Illinois concealed carry instructors Rick Noble and Dean Hazen hosted a free Illinois CCW class to school staff members this past weekend in Farmer City. It went well, and garnered some nice coverage from both television and newspaper media outlets.
From the Pantagraph:
FARMER CITY — The growing threat of gun violence in America’s classrooms brought more than 30 employees from Central Illinois school districts to Farmer City for a two-day course over the weekend aimed at better preparing them for the unthinkable.
A group that included teachers, bus drivers, administrators and school office workers dodged raindrops at a gun range Sunday afternoon for the firearms proficiency portion of the concealed carry class. Instructors Rick Noble and Dean Hazen, both retired police officers, offered the free training course to school employees.
Hudson elementary school teachers Julie Smith and Megan Cramer are still formulating their opinions on whether teachers should be armed but Saturday’s demonstration of a semi-automatic rifle similar to the weapons used in school shootings provided the audience with useful information, the Unit 5 teachers agreed.
Lamenting the need for such training, Smith said, “it’s one more thing that takes our focus away from teaching.”

One more chance!
Guns Save Life, GSL Defense Training and the DeWitt County Sportsman's Club have teamed up to offer a similar class, free of charge, to teachers and others working in public and private elementary and secondary education schools on July 7 & 8, 2018. Everyone from bus drivers all the way up to the superintendent can take advantage of this training.
JULY 7 & 8, 2018 at the DeWitt County Sportsman’s Club, 6 miles east of Clinton on Route 10.
>>>> Click here for REGISTRATION FORM <<<<
GSL Defense Training’s Essential Carry (IL CCW 16-hour)
* NRA gun safety rules
* How to avoid becoming a victim
* Gun ownership laws
* Strategies for home safety
* Defensive shooting tactics
* Gun cleaning
* Safe storage of firearms
* Use of firearms responsibly, ethically & legally and more
Enrollees will need to provide their own lunch. Participants will also need ammunition (250 rounds) in 9mm or .38 Special if using our loaner guns.
For more information, visit the GSL Defense Training page.
Lamenting the need for such training, Smith said, “it’s one more thing that takes our focus away from teaching.”
Noting the opputunity for such teaching, old buzzard says, "it's one more thing someone has volunteered the time to teach you so that you may learn a new way to defend yourselves and your students if the need ever arises." AND the old buzzard would personally like to thank the instructors that offered the class.
Encouraged that there is a positive response both in the mefia and the turnout of education personel, would be interrested to know number of actual teachers taking advantage of the instruction and how many will actually get the CCW permit from the state.
AM I the only one that sees some poor gun safety in those pictures?