UPDATED: By now, most of America has read about the shooting at Mattoon High School in Mattoon, IL. In talking with a slew of people, in addition to published media reports, we've assembled it together here.
For those interested, Heavy.com has a heavily edited version of scanner traffic as the event unfolded. I can't figure out how to embed it here. It's worth a listen. At least the first few minutes.
The would-be murderer, according to police and witnesses, is a 16-year-old 14-year-old freshman. His name is out there, but we're opting not to publish it. His mom is a mental health professional (some say a psychologist or psychiatrist). Dad's not in the picture at home.
Yes, pretty much everyone says the boy was bullied. His tormenter was an older, bigger female. Yes, the would-be murderer was bullied by a girl. Reportedly, she's been on him since early this school year. In once incident, she allegedly poured a soda on the boy's head. Tuesday marked the first day back for both after a suspension from yet another incident.
On Tuesday, the boy went into the cafeteria with his backpack/book bag, sat down roughly across from his tormenter, and pulled the pistol. The heroine here, teacher Angela McQueen, saw the kid produce the gun and point it female who had been bullying him. The teacher acted instantly, and pushed his arm away. When the gun discharged, the round struck a boy seated nearby. Fortunately, he's probably going to be okay and make a full recovery.
The two wrestled for control of the gun. In the process, the gun fired a number of times into the ceiling. In the end, the school resource officer disarmed the kid and put him into cuffs. Props and then some to teacher Angela McQueen. The people of Mattoon shall forever be grateful for her courageous, quick thinking response. We salute her. Many folks would have merely squealed and run for cover. Angela McQueen saved lives. For that, she's a hero.
Believe it or not, the local prosecutor charged the boy with aggravated battery with a firearm instead of attempted murder. The Decatur Herald and Review reported the prosecutor's explanation for the soft charge:
Bower said he didn't charge the teen with attempted murder because that charge requires an attempt at killing a specific person. It's also the same classification of offense as aggravated battery with a firearm and the possible sentence is the same, he said.
Does State's Attorney Bower think this kid just wanted to play pattycake using that gun against the girl who had been tormenting him? Why isn't this kid facing charges as an adult? (Edit: We now know he's 14 and that pretty much precludes adult charges.) He tried to kill that girl and might have killed who knows how many others if not for the good fortune of a courageous teacher standing nearby.
If convicted as a juvenile, he might not even be in juvenile prison until he turns 21.
Then he'll be let loose upon society.
It's ridiculous how this boy is being portrayed as a "victim". He's no "victim". He's a would-be killer.
"Does State's Attorney Bower think this kid just wanted to play pattycake using that gun against the girl who had been tormenting him?"
Presumably not, because he charged the kid with Agg. Battery w/a Firearm.
"Why isn't this kid facing charges as an adult?"
He's not an adult.
Does it make sense that the author objected to the charge because it's a "soft" charge that doesn't carry a harsh enough sentence, then rejected the State's Attorney's explanation that, in fact, the sentence is the same? Not to me. The SA chose a charge that will be easy to prove instead of a charge that's harder to prove and would carry no additional penalty at all. That seems like a no-brainer. The only advantage to charging Attempted Murder would seem to be that people find the name more emotionally satisfying. But a State's Attorney shouldn't let that cloud their judgment.
Hogwash! Just cut to the chase don, this will be plea bargained down to a juvenile misdemeanor with community service.
I agree with the author. He obviously tried to kill that girl. I think he should be tried for murder, although as a minor since he is 16. In court, let the chips fall where they may. But, it's a small town and small town politics always play a role.
Defense can play with the bully aspects, his mental state, etc. But he DID attempt to kill another human. Her being a bully doesn't enter into that fact. Charge him for the crime he committed.
"His mom is a mental health professional. Dad's not in the picture at home." Why does this not surprise me?
Kudos for the teacher that stopped him. She did her job well. Why didn't the parent and school do theirs BEFORE he came to school with a weapon ready to kill someone?
If you agree with the author, you are agreeing with a lot of skewed facts
You guys need to proof read your article…….
What does "proof-read" mean? 😉 Just kidding. So many articles these days seem to be written by so-called journalists who haven't a firm grasp on English composition, grammar, or spelling, not to mention cogency at times.
It is just so very sad that this child had to go this far to stop being tortured by this bully each and every day, it is too bad the "heroine " of this sad sad story didnt see or hear what was happening to this poor child and step in sooner! I am not saying what this child did was right but someone in this school knew what he was forced to endure and chose to stay silent. I hate that an innocent boy was wounded, our teachers and school staff need to speak up and punish these bulliers once and for all. My heart goes out to this child who was so desperate that he chose to go so far.
I know how rumors fly but the way I understand it he tried to talk to the principal, school police etc. and nobody would help him. No, what he did is not right. This bullying has to stop and not by detention or suspension. You say no metal detectors on doors, Well, security is no good. The weapon is in the building and security won't know it. These kids are scared to attend school and I don't blame them. I don't understand you are going have security there for a couple of weeks. This we heard on news. What about the future? I'm sorry if I come off rude but I have two grandsons at MHS that are terrified. So are their mothers and me. Please work out a better solution than security guards!
My son's girlfriend faced a similaar situation with a female Neanderthal bully in high school who was taller than him and out weighed him. Both his girlfriend's mother and I reported the bullying many times, including to the VP in person, but since the bully was a girl, no action was taken, even after the bully tried to throw my son's girlfriend down a flight of stairs.
Finally, after the bully kept kicking his girlfriend in a class, my son had had enough and decked the bully. He then went upt to the teacher who was not keeping track of the classroom and reported the incident. Guess who was permanently expelled?
During my son's expulsion hearing, both a teacher who'd witnessed my son's girlfriend being previously injured by the bully and the VP lied like rugs, playing Schultz. In the hearing, we weren't allowed to have the bully present for questioning. But the school did have a no bullying policy.
Is Julia Reitz now the state's attorney in Coles County?
The States Attorney's main focus before prosecuting a 'bad actor' for any crime is to be reasonably sure he can get a jury to hand down a conviction for the criminal act based on the evidence given to him by investigators….it is a balancing act of protecting the general public at large vs squandering tax payer money …..if this disgruntled student actually made threats to his tormentor either through social media or directly at her and there were many witnesses to that fact than Mr Bower could go for the more serious charge of attempted murder…..since it appears he made no threats against his tormentor, he was at that point just brandishing a firearm on school property….was he drawing a bead on his intended target before he was taken down..I do not know….being in a school cafeteria there had to be lots of students present so one would think there had to be several witness accounts of the event as it unfolded in real time……Mr Bower unlike his counter part in Champaign County does not have a reputation as being 'soft on crime', neither is he an overzealous prosector looking to promote his own political agenda……I know Mr Bower a little bit since having lived in the same town with him for 40 years and feel confident he will weigh the scales of justice before making any decisions on this case and any other cases in the future.
From what I understand, both the bully and the perp just returned from a disciplanary 5 day "time out" (suspension?) for previous misdeeds. Being raised by a single woman does not instill in male children masculine traits to "stand up" for ones self and reject bullying even from a girl and now girls are becoming mean in some instances bullying other girls as well as insecure boys. "Mom" should have been aware of this long ago, what will she do now? Probably blame the girl bully.
By now, most of America has read about the shooting at Mattoon High School in Mattoon, IL. In talking with a slew of people, in addition to published media reports, we've assembled it together here.
You've got some really skewed facts
For those interested, Heavy.com has a heavily edited version of scanner traffic as the event unfolded. I can't figure out how to embed it here. It's worth a listen. At least the first few minutes.
The would-be murderer, according to police and witnesses, is a 16-year-old freshman.
14 years old!
His name is out there, but we're opting not to publish it. His mom is a mental health professional (some say a psychologist or psychiatrist).
Mom is not employed in any mental health profession
Dad's not in the picture at home.
Just because dad does not live in the same house as mom and son does not mean he is not in the picture
Yes, pretty much everyone says the boy was bullied. His tormenter was an older, bigger female. Yes, the would-be murderer was bullied by a girl.
Bullied by multiple people throughout his life
Reportedly, she's been on him since early this school year. In once incident, she allegedly poured a soda on the boy's head.
He poured sode on her head and she in turn beat the snot out of him
Tuesday marked the first day back for both after a suspension from yet another incident.
first day back from the soda / snot beating incident
On Tuesday, the boy went into the cafeteria with his backpack/book bag, sat down roughly across from his tormenter, and pulled the pistol. The heroine here, teacher Angela McQueen, saw the 16-year-old freshman produce the gun and point it female who had been bullying him.
There's been at least 20 different reports on who the gun was pointed at
The teacher acted instantly, and pushed his arm away. When the gun discharged, the round struck a boy seated nearby.
Fortunately, he's probably going to be okay and make a full recovery.
Victim spent 1 night in hospital and was released. Probably going to be OK?
The two wrestled for control of the gun. In the end, the school resource officer disarmed the kid and put him into cuffs.
14 year old freshman don't wrestle with female marines turned PE teacher
Believe it or not, the local prosecutor charged the boy with aggravated battery with a firearm instead of attempted murder. The Decatur Herald and Review reported the prosecutor's explanation for the soft charge:
I think the girl that was bullying him should be charged with something. A person can only take so much. Why did he get suspended for her bullying him. No he shouldn't have brought a gun, but I blame the school for that…. why wasn't they making sure the bullying stopped…. it's wrong. Now that poor kid might be locked up til he's 21…… the dang bullying has to stop. It makes kids feel ugly and useless. Shame on that girl……
Why didn't the school stop the bullying? Likely because the bullying was being done by a gbirl, a "minority". In my son's junior high school in self defense he knocked a Mexican student down who had jumped up on abench and tried to kick him in the head. The Mexican student had been put in "study hall" a number of times for initiating violence. Yet the VP was going to suspend my son for self defense until I asked for his phone to call the police and charge the other student AND the VP for bullying.
Of course I might have told the VP about how I had taught my sons and daughters to protect themselves if backed into a corner. Being a militrary man it wasn't according to Queensberry rules. I think the very liberal diletante VP thought he had a madman on his hands.
Like I've been pointing out for sometime now, Coles county has a rubber stamp of probation, or LESS for just about every felony committed down there. Take a look in today's paper. All 3 were felonies, all get probation. Criminals are flocking down here. I'd be surprised if this shooter sees any jail time at all. It's a mess down here, even our 2 politicians are corrupt as well. Dale Righter and Reggie Phillips.