You might have heard about a gun rights rally in Springfield at the Capitol complex this weekend. Yeah, the one that the State Journal-Register suggested was an "Open Carry Rally" in a front-page story today. Here's a pro-tip: Out of an abundance of caution, AVOID IT!
People promoting the rally have been hounding me about the April 14th event scheduled for all afternoon Saturday. They want – really badly – Guns Save Life to put our name behind it and encourage our members to attend. I noted that on a Saturday afternoon, exactly nobody is going to be at the Capitol Building save maintenance workers and maybe an odd tourist-type or two. The place is like a ghost town on the weekends.
They insisted. I ignored them.
Then local newspaper, the State Journal-Register, has a front page story about the possibility of open carry at said rally. I've talked with David Clayton, one of the organizers, and believe he found himself down a side road from an AP reporter… and AP turned this rally (and the possibility that some people in some places might bring guns to it) into a something it's not.
In talking with Mr. Clayton, I believe the people who came up with this nationwide rally idea are pretty new to advocacy. Mr. Clayton is relatively young and full of passion and energy. I like that. I've been there myself.
And, of course, we all make mistakes.
Yes, the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans is putting on this event. They have no history because they are new. Of course, I found earlier that they have a brand new website.
According to their Facebook page, they describe themselves as "a coalition of various Patriot groups who have come together to unify our ideals and diligently work together to uphold the Constitution."
And now, they have managed to gain front-page news coverage here in Illinois, suggesting that people will bring their long guns to make a statement. And apparently a similar story ran in plenty of other states as well.
As if we – the law-abiding good guys – are going to bring long-guns to the State Capitol complex as part of a rally in Illinois? Please, brother.
Here's the first part of the story in the Springfield State Journal-Register.
Organizers are encouraging gun rights supporters to bring unloaded rifles to rallies at state capitols across the U.S. this weekend, pushing back against a wave of student-led gun violence protests that some see as a threat to the Second Amendment.
Illinois officials, however, are reminding people coming to the planned rally in Springfield on Saturday that it is illegal to carry firearms — loaded or unloaded — out in the open in the state.
“Illinois is not an open-carry state,” said Beth Kaufman, a spokeswoman for the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office, which oversees the Capitol Complex. ”… They’ve been advised to not bring firearms to the event.”
A group called the National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans is spreading word of the gun-rights gatherings on social media. Organizers have permits for rallies Saturday outside 45 statehouses, including Illinois, said David Clayton of West Virginia, one of the coalition’s founders.
The group’s event at the Illinois Capitol is set for 1-5 p.m. Saturday near the Abraham Lincoln statue at Second Street and Capitol Avenue.
While I don't believe or suspect the organizers are agent provocateurs, I still recommend prudence and caution. In Illinois, I'd recommend skipping this event. Of course, you can do whatever you want with your time and energy. Remember, the (IL) Capitol grounds is a gun-free zone for those with CCWs. And don't even think of bringing a long gun. Or an empty rifle case.
Carry on…
You are just like the news, never fact check anything. What your saying is how the media spun his words. They are requesting no one bring long rifles and if they do, not loaded and follow all your local and state laws.
You literally just said they're lying and then said the exact same thing they said… the fact is, illegal.
My name is Jessica Heagy. I am a 3%er and state POC for this rally in Indianapolis. Yes, I do advocate that people can carry. If you read more you’ll see that I have very explicitly told people to stay OFF of statehouse grounds as it is a felony. The only people that’ll be on Capitol property will be the police and politicians speaking. When you throw media up pls actually look into it.
The Springfield State journal register is WRONG. Someone from an anti-gin group gave a false narrative to the newspaper in order to do EXACTLY what youbar e falling for. We are reminding WVERYBODY NOT to bring guns. We are not an open gun rally. And we are a young group, and we are very serious about our freedoms and constitutional rights. For a young group to create a nationwide rally, that should show how serious we are. We ARE a coalition of patriotic American groups, but thanks about the ONLY thing true in your article. You should really check your sources, and so should the Springfield Journal.
LOL. You're just poor victims…
It's all just a misunderstanding.
Of course, you'll be right there to post bail and hire attorneys to represent those arrested, right? Yeah, I thought so.
No we aren't poor victims, and it's not just a misunderstanding. We explicitly told everyone NOT to bring ANY weapons to the rally. Just because an anti gun liberal gives false information to a newspaper and gullible people believe it, doesn't make us bad people. And if anyone is dumb enough to bring a gun and gets arrested after we instructed that NO ONE bring a gun, they are on thier own. If they didn't heed our warning, they can lie in the bed they made.
Actually everything you have said isn't true in the slightest. David Clayton has specifically said he doesn't want people open carrying rifles, wearing full battle rattle, and to also abide by the law of each state. If you took the time to research what he said as you did with the website, you'd realize how wrong you actually are.
I would please like for someone from this site to contact me. I am the founder of the NCCPA (National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans) my name is David Clayton. The story that was released was from an interview I did with Associated Press out of Savannah, Ga. In the interview I encouraged no weapons, but if your state law allows you to open carry, to do so with no magazines in the mag well and empty chambers for both safety and the weapons being symbolic of the 2nd amendment if you so wish to carry a weapon. The reporter twisted my words and came up with this headline and article. If you have any other questions you may contact me directly. Until then, I respectfully ask to remove this article due to the false information provided as a source. I am currently combating the various news outlets that ran this story.
Well the NH rally is being taken over by NHFC wich is run by a Massachusettes cop who bullies and threatens people. As well as arresting them on false charges. They also advocate for gun control in NH. So have fun with that one.
If you would like to know the TRUE story then contact David Clayton and ask him. Taking talking points from a news article that misreresented the facts to begin with and then adding your own unique spin is really being competely dishonorable in the field of journalism.
David Clayton has been contacted.
He has responded. I feel better now that this isn't a set up to make gun owners look bad. I'm afraid the damage in today's newspaper article has already been done though.
You may need to look more closely. GSL has been promoting IGOLD at all the meeting locations, in GunNews and here on the site.
Thank you for the gentle reminder, Lou.
I can verify that nobody has encouraged my group to bring guns to Springfield. This appears to be fake news…
Until you get confirmation of the accuracy of your story and sources, you might consider pulling your article. When it is all said and done and the facts are presented, GunsSaveLife is gonna come out with egg on their face for being propagandists. There is a recording of the actual interview with the AP that ran the false narrative.
I think GSL will come out of this just fine. Meanwhile me and my fam are going to heed GSL's advice. They have a proven track record here.
Too many drummers in the gun rights business. If everyone was on the same page and marches to the same drummer we would stomp the anti loonies and fast. Mr. Clayton, why not postpone your gathering until the 25th when everyone else will be there and the capital building will be open?
Why couldn’t we have two large rally’s? I’m really kinda disappointed with GSL for spread this disinformation just before this rally. You being one of the biggest pro second amendment groups in Illinois should of done some research on this before putting this on your website. We are all in this for a common goal. Your lack of research may have resulted in a smaller turnout than rally had the potential to be.
A frustrated member
I was planning on going but the original article warned it may some kind of set up by the other side / was some type of "militia loser" attempt to cause trouble. and GSL has always been spot on in the past so I heeded. Everyone knows not to open carry ANYTHING in this state. hopefully this group has another rally and attends IGold too. Looked like a decent enough turn out despite the SJR twisting of facts and GSL warning.
Uh, Mike, rallying at The Capitol on a day that it’s closed is like protesters blocking the end of a dead end street. Come on man, use your energy when it will be of some benefit.
Bias media cant trust them as far as you can throw them.
The 2nd ammenment is like a anvil people keep trying to hammer it but it will not be broken.
Stay cool people, don't become divided.
Hahahaha. The Potatriots are gonna show up by the tens and make reasonable, responsible gun owners look stupid.
It will be these idiots, not liberals or Democrats, who will be responsible when you do lose your guns.
I talked to the editor of the SJR, and told her this was a very misleading article. She was unrepentant. I don't doubt SJR twisted Mr. Clayton's words. The intent of the article was to make the pro-gun movement look bad. You will note that NCCPA was not mentioned until the second page which most people do not turn to. Their name should have been in the first sentence, and articel was very misleading and inaccurate. GSL is a big supporter of IGOLD, I don't understand that comment.
onward Christian soldiers!!!
Quit arguing were all in this together
Unfortunately this is a long-time problem in Illinois if not elsewhere. You are correct however, we do need to work together rather than separately.
This article did nothing to help:
I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. They are trying to add their members into Overpasses for America for a June 11th rally. What I find very strange and suspicious is why do all of their members have to join our group to attend rallies together ? David Clayton is a human pile of excretement. One of his Maine nccpa leaders is a lying trouble maker. And David talks to women as if they are garbage and refuses to see the wrongs his member did and when presented with proof still refused to see what his Maine leader did and just like a liberal, he starts with name calling and insults when confronted with the truth. And the Maine leaders husband is worse than a pile of cow manure. I do have proof of all of their lies.