One of the benefits of membership in ISRA is their weekly emailed messages from ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson.  Aside from the fact he never mentions Guns Save Life, oftentimes he has some good information that's well worth reading.  If you're not a member of ISRA, you should consider joining.  Of course, if you're not a member of Guns Save Life, you definitely should join…  and attend one of our six monthly grassroots meetings across Illinois (see the calendar on the right side of the page).  You might win a gun, too, as we give away a gun at every meeting.  Okay, sometimes it is a case of ammo, or a crossbow, or a Scheels gift card.  But you get the idea.

Today was a particularly good one.  And he touches on Kathleen Willis doubling down on stupid that I've been meaning to get around to tackling.

Executive Directors Message

  Soon, the first of the 10-year FOID cards will start renewing and this is likely to swamp the Illinois State Police (ISP).  With that in mind, on August 17th, Governor Rauner signed HB 4855 into law.  HB 4855 allows gun owners a 60-day grace period to keep their FOID card active while their renewal application is being processed, even if the processing period extends beyond the FOID card’s expiration date.  Your renewal should not be submitted more than 60 days before your expiration date.  This new law also clarifies the definition of a patient so hospitals have a better idea of how to report the status of a patient to the ISP.  For years, the ISRA has had to deal with cases in which people who were admitted to a hospital were put into an empty mental ward because the ward they should have been admitted to was filled.  These were usually people who should have been placed in either a medical ward or maternity ward.  Because they were in a mental facility, they lost their FOID card.  It takes years to straighten these cases out.  Meanwhile, the person is denied their rights.  Hospitals were not helpful.  I will leave it go at that.

I advise everyone who desires a FOID card to apply immediately.  Please be very careful, particularly if you are unfamiliar with a computer; if you answer anything wrong, it is a first-class mess.  If you are an ISRA member, our office will assist you.  Please call Mary at 815.635.3198 to schedule an appointment.  

Anti-gunner State Representative Kathleen Willis (D-Addison) doesn’t like Illinois County Boards that are passing Gun Sanctuary County Resolutions.  Willis has filed a resolution (HR 1197) condemning “scofflaw counties” that do not agree with her or her Chicago anti-gun political agenda.  Willis, on the other hand, supports resolutions from the Illinois General Assembly to Congress to influence Federal Legislation and policies that many do not agree with.  Maybe someone in Congress will pass a resolution condemning “scofflaw state legislatures”.  By the way, 39 counties have passed Gun Sanctuary County Resolutions.


Sanctuary Status 2018-08-22

6 thoughts on “Richard Pearson’s Executive Director’s Message: FOID Cards, Scofflaw Counties,”
  1. Well, the FOID is a good resurection of the Jim Crow laws brought to us by the Party who came up with the orignal Jim Crow laws. 


    1. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You: I have been trying to explain to people for years that the FOID Card is a modern era “JIM CROW LAW”.

      The Push for gun control in Illinois came after race riots in 1965 and 1966 has a way to disarm Blacks in state or those that would come into the state and participate in future riots.

      The Communist were behind the Riots whooping up violence trying to bring down the USA.

      The Democrat KKK party used this violence for political power and to disarm the American people.

        The Democrat KKK party wants to raise our taxes, take our guns, Impeach President Trump and open our borders as an attempt to destroy our Country.

      This is why we need to vote against JB and every KKK Democrat in the Country

  2. I remember my history books:  Republicans freed the slaves during and after the Civil War.

    And I'm old enough to remember it was the Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Acts.  Democrats, on the other hand, provided the overwhelming opposition to the bills that stopped many of the Jim Crow laws in the South and North's Jim Crow stuff too.

  3. Last night Pike County unamiously past the Second Amendment Santuary County resolution.  What is the official count now?


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