
When does YOUR Illinois concealed carry license expire?  You should check, because the first of them will begin to lapse in early 2019.  

Good news though!  Guns Save Life has heard from the Illinois State Police.  Bottom Line:  Let the renewal training commence!

In the coming days, the Illinois State Police will release a new 3-hour "renewal" certificate template to instructors, to then issue to concealed carry licensees completing the required refresher class prior to renewing their carry license.

The renewal class minimums include two hours of legal and one hour of weapon handling. 

Yes, licensees will have to re-shoot the qualification test.  That test is untimed and consists of 10 rounds at 5-, 7- and 10-yards, with a 70% passing score (21 hits) anywhere in the black silhouette of a B-27 target.

There's no big rush as the Illinois State Police will not begin to accept renewals applications anytime soon.  However, by taking the renewal over the late-spring, summer or fall, you'll be able to enjoy much nicer weather for the range segment of the refresher.  No sane person I know likes shooting outdoors in sub-freezing weather with a stiff wind.


8 thoughts on “Illinois State Police to release “Renewal” training certs any day now.”
  1. ISP dragging their feet for renewals like they drag their feet for first time applications?   No surprises there.  Call your elected officials and ask them to look into this?  I can see that they would want a 3 hour refresher but why will it take 90 days (OR MORE) for them to issue a renewal?  Maybe they don't know that everyone with a FOID card gets a background check EVERY DAY?  Are they waiting for someone with an expired permit to shoot someone so they can say "We told you so."?

    1. For the same reason I needed intervention when I moved from one zip code in my town to the other, and my FCCL had to go "under review" for over a month.

  2. I enjoyed taking the GSL licensed course to get my concealed carry, seems like it was in November, luckily it wasn't a terrible day but fairly cold and since I had already had an NRA certified "Personal Protection in the Home" course I only had to have the 8 hour 1 day suppliment.

    John, do you have any idea the possible cost of the 3 hour renewal class through GSL yet? And, is the renual fee $150.00?, I think that was the cost of the initial license permit, seems like it shouldn't be as high as the initial fee, but we all know it is a windfall for a state that loves to spend money it doesn't have. Any idea where the money the state takes in for these fees goes, you know, like the hunting and fishing licenses are supposed to go to support hunting and fishing areas through DNR? Just wondering.

    1. The renewal fee – the highest in the country, for those who don't know – is set in Section 60 of the Act, as is the destination for those funds.

      Of the $150, $120 goes to the ISP Firearm Services Bureau (to restore line-item manpower reductions in staffing made by Governors Blagojevich and Quinn, that resulted in 6 month waits for FOIDs), $20 goes to the Mental Health Reporting Fund (although there's no similar fee on any of the other items that are potential weapons sold in this state) and the remaining $10 goes to the IL State Crime Lab, to again restore unilateral funding cuts imposed by Governor Quinn, and without any other potential sources of crime being taxed.

  3. We haven't settled on a renewal training fee yet, although I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the neighborhood of $35-50.  

    It'll probably consist of 2 hours of legal lectures by our cops and lawyers, and an hour of range time followed by the qual.  Guessing around 75 rounds fired.  Probably tell people to bring two boxes in case something horrible happens during the qual and they need to re-shoot. 

    That's only happened like three time… out of what, well over a thousand plus people we've taught?  Usually for people with palsy or other medical issues.  I shot a 26 on it with my eyes closed…  and that's clearing a malfunction at 10 yards and resuming fire all without opening my eyes.  Under careful supervision of other instructors, of course.  It's all about natural point of aim.


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