Chicago's violence continues unabated. As of this morning, our friends at HeyJackass.com have Chicago's homicides at 390… with 25 more "death investigations". My favorite "death investigation" from 2016? The guy who supposedly killed himself with a chainsaw… after sustaining defensive wounds on his hands. Gangsters know it's open season on them. So what are they starting to do? Bringing along their "shorties" – toddlers and young kids – and use them as human shields. That worked for a while, but now, gangsters just shoot through the kids to hit their intended targets. Like this case reported in the Chicago Trib:
Moments after getting picked up from a summer camp in the Austin neighborhood Wednesday, 4-year-old Asante Glover III and his sister 6-year-old Keziah Shealy had hoped to find a quick snack before taking a nap, relatives said.
When they left Columbus Park on the West Side around 4 p.m., the siblings spotted a vendor selling crushed, flavored ice, known as "snowballs," they thought they’d found the perfect summertime treat.
But before they could make their way to buy a cup, a black car pulled up in the 5500 block of West Van Buren Street and someone inside fired shots, hitting the children and their 27-year-old father.
Early on in the story, the Trib left out the other half of the story. Could it be they thought the story would lose a lot of its impact if folks knew what cops knew?
The children’s mother, Shajaun Sims, a CTA employee, hurried to the hospital where her son was treated for a graze wound to his left hip and left leg and her daughter was treated for a gunshot wound to the thigh.
Meanwhile, their father underwent surgery for eight gunshot wounds, including three to the chest. He was listed in critical condition but was later stabilized, according to police and relatives.
Full metal jackets tend to do that.
Though Sims and her children had just moved to Austin about two months ago, the lifelong Chicagoan said she has decided her time in Chicago will be coming to an end, for her children’s future.
"I’m moving far away," Sims said. "This is it. We are moving. … Our kids will no longer be here. We’re moving for better."
Don't let your gang-banger baby daddy hang around and use your kids as human shields and guess what? They probably won't get shot.
Their relatives say they have reason to believe this shooting was targeted, given that their father, who has a lengthy arrest record, had survived a shooting about a week earlier. Birth said he had recently tried to stop associating with former friends.
Ya think?
"He did a whole 360 from stunting on the corner," she said. "He did change his life and now they’re trying to kill him."
Truer words have never been spoken. He turned his life around 360 degrees, right back to old tricks after getting shot just a week earlier!
In fact, what the Tribune didn't report was that dad fired back on his attackers. Whoops. So much for the media narrative. What sort of douchebag uses his kids as human shields, anyway? Even animals protect their young.
Second City Cop also reports that a similar case of a 9-year-old, all dressed up in daddy's gang colors, get shot up as daddy hid behind his kid.
Let's face it: These latest examples of despicable behavior from gang bangers should not surprise a soul. These dysfunctional monsters know there are no consequences for their reckless, violent and impulsive behavior. The police seldome make arrests, and when they do, the SA's office doesn't press charges and/or they are released.
Meanwhile, Rahm burnishes his international reputation travelling the world on the taxpayers' dime while Chicago burns.
So I guess most of the time that these baby daddys actually claim their kids is as human shields?
Unfortunately for many of these kids, they are going to end up in the same thug life. If they don't get shot now, they'll likely get shot later.
Easy to make more kids, and a check comes with every one.
Not really a new low. It's been happening for decades. They've used their babies to hide drugs, guns and everything else you can think of. The Chicago urban thug is a Savage, inhuman monster that most people can't even begin to comprehend how truly evil they are. The left certainly doesn't understand it until they fall victim to one of them, but most are so far removed from them it rarely happens. But as this criminal element continues to spread and thrive in our Obama Utopia, all will feel their savagery. I have worked on the west side for over 20 years, and the insane savagery still shocks me. And each generation gets worse.