The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A 'Red Army'

A year ago, I wrote about the left's civil war heating up in America. Since then, Antifa and company continue their armed marches against freedom and liberty. Initially, Antifa groups got away scot-free, beating Trump supporters bloody while, of course, calling them fascists and Nazis. More recently though, Antifa's masked thugs have been the ones suffering the thumpings in direct confrontations.

In response, radicals have ramped up their efforts to form what they're calling a "Red Army." Why? To "annihilate" their enemies, of course.

Really. From one of the Red Guards Austin manifestos, posted August 19th and still online:

Oppose the Counterfeit! Antifascism Must Take On a Paramilitary Character!

…The fact that no fascists were harmed in the making of this “counter-protest” only proves that the main organizers have no stomach for antifascism—for us antifascism is concrete—it does not mean simply voicing a disagreement it means stopping fascists in their tracks and hurting their efforts to the point where they stop organizing.

…On the basis of our principled united front work, fascists and their collaborators can be drowned out, run out, routed, beaten bloody, and even annihilated. These are our principles and we aim to hold them to the very finish.

The twisted minds of these radical leftists view their unlawful, unprovoked violence against their political enemies as self-defense. In reality, their "self-defense" looks a whole lot like textbook fascism. In other words, using force and violence to suppress opposing points of view.

One thing seems perfectly clear. If the authorities do not stop and prosecute this sort of political violence, peace-loving American gun owners will. The will have no choice but to protect themselves, as is their right.

Looking back to the 2016 elections, the radicals in Antifa and their Black Bloc BFFs freely "drowned out, run out, routed, beaten bloody, and even annihilated" their fellow Americans. Local cops, some ordered to stand down, allowed the political violence to go effectively unchecked.

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A 'Red Army'

Or worse yet, cops in some places acted in concert with the violent left. In San Jose, Ninth Circuit appellate court justices have allowed a lawsuit against the police to proceed. Cops there not only failed to protect Trump supporters at an organized rally, but actually routed them into a mass of violent "counter-protesters."

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A 'Red Army'

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A 'Red Army'

How did these Antifa types get away with this for so long? Sympathetic local government leaders, coupled with Americans' reluctance to settle political disagreements via violence allowed this to happen.

It goes without saying that Antifa has no reservations about using violence to achieve their political goals. In fact, these masked thugs who fancy themselves anti-fascists live by Alinski's Rules for Radicals.

  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on."
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside"
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Particularly when it comes to violence, the left loves Rule #4 by counting on their fellow Americans not to risk possibly breaking the law to defend themselves. The left knows that everyday Americans will avoid resorting to violence, sometimes even when attacked. Since childhood, our society has taught people to eschew, and not embrace violence. And decent, well-adjusted, civilized people do indeed avoid violence.

Couple the reluctance to fight back with Rule #9, "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself," this allows bullies to make threats to bully and intimidate others into silence. In other words, using the threat of violence is enough to suppress opposing viewpoints. That's fascism.

Antifa never really believed that conservative Americans might actually answer violent attacks…with violence. It's one thing for bullies to intimidate through force of numbers. It's another when bullies see and taste their own blood.

This past summer, the right has organized and successfully pushed back against masked troublemakers. In most cases, it hasn't gone well for the true fascists. Masked toughs don't respond well when their intended victims don't run, but fight back instead. In fact, masked tough guys tend to break and run pretty quickly when faced with violent resistance.

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A 'Red Army'

Take Mr. Masked Antifa, who tried to wield an expandable baton in Oregon earlier this summer. One punch and he was down for the count. Here's the video.

In the streets where I live, attacking someone with a baton – with or without a mask – carries the risk of getting shot and taking the room temperature challenge.

Speaking of Portland: the battle of Portland his summer resulted in a near complete rout for the Black Bloc.

At another Portland event, an Antifa member's crash course in kung fu got him knocked out cold. He learned that going hands-on carries risks. Especially when the other person is not intimidated by a group of Black Bloc bullies.

So faced with these humiliating defeats, the Antifa crowd now apparently is seeking an arms race.

From that same Red Guards Austin manifesto:

we encourage the formation of paramilitary organizations on two levels. The first being those who are mainly unarmed but are prepared and trained to carry out fist fighting or using blunt weapons like axe handles or flagpoles as well as shields and basic armoring. The second level is the more advanced embryo of a Red Army, which is trained militarily and operates as soldiers all the time, engaging in production and mass work among the proletariat and the oppressed nation’s people. [emphasis original]

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A 'Red Army'

I know from experience participating in and teaching Appleseed shoots that gun ownership doesn't make a skilled marksman any more than piano ownership makes a skilled musician. At the same time, we know that bad music won't kill innocent people.

Hopefully this is nothing more than fanciful talk from the radical left and will go nowhere. However, they have already demonstrated a willingness to tool-up and to use violence to suppress opposing viewpoints. If and when these "Red Guards" put their two acts together, they may win the first round of bloodshed.

Shortly thereafter, sanity will prevail and they will learn first-hand what Americans are willing to do to defend their freedom.  I'll give you a clue:  it involves true annihilation.

9 thoughts on “The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A ‘Red Army’”
  1. Complacency by the public along with an impotent DOJ and local authorites in certain jurisdictions who turn a blind eye coupled with a media such as CNN which actually give credence and validation to the bolshevic ANTFA red army (it is actual bolshevism) can only breed further unrest in Portland, Seattle and Berkeley. It's already a virus and if the justice system cannot or will not contain this destructive, murderous ideaology many innocent people will suffer at the hands of oppressive behavior from these radical thugs not only in those cities but many others further east. ANTIFA are just like Stalin, Hitler, Tito, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. in mind set. The justice dept needs to go after local govt such as in Portlant who allow ANTIFA to flourish and charge those "leaders" under Title 18 USC statutes such as Misprision. They need to go after ANTIFA too under civil rights violations. Unfortunately no corrective actions are being undetaken for the injustices and threats to civility and order.

  2. JB,

    Nice to see this post is already making the rounds since I came to it linked from another website.  I would say we're still in a soft or pre-civil war phase at this point.  What you are seeing are the Reds still learning to organize and just more recently cut their teeth on some physical violence. 

    Occupy Wall Street was an earlier non-violent (but still civil disobedient) version, but at each step they are learning to be more militant.  If you recall, OWS shut down 3 shipping ports on the West Coast including Portland back in 2011.  This was a test run.  More recently the Reds have briefly shut down other infrastructure/public gatherings such as the flash mobs disrupting streets and highways from Tucson to Chicago this past Summer.

    What you will also see more of from this point forward is the fomation of the Red-Green Alliance (Socialism and Islam) in the streets.  This will inject some muscle in the Antifa milquetoast militia, but this won't last over the long term.  This alliance will be one of temporary convenience since deep down there will always be an urge for the muslims to drop them off the top of a building.

    Sadly, true Constitutionalists (who are probably the majority of the readers of GSL) will find themselves to be the smaller of Three factions as things polarize over the coming years.  We hate communism with a passion, but we also don't like the racist elements we know inhabit the back tables of the alt-right.  And although most of us will agree that it was Western European Civilization and the Judeo-Christian spiritual belief system that truly Made America Great, it's some of these same elements in the Alt-Right that want to rip out that Spirit –just like the Reds and the Muslims want to do.

    No matter what flag the authoritarians end up flying over a State Capitol (and/or DC), the Jihadis will align with their fellow Statist scum.  In other words if a national socialist/fascist/racist faction gains an upper hand over the Reds, you'll see the Jihadis quickly switch to that side.  Like Franco did in Spain or the Croats did during the Balkan Wars or the Globalists are doing right now in the Middle East, that faction will have no problem integrating Sunni Muslim battalions.  It will be a very bad day for (old 1776) Constitutionalists and Christians (who are in a non-New State-approved denomination) who refuse to submit to a New Constitution (and allah).

  3. I'm also very concerned about Redneck Revolt.

    Redneck Revolt was founded in 2009, in part in response to the perceived contradictions of the Tea Party movement, as an offshoot of the John Brown Gun Club, a firearms training and community defense project that was itself founded in Lawrence, Kansas in 2004. Founding member Dave Strano was previously part of the Kansas Mutual Aid Network, which was involved in organizing protests against the Republican National Convention in 2004, in relation to which he and others began to train with firearms and engage in Second Amendment advocacy. In the early 2000s, John Brown Gun Club members operated anti-racist stalls at gun shows in Kansas. The John Brown Gun Club sought to "demystify" firearms, and to distinguish their commitment to community self-defense from clandestine groups that advocated guerrilla warfare. Its first major mobilization was a protest against the 2005 national conference of the Minuteman Project.

    Following a hiatus the group was re-formed as a national organization in summer 2016, using both the Redneck Revolt and John Brown Gun Club names with the intention of responding to the growth of right-wing populism, particularly among rural, working-class white people.

    The group attributes their use of the word "redneck" to the time of the Coal Wars, a series of labor disputes in the United States occurring from around 1890 to around 1930, when the word became popular among coalminers. The use of the term is also intended as a form of subversion or reappropriation. The group's name also refers to the 1921 Battle of Blair Mountain, and the red bandanas worn by members emulate those worn by striking coalminers during that conflict. A member has said that the group tries "to acknowledge the ways we've made mistakes and bought into white supremacy and capitalism, but also give ourselves an environment in which it's OK to celebrate redneck culture".

    Their political influences include the 19th-century abolitionist John Brown, the Young Patriots Organization the Deacons for Defense and Justice, and the Rainbow Coalition, an alliance formed in Chicago in the 1960s between the Black Panther Party, Young Lords and the Young Patriots. The group sees itself as part of a tradition of white working-class "rebellion against tyranny and oppression".

  4. now Obama is out there politicking.  And his message is take it  back !!!!!!    Take what back Obama. I never got anything from  your tour of duty. That ide want back   !!

  5. They should be very carefull what they wish for! Some people just might give them the total war they want, just like the VC.

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