
One of life's losers, a Leftist lunatic named James Hodgkinson of Belleville, IL tried to assassinate a number of Republicans this morning.  It happened at a ballfied in Alexandria, VA.  Thankfully for all involved a two-person protective detail to Senate Majority Whip Steve Scalise saved the day by shooting down Hodgkinson like a rabid dog.

The Loser Hodgkinson had serious anger issues, along with substance abuse issues.  The Belleville News-Democrat reported on his hot temper.  

…On April 1, 2006, Hodgkinson was cuffed and his shotgun taken as evidence after a domestic fight.

He went to a neighbor’s house and tried to get his high school-aged daughter to come home. When she refused he became violent, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the floor.

The young woman and her friend tried to leave in a car. Hodgkinson opened the door, cut the ignition and used a pocketknife to cut the seatbelt.

When the friend threatened to call police, Hodgkinson punched her in the face. When the young woman’s boyfriend went to Hodgkinson’s house to talk about the attack, Hodgkinson aimed a 12-guage shotgun at his face. The oyfriend fled and Hodgkinson fired a shot behind him.

Hodgkinson had two battery charges and an aiding damage to a vehicle charge later dismissed.

How this man ever had a FOID card I'll never know.

The Bernie supporter belonged to a number of anti-Trump and anti-Republican groups on Facebook.  The Belleville News-Democrat listed a number of them:

▪  “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans”

▪  “Donald Trump is not my President”

▪  “President Bernie Sanders”

▪  “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump”

▪  “Boycott the Republican Party”

▪  “Expose Republican Fraud”

▪  “Terminate the Republican Party”

"Terminate the Republican Party"?  

His rants on Facebook proclaimed his belief that Trump has destroyed our democracy and that Trump and Company must also be destroyed.


The wonkish, probably under- or un-employed loser had plenty of time to write letters to the editor and demand those who are successful pay more money in taxes.  The News-Democrat republished a bunch of is ravings, where he repeatedly cited the many tax brackets of the 1930s as the road to American success.  We had segregation in that era too, but I don't think most right-minded Americans support returning to the era of Jim Crow!

Hodgkinson had over 425 "friends" of his Facebook page shortly after his identity hit the news.  Within a couple of hours, the number of "friends" listed had dropped to under 300 before Facebook pulled the plug on his page.  A great number of his "friends" were diehard Bernie Sanders supporters with their avatars supporting Bernie or "Resistance".


He brought an AR- pattern rifle to commit the atrocity.  Thankfully, he couldn't shoot any better than he could think.  Reports indicated over 100 shots fired, yet this bespeckled loser managed to hit only five people, and then pretty much all around the edges.  Yep, he couldn't do politics right.  His business failed.  He failed.  What a total Leftist loser.

The would-be mass murderer wasn't without brushes with the law, either.  He liked his sauce, catching a DUI arrest.  He also tallied up a host of charges including failing to obtain electrical permits, damaging a motor vehicle, resisting a peace officer, fleeing and eluding police, criminal damange and assorted other traffic offenses.  In short, he was a serial loser in every aspect of his life.

And he capped if off by failing at mass murder, thankfully for all of the good people of the world.


3 thoughts on “Life’s Loser Attempts Mass Assassination in Alexandria, VA”
  1. Expect more of this despicable lefty behavior. Looks like they are trying to spark a civil war with all of their nauseating behavior and Trump bashing. Ready when you are retards.

  2. To bad doctors can't give out information. Since it looks like this jerk had really bad anger management issues I wonder if he was on any type of medications(S.S.R.I.) for it. He definitly should have been. More over, because of his actions and behavors he shouldn't ever had access to any type of firearms.

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