
by John Boch
Most of America now knows how Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms, through their private lobbying group Illinois Firearms Manufacturers’ Association, betrayed gun owners and gun dealers in Illinois.  Both companies claimed they knew nothing of their lobbyist Jay Keller’s actions.  They also claimed they knew nothing of the donations made to anti-gun politicians.  Gun owners aren’t stupid though.

Moving forward, two points stand out.  

First off, we must direct our anger and effort at stopping this horrific bill.  Period.  Guns Save Life will generally follow the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action’s sage and pithy advice:  All energy not directed to stopping this bill is wasted energy.

More importantly, Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms have committed themselves to a more “hands on” role in protecting and defending gun rights.  Whatever has happened up to now, I welcome these two companies to the front lines of the fight for gun rights in Illinois. We can certainly use their help. The work is long, thankless and often frustrating. The cause, however, could not be more noble or honorable. Glad to have you the team, gentlemen. We value your participation.  Obviously, your actions will face intense scrutiny from all involved.

Many of Illinois' dealers received a package from FedEx today.  Inside, Springfield Armory packed a book of handouts for these dealers to share with their customers.  On the back of the page, Springfield lists some of the things it's doing to defeat this bill.


At the same time, I sincerely hope these two companies will be around after the fight over SB-1657 has concluded.  We will still have to fight Lethal Violence Orders of Protection and plenty of other gun control schemes this session.

I contacted both companies Monday morning asking if they will remain engaged after we move past the SB-1657 fight.  Four plus days later, all I've heard is crickets chirping.  It makes me doubt about their dedication to the long haul.

It should probably make you wonder too.


Post Script

I broke this “sell out” story as part of my writing for The Truth About Guns.  The initial story and follow-ups garnered national attention in the gun rights community, right as the NRA convention kicked off.  The fall-out for Springfield and Rock River has proven devastating.  A post at AR-15.com suggested that Rock River might be laying off 25% of its workforce.

Once the companies ditched IFMA and pledged their support for the 2A, I welcomed them to the front lines of the gun rights fight.  Plenty of folks asked some pretty tough questions, wondering how I could welcome these companies back into the fold after exposing their apparent treachery days before.    

First off, I’m sane.  

Do I forgive these two companies?  No.  I could be a far better Christian.  

Will I forget what they’ve done?  Never.  Just as gun owners recall the Smith & Wesson deal with the Clinton administration, gun owners will remember this incident for generations.  

With hard work and sincere dedication to promoting and defending gun rights, Springfield and Rock River can overcome today’s outrage.   I’m not dumping my RRA or Springfield firearm products and you probably shouldn’t either.  Their t-shirts and swag?  That's a different story.  

If they prove themselves reliable allies for gun rights moving forward, I might even someday purchase another product from them.  And you might as well.

As an instructor, I have always recommended RRA’s ARs without reservation to beginners.  Rock River is an established company producing an excellent product.  Now that will come with a giant asterisk.  

As for inquiries about financial “influence”: I chuckle.  I am not for sale.  I have received no checks, envelopes full of dead presidents, or pledges of product or anything else from either company.  Not even a t-shirt.  In fact, I can’t even get a message returned from Springfield.  

What’s more, it seems as though both companies have frozen out Guns Save Life from any offers of assistance in the 2A fight.  That’s okay.  I knew there would be fall-out for GSL after I pulled the trigger on this story at the national level.  

The story had to be told.  

Maybe someday you’ll see Rock River or Springfield ads in our publication.  No matter the source, ad dollars or “donations” will never influence Guns Save Life’s reporting or advocacy.  We will not be “bought”.  We have always prided ourselves on honesty and integrity on behalf of our members in particular, and gun owners in general.

That's not going to change anytime soon.

14 thoughts on “Springfield & Rock River: Picking up the pieces. But is their support paper thin?”
  1. Thank you John.  We're appreciate and are proud of the job you do.  

    Anyone who knows John Boch personally, as I have for well over a decade, knows that he is the best and most productive advocate that 2nd amendment defenders have.  He sees through the issues and works the long game, but has never thrown gun owners under the bus.  I don't always agree with him; but on those rare times when I don't, I respect his opinion.  He's right on with this issue and we should heed his advice. 

    I hate to hear that comment, "What’s more, it seems as though both companies have frozen out Guns Save Life from any offers of assistance in the 2A fight."  That tells me that those two companies are not sincere in their efforts.. they're still trying to salvage their business, not come clean with their customers.  GSL has been the premier driver in Illinois gun rights for many years working with the NRA-ILA, ISRA, and reaching out to other organizations when it was painful, healing old wounds between local groups and pushing for good legislation while beating down the Chicago machine.  After being treated poorly, GSL offered the other cheek to these companies.  It looks like they're slapping that side as well.  

  2. They both should be sold, in my opinion.   Neither can be trusted.

    As for freezing out GSL?  We know they paid big bucks to NRA-ILA.  The ISRA has received "financial support " per the Springfield document above.  Illinoiscarry.com has gotten "help" as well.  Unless GSL's check is in the mail (ahem!   Just like that overdue child support check, LOL), then it surely looks like a freeze out.

    I am with Boch on this…  They are fighting because everyone's watching, not because they want to.

  3. Someone needs to take that giant, inflateable "union rat" and park it outside Springfield and Rock River's offices. 

  4. I can't believe I paid $20 for their shitty t-shirts.  The most expensive rags I now own.

    I too doubt they're in this fight for the right reasons.  More like, if this bill passes, they'll wear it into bankruptcy court.  I hope they do stay engaged, but I doubt they will.  They are like the jailbird who finds Jesus in prison.  As soon as they are released, they'll reoffend.

    Dumbasses don't even acknowledge GSL and our work.  That's gotta be because John Boch took them behind the woodshed.

  5. Turn off the lights folks the party is over. The Illinois House will pass SB1657 and the Governor will sign it after the Chicago Democrats promise they will give the Governor one thing he wants. I can find only one Illinois gun retailer that plans to stop selling Springfield Armory or Rock River Arms products while the rest of the dealers in the state are happy selling SA and RRA, even if it means the passage of SB1657 will probably put them out of business. SA and RRA are putting shills in place all over social media while pro gun owners say nothing about the self-serving dirty deeds of SA or RRA. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdqCa42vQ) Others may accept SA or RRA's mea culpa but I will not. They only found the light after they got caught. (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2017/05/robert-farago/proof-springfield-armory-rock-river-knew-licensing-carve-last-year/) Yes Bunky, this is another step in the slow decline of our gun rights in Illinois for there will be many more after SB 1657 passes.

  6. After the betrayal by RRA and SA was exposed, the ISRA initially called them "victims".  In a follow up email ISRA complained about waisting megajoules of energy pointing fingers. 

    I'm concerned about big money buying ISRA's silence on this.

    RRA and SA were caught trying to sell us out.  They were were not opposing legislation that will put every FFL out of business in Illinois.  I will not forgive that. 

    There are plenty of other manufacturers out there making excellent firearms.


  7. FSA and FRRA.  Now, and forever.


    (Unless sold, and the  new owners spend decades cleaning up their reputation like Ruger …)


  8. JM, you said it right and true about John. We need to keep fighting this hard with what ever help is available. I just renewed my GSL membership and contacted Springfield from here in Texas. We must all fight together or we will all fail together 

  9. Turn off the lights folks the party is over.

    The Illinois House will pass SB1657 and the Governor will sign it after the Chicago Democrats promise they will give the Governor one thing he wants.

    SA and RRA are putting shills in place all over social media while pro-gun owners say nothing about the self-serving dirty deeds of SA or RRA. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hdqCa42vQ)

    Others may accept SA or RRA's mea culpa but I will not. They only found the light after they got caught. (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2017/05/robert-farago/proof-springfield-armory-rock-river-knew-licensing-carve-last-year/)

    Yes Bunkie, this is another step in the slow decline of gun rights in Illinois for there will be many more after SB 1657 passes.

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