Do black lives matter? Apparently not to Chicago's Democrat Prosecutor's office or some Cook County criminal court judges. Cook County prosecutors have had a very soft-on-crime demeanor for years under Democrat county prosecutors. And their soft-on-crime attitudes shattered more lives this past weekend in the Windy City.
Last weekend, in the Greektown neighborhood of Chicago – hardly a high-crime neighborhood – four people received injuries, including gunshot wounds for three. The (cough) alleged shooters? Tariq Anderson and DeShawn Carter. Both had previous murder convictions. Hard to believe, right?
Yes, Chicago's police solved that 2008 homicide of a promising high school student, a miracle in and of itself. After all, Chicago's finest have identified suspects (not gained convictions, mind you) in just 12% of homicides this year. That includes the police-involved and concealed carry justifiable homicides as "freebies".
So, with a clearance rate somewhere around 10%, you would think Cook County prosecutors would go the extra mile when they actually catch bad guys and win a conviction. After all, black lives matter, right?
Apparently not so much.
In the case of Anderson and Carter, it took about five long years to identify and bring these two thugs to justice, but it happened. They beat a 17-year-old black student with a promising future ahead. To death. The final blows with a brick to the head killed him.
Anderson and Carter beat that young student to death with a brick to the head and Chicago's soft-on-crime judges sentenced them each to 18 years. Maybe the judge(s) thought these two young men would someday cure cancer. Who knows.
As an aside, it's not that Chicago cops are lazy, inept or stupid. They face a great deal of resistance from the communities hardest hit by violent crime. People don't want to come forward as witnesses because witnesses, even those given "protection", tend to turn up dead.
Unfortunately, even on those rare times when Cook County prosecutors manage to convict bad guys, prison time in Illinois is a lot like dog-years in reverse. Illinois Department of Corrections officials released both convicted murderers Anderson and Carter after serving less than 4 years of their 18-year sentences. Do black lives matter? Obviously not to Chicago's Democrat-run criminal justice system.
Pay attention to their tattoos in addition to their sentencing/release dates.
Less than four years spent in prison for killing a black boy with a promising life ahead of him. Cook County's prosecutors recently argued for (and received) a 27-month sentence for a man convicted of stealing 41 containers of Oil of Olay. That's real-life Chicago "Justice" – proving once more than real life is nothing like Hollywood. (No wonder NBC cancelled the farce show after one season!)
But now, out of prison, these two aspiring genetic scientists – destined to find a cure for cancer – are not finishing their graduate degrees at Harvard. No, they are prowling Chicago's neighborhoods with an illegally-possessed gun, trying to kill other people they recognized as friends of the student they beat to death years before!
Not even the mainstream media could conceal the connection between these mopes' behavior, past and present. From the Chicago Tribune:
It's no coincidence that two of the three men charged in connection with a shooting in Greektown this past weekend have been co-defendants in the past, court officials said Monday.
Two of the men charged in connection with this weekend's melee were convicted of second-degree murder years ago, in connection with the 2008 slaying of a 17-year-old whose friends on Saturday clashed with the men previously convicted of killing him, prosecutors said.
Tariq Anderson, 26, of the 7300 block of Indiana Avenue in Park Manor, had a black eye and held his hands behind his back as Cook County Judge Stephanie Miller ordered him held without bail on two counts of aggravated battery. In addition, he faces a charge of being a felon in possession of a firearm.
Anderson was one of three men charged in the Greektown shooting that left four people injured.
One of the other people charged in the case, Deshawn Carter, also was Anderson’s co-defendant in the 2008 beating death of Shawn Bowens, 17, a prosecutor said during Monday’s central bond hearing in the Leighton Criminal Court Building.
(Note: There's some lousy cell phone video at the link that the Chicago Trib won't allow us to embed. If you don't watch it, you haven't missed a thing.)
Chicago has a crime problem. Crime is not caused by guns or bump-fire stocks. Chicago's violent crime is, however, caused by bad people – violent criminal predators with evil in their hearts. They do not fear police or the criminal justice system. And why should they, when cops can only identify suspects in barely one in ten homicides. What's more, even if cops arrest a suspect and prosecutors manage to bumble their way into a conviction, the judges sentence them to lenient sentences. And then Illinois' prisons let them out after serving less than a quarter of their sentences.
No, the only thing that stops monsters like Anderson and Carter are good guys with guns.
Until we get guns into the hands of more good people in Illinois, Chicago's violent criminals will continue to brazenly victimize others with impunity.
— News photos via Chicago Tribune. Prison information screengrabs from the IDOC website. Chicago Justice photo via NBC. Hey Jackass graph courtesy
What would Colin Flaherty say about this?
The trib never identifies what species these murderers are of………'re we s'posed'ta recognize the bad guys when they come at us?
When the Tribune doesn't identify what species they are it's a good bet that with names like Deshawn and Tariq they are not Irish.
Their pictures are right there. You don’t need to guess.
While I hate “Black Lives Matter” in general, four years in prison for killing a 17 year old student? With a brick!
Should have gotten the rope, not release after less than 4 years!
Please tell me that more gun control laws would solve this problem. That is all we hear after someone gets killed.
That's the ticket! Brick Control Laws!
Black lives matter only to politicians who use them to stay in office. They don't care if they slaughter each other, or how many Innocents get killed along the way just as long as they get what they want. That is why the Black caucus always fights against harsher criminal sentences for violent crime, because it's their constituents that are driving the violent crime in this country. That isn't racism or a matter of debate, that's pure statistical fact. The black population needs to look inward and because they are in a death spiral of violence and dependency.
Crook County is a paper tiger. The jails are half empty, everyone with living in anything more substantial than a refrigerator box under a bridge is getting Electronic Monitoring, anyone getting arrested is NOT doing any jail time (at 143 bucks a day), and the state is doing their level best to get everyone out of prison sooner, rather than later, presumably to save what little money the state has.
Its a joke.
There is no way to effectively put a cork in this bottle any longer, Nor is there a willingness to do so. I am no fan of most politicians, but there are more than enough Democrat whores/politicans to point the finger at. This is not a tax problem, this is a spending problem, coupled with a sleaze media that ignores the daily murders to sensationalize every move of every cop.