Darwin wins

Carrying a gun stuffed into your waistband — sans holster — is fraught with risks. That goes double for people who don't practice basic gun safety. Along those lines, Darwin has claimed a 33-year-old man in Mayor Rahm's paradise on Lake Michigan.

DNA Info has the story:

Chicago — A 33-year-old man accidentally shot and killed himself while in Englewood on Thursday night, police said.

At 11:55 p.m., the man had a gun in his waistband and was in a parked car in the 6100 block of South Winchester Avenue, police said. The man moved around the car and his gun went off, hitting the man in his abdomen.

The man was taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in critical condition and was later pronounced dead, police said.

As if it needed to be said again, guns don't just "go off."  A word to the wise: stuffing a pistol in your shorts and "moving around in a car" with careless disregard for gun safety can result in a hole in your femoral artery. Don't be this guy.  Otherwise you might get nominated for a Darwin award.

8 thoughts on “DARWIN WINS! Gang banger shoots self in shorts. And dies.”
  1. You'd think that the gangsta's would steal a holster when they steal a gun.  

    Oops, by the time they learn that a "gun in the pant"s should be a "gun in a holster in the pants", they're already seeing their body bleed out.  Too late.


  2. you circle-jerkers are a disgrace to humanity.


    These are human LIVES we're talking about here?  With SOULS, like it or not.


    Show a little respect for the dead, or go jerk off somewhere else to your death porn. 

    1. Is this the same despicable "kenny boy" that praises the deaths of any and all law enforcement personell? Show a lot of respect for those doing a dangerous job that "mental midgt-kenny boy" invariably denegrates, too bad, soooo sad that some assho gangbanger lost his pathetic life before he murdered someone else and the taxpayers don't have to "foot the bill" to incarcerate the punk lowlife! Good effin riddance!

    2. Same kenny, the one who has wet dreams about cops getting killed. He has his own private circle jerk whenever that happens.

      Has he been brave enough yet to identify himself at a GSL meeting?

      I doubt it.

    3. I am looking around for f"cks about this loser.   i think they must have flown the coop.

  3. Truly tragic news.  It's always a huge loss when society loses a non-productive criminal.

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