Here's the scoop as I understand it: In an interesting turn of events, Senator Kwame Raoul, the moderate-talking but really avowed Leftist appointed to replace then State Senator Obama some years ago, has introduced an amendment to the House's bump stock ban (HB-1467). Raoul's little gift (Senate Amendment One) would add an end to pre-emption of long guns. Because he and other gun grabbing Illinois senators (including the hate-filled political hack Lil' Donnie Harmon) bitterly cling to their anger over losing on the concealed carry fight years ago.
It will be thrown to a friendly Senate committee with an hour or two's notice, advanced out of committee to a Senate floor vote where it needs a simple majority to pass. Given how much pressure squishy-on-guns pols have endured in the past few months – and especially since Parkland, FL – its passage through the Senate with the new anti-pre-emption language added would not come as a surprise to anyone.
In other news today…
The Illinois Senate will probably take up an attempted veto-over-ride of the Gun Dealer Licensing Bill. If you haven't called your senator on that one, urging them to stand with gun owners in their district (who vote religiously) to oppose the over-ride, you should. RFN. Also call Senator Andy Manar. He's a swing vote on this. The other side knows this as well. It's not a secret. Go ahead and call him too. RFN.
In other news, Todd Vandermyde, the former NRA-ILA contract lobbyist whose now working for the Illinois delears trade group, put up a quick and dirty update over at Illinois Carry. I got much the same in a phone call last night. In short, everything is extremely fluid. Our goal is to make it through this week without too much bleeding.
There's a sad amendment to HB-1465 which would provide some affirmative defenses to felony charges for an 18-20-year-old in possession of a black rifle, standard capacity magazines or .50 caliber firearms or ammo. Yeah, get arrested for a felony, strip search, anally probed, hire an attorney, spend a ton of money, revocation of FOID card, potentially go to trial, MAYBE get an acquittal. Yeah. That's a pretty great concession, folks. Too bad they didn't have this affirmative defense for acting like a would-be tin-horn dictator masquerading as a state legislator.
For all this targeting of guns from leftist Chicagoland Democrats (and some downstate as well), there needs to be a price to dissuade this behavior… We, as gun owners, need to replace these people trying to distract from sexual harassment complaints and scandals with gun control. We need to replace them with folks far more moderate to supportive of our basic, fundamental constitutional rights.
Most troubling is news that former Springfield Armory and Rock River Arms' trade group lobbyist Jay Keller has been slinking around the Capitol Complex. Is looking to do unsanitary things to gun owners after finding himself fired from a cushy, well-paying gig after last year's fiasco on Gun Dealer Licensing? Is he coaching the Senate President on how to defeat our efforts? Time will tell. If so, Jay's life could get a whole lot more disgraced. A whole lot.
Here are a couple of ACTION MESSAGES from our friends at the National Rifle Association. Read them. Take action. Help us beat back the angry mob. If we fail, we'll all become members of the Future Felons of Illinois club thanks to legislative fiat by gun-hating leftists who can't win a public debate, so they'll legislate us out of existance.
Thanks to your hard work, Governor Bruce Rauner has vetoed the two anti-gun bills that would drive your local gun stores out of business. However, the fight is not yet over, as anti-gun Senators will attempt to override the veto. Please contact your state Senator and urge them to OPPOSE overriding the veto on SB 1657 and HB 1273. Click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Senator.
Senate Bill 1657, sponsored by Senator Don Harmon (D-39), was passed by the House with a vote of 64-52 and House Bill 1273, sponsored by Representative Kathleen Willis (D-77), was passed by the Senate with a vote of 30-23. These bills would create an onerous gun dealer licensing scheme within the state. While the purported intent of this legislation was to enhance “responsible business practices,” these bills only prove that the intention is to close as many federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) as possible. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) licenses and closely monitors all FFLs and strictly enforces any violation of federal law. SB 1657 and HB 1273 go so far beyond federal law in its mandatory regulations and red tape imposed at the state level that they would almost assuredly force the closure of most firearm dealers and prevent prospective owners from opening new ones. This legislation seeks to create so many department divisions, anti-gun 5-member licensing boards, and licensing fees that dealers would be forced to close through oversight by anti-gun appointees or being priced out of business.
SB 1657 & HB 1273 go far beyond federal law and are designed to shut down as many FFLs as possible.
Again, please use the “Take Action” button above to tell your state Senator not to override the veto on SB 1657 and HB 1273.
On Wednesday, March 14th, the Illinois state Senate will consider a number of extreme gun control bills. These bills ban the possession of most semi-automatic firearms and magazines by law-abiding adults aged 18-20, requiring them to be surrendered within 90 days, impose a 72-hour waiting period on modern semi-automatic firearms, and ban certain firearm accessories and historical firearms. These bills have already passed the state House of Representatives and it is urgent that you contact your state Senator and ask them to OPPOSE House Bills 1465, 1467, and 1468. Click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Senator.
House Bill 1468, sponsored by Representative Jonathan Carroll (D-57), previously passed the House by a vote of 79-37. It would require a 72 hour waiting period for certain commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms and .50 BMG caliber rifles. Current Illinois law requires a 72 hour waiting period for handguns and a 24 hour waiting period for long guns. The arbitrary distinction in this bill will cause confusion among firearm sellers about which long guns require a 72 hour waiting period. In addition, it would also ban the sale of these firearms to non-residents.
House Bill 1465, as amended by Representative Michelle Mussman (D-56), previously passed the House by a vote of 64-51. It would deny law-abiding young adults under the age of 21 their Second Amendment rights by prohibiting them from possessing or purchasing commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, standard capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, and .50 BMG caliber rifles. The bill would require adults under the age of 21 to dispose of such firearms within 90 days and to dispose of standard capacity magazines over ten rounds in capacity immediately. In addition, language in the bill would prohibit out-of-state visitors from being present in Illinois for longer than 24 hours with such firearms or standard capacity magazines.
House Bill 1467, sponsored by Representative Martin Moylan (D-55), previously passed the House by a vote of 83-31. It would ban “bump stocks” and “trigger cranks.” The broad and vague language could be interpreted to ban components used on competition grade firearms. It would ban various antique and historical reproduction firearms such as Gatling guns, which are owned by collectors and historical reenactors. It would require owners of “bump stocks” and “trigger cranks” to dispose of them within 90 days.
Again,please contact your state Senator and urge them to OPPOSE House Bills 1465, 1467, and 1468.
I just called Bennet's office for what it is worth. (Fingers crossed)
All of this garbage passed in the Senate today. some will be going back to the House because they added amendments where of course the traitors will vote yes. Time to call and email Rauner and demand he veto what he can.
The media pick what fit their agenda. The shooting in Florida they blame on the NRA and a rifle that looks scary to them. Just a few months ago A mass shooting occurred at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas on November 5, 2017. The gunman, 26-year-old killed 26 and injured 20 others. But that was a church. The shooting was stopped by a NRA member with a scary looking rifle came to the site and exchange gun fire that caused the shooter to flee. The media appears to not like that and dropped the story in short order. Church, NRA good guy, scary looking gun used for good. Florida and Texas were both enabled due to government ERRORs.
Keep calling.
Who is going to protect you?
Our these people out of their GD mind.
So your telling me we have to rely on a weak Governor to have a chance to save our rights!
This means if the democrats can steal-win the elecetion this fall we lose everything?
What the h3ll, we must cheer for a nuclear war to put a stop to this tyranny!
Please post the vote roll calls for all of these gun bills so we know how our reps and senators are voting. Very frustrating that ISRA and GSL is not getting this information out.
This is public information and can be found on a Legislative site. Do your homework and research. Also, with how quick these bills are moving and how fluid it is, by the time a post is up, the information changes.
all due respect, smart, that's why we pay organizations like GSL, so they will do it for us. If we have to do all the research, why join any grassroots organization?
One of the comments on AR15 said it best the 2,000,000 plus gun owners in illinois need to get off their rears
Thank you posting the votes.
FIctional report below, a cartton snipet I'd like to see:
City dispatch: Hello this is dispatch may I help you?
Streesed caller: Yeah this is Shannon Watts, OMG! Someone is trying to break into my house! They'll yelling and threatening me and my daughter!
City dispatch: Okay ma'am, calm down, wow Shannon Watts,,,hey you're that anti-gunner aren't you?
Stressed caller: Yes, Moms Demand Action, now get me some cops out here! We're defenselss and I'm so afraid!
City dispatch: Wow. Let me think. Okay we'll send the ninja squad, since you hate guns, might take a couple hours to round them all up.
Stressed caller: You can't be serious! Get me some cops out here right away and make sure they got some big guns. You must be nuts! WE need guns and we need them NOW! My daughter and I are at risk! Oh boo hoo, I'm so afraid! I think I just wet myself! Oh boo hoo, now help me!!! Holy crap, I wish I had a gun!
Gun Owners, Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Business Owners, Teachers, Pastors, Patriots and EVERY AMERICAN THAT LOVES THIS COUNTRY: Please stand with us in Decatur 333 S Franklin Sunday @ 1:30!
If there were still a Woolworth's lunch counter, they could not refuse to serve someone due to a whole list of categories. But let someone with a concealed carry arm be refused, and Bull Connors great grandson will be there with dogs and fire hoses to arrest you. There are many public access areas that say no to legal fire arm carry. Any public access area should not limit legal conceal carry. Places like the post office, even their parking lots, hospitals, and schools,
Guys can some one provide me a link to the ISRA candidates list.
For some reason I can not get to the ISRA site. Even my wife is unable to get the site to load.
We need to know who the best pro-gun candidates are for state wide races.