed as well. Looks like the anti's finally found out about our witness slip program and are pushing it hard. We need more people to submit them!
I've filed as well.
Sadly, the Anti's have been beating us at the witness slip game this entire session. I wonder just how many of people filing in opposition are actually Illinois residents (though I'd bet most of them lie and put fake addresses).