
Illinois' "Gun Free Zone" law fails.  Again.  Yes, welcome to the Henry Pratt Company, proud home of a "gun-free" zone sign on the front door.  It has the force of Illinois law behind it, by golly.  And we all know how much comtempt felons like Gary Martin have for the law and some silly sign. 

Friday, when called into a meeting to get fired, Martin pulled out a Smith & Wesson pistol – illegally possessed, illegally carried in public, and illegally carried in a gun-free zone – and started shooting people.  Shooting people is illegal in Illinois, too, by the way.

But Gary Martin didn't care.  Because Gary Martin is – well, was – a criminal.  And criminals are gonna commit crimes.  Gary Martin was arrested not once, not twice, or thrice.  Indeed, Aurora cops hooked him up six times including on domestic violence-related charges.

5142014_martinOswego police also arrested him.

And all this is on top of time spent in a Mississippi prison in the 1990s for a felony conviction.

Yet some bureaucrat at Illinois State Police issued him a FOID card in 2014.  Then when Martin went in and bought a Smith & Wesson pistol, and lied on the Form 4473 (another felony), the Illinois State Police failed yet again to catch the felony conviction in Mississippi.  And the sale proceeded.

Figuring if the Illinois State Police were inept enough to issue him a FOID card and inept enough to allow a sale to go through, Mr. Scumbag applied for a concealed carry license. 

In the course of the enhanced background check for a carry license, authorities found the Mississippi conviction. 

Just speculating here, but I'm going to guess someone at Aurora PD saw all those arrests and were compiling an "objection" complaint to the Illinois State Police on this guy's CCW application.  In the course of that, they probably did a criminal history query and found the felony conviction for aggravated assault.  And the couple of years he spent in prison. 

The Illinois State Police then rejected the concealed carry application and revoked his FOID card.  And demanded Mr. Martin surrender his gun(s).  Of course, Martin didn't.

And he carried that pistol to work on the day he got canned.  And he shot some managers, a college intern, and some co-workers.  When cops showed up, he skipped rounds into their lower legs, wounding five.  Because cops don't wear bulletproof shin guards.

So, as gun owners, we wait for JB Pritzker and the rest of the Gun Control Industry to tell us that we should make what Gary Martin did illegal-er. 

Of course, the simple truth that the only thing that stops a bad person like Gary Martin with evil in his heart is a good guy with a gun.  Not a "gun free" zone sign.

17 thoughts on “ANOTHER GUN FREE ZONE MASSACRE: Aurora, IL massacre committed by felon with an illegally owned/possessed gun in “Gun-Free Zone””
  1. Thank you for finding and reporting the facts about the incident.

    Not likely to get the truth anywhere else.

  2. I dont care if the guy had a FOID card or was a so-called prohibited person or not, This shouldn’t even be the issue. It was a victim disarmament zone and people were not allowed their God Given right to defend themselves. 

    At one time in this country the only people that were prohibited from owning a gun were those in jail. We will never have the level of liberty that our Founding Father envisioned as long as we grasp to a flawed Utopian dream that can not exist in the real world. 

    Until the gun groups and the American people grow up, wake up and restore the "Checks and Balances" that are written into the Constitution then events like these will continue to occur.

    Christ people, we used to buy guns through the mail without FOID cards and 4473 forms. 

    Before Aaron Zelman died, JPFO understood the God Given rights of a Free man. I would like to think others also understood.


    1. "Gun control" is "hitting at what you aim" without jepordizing anything around your target. Political gun restrictions/laws are an attempt to "control" peoples' activities. Criminals will not obey restrictions/laws because that is not in their nature. Law abiding citizens obey justifiable laws. The Second Amendment to our Constitution are our fouunding laws and should be observed by our politicians as the supreme "law of our nation".

  3. Amazing how "gun safety" measures legislated and implemented by inept, deceptive politicians, activists, agenda-pushers and bureaucrats (not to mention the stupid) often result in violence being committed upon the innocent and unsuspecting citizen by the evil, predatory, recidivous criminal. The useless, ineffective system devised to protect them and snare him and his destructive behavior is to blame as are the lawmakers and constitutional turncoats who disarm the rightful and just.

    "The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." S. Adams

    Jefferson rightly stated his view of the 2d Amendment in 1824, "…it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."

    Today's public servansts are overlords and not custodians of the Constitution nor to the rule of law. They are wreckless, inept and weak flimflams of governance and intellect swindling the nation, its people and its culture.

    You'd think there could be some legal strategies available to attack the constitutionality of "Gun Free Zones" where effective porportional use of deadly force in defense of person is essentially prohibited, unavailable and deprived to those being attacked and who thereby are having "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" stolen from them due to not being allowed to carry a similar weapon to use in defense of persons.

    The US Constitution has been raped and violated. Repeatedly and over time.


    Because Facebook is bias because Facebook is biasEvery time I post check out guns save life.Com and try to post it it never goes through because Facebook is bias

  5. yea. They took away his card.  Took his foid card. What is that to a criminal  why didn’t they take the gun (s).    How stupid can that be.   If all the background  checks are gonna  work  don’t they think they should get something from that person  beside a card ?     How about gettin the damn gun too !!!

    1. The police "requested" he "turn in" his FOID card, they did not go to his residence to confiscate the card or any firearms he had. FOID cards are issued with an "expectation" of said person being "law-abiding". Until and unless Mr. Martin was arrested (again) would be the time they would "confiscate" weapons or FOID card.

  6. The ongoing issue continues to be "GUN FREE ZONES!"

    I have gotten to the point where, except in areas where peoplecare scanned by metal detectors and searched, I am carrying.

    It makes no sense any longer. And it really did not in the beginning of ccw, to disarm yourself.

  7. Bear in mind that that there was already 14 anti gun bills introduced in January, some of which have been reported here earlier. What follows were introduced Friday:


    House Sponsors Rep. Dan Ugaste (R) St. Charles

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Increases penalties by one class for unlawful use of weapons when a person knowingly: (1) carries or possesses in any vehicle or concealed on or about his or her person except when on his or her land or in his or her own abode, legal dwelling, or fixed place of business, or on the land or in the legal dwelling of another person as an invitee with that person's permission, any pistol, revolver, stun gun, taser, or other firearm; or (2) carries or possesses on or about his or her person, upon any public street, alley, or other public lands within the corporate limits of a municipality except when an invitee in or on the public street, alley, or other public lands, for the purpose of the display of the weapon or the lawful commerce in weapons, or except when on his or her land or in his or her own abode, legal dwelling, or fixed place of business, or on the land or in the legal dwelling of another person as an invitee with that person's permission, any pistol, revolver, stun gun, taser, or other firearm. Provides that a first offense of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon committed with a firearm by a person 18 years of age or older where certain factors exist is a Class 3 felony (rather than a Class 4 felony), for which the person shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than 2 years and not more than 5 years. Increases the penalty by one class for unlawful possession of firearms. Makes other changes.

    What happened to Concealed Carry?


    Yehiel M. Kalish (D) Skokie

    Synopsis As Introduced

    Amends the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Adds any building, real property, or parking area under the control of a church, synagogue, temple, mosque, or other place of worship, to the places where concealed carry of a firearm under the Act is prohibited.


    Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (D) Glenview

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Provides that 180 days after the effective date of the amendatory Act, an applicant for the issuance or renewal of a Firearm Owner's Identification Card shall include a full set of his or her fingerprints in electronic format to the Department of State Police for the purpose of identity verification, unless the applicant has previously provided a full set of his or her fingerprints to the Department under the Act or the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Provides that the fingerprints must be transmitted through a live scan fingerprint vendor licensed by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation or a criminal justice agency authorized by the Department to submit fingerprints. Provides that the fingerprints shall be checked against the fingerprint records now and hereafter filed in the Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal history records databases, including all available state and local criminal history record information files, including records of juvenile adjudications. Provides that the Department shall charge applicants a fee for conducting the criminal history record check, which shall be deposited in the State Police Services Fund and shall not exceed the actual cost of the State and national criminal history record check. Amends the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Provides that an applicant for renewal need not resubmit a full set of fingerprints if the applicant has previously done so under the Act or the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.


    Mark Batinick (R) Plainfield

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Increases the penalty for unlawful use of weapons by selling, manufacturing, purchasing, possessing, or carrying a machine gun, other than in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle or on one's person if the weapon is loaded, from a Class 2 felony, with a mandatory sentence of not less than 3 years and not more than 7 years imprisonment to a Class 1 felony, with a mandatory sentence of not less than 4 years and not more than 15 years imprisonment. Amends the Unified Code of Corrections. Provides that a person serving a sentence for this violation shall receive no more than 7.5 days sentence credit for each month of his or her sentence of imprisonment (rather than day for day sentence credit).

    Martin J. Moylan (D) Des Plaines

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he or she knowingly possesses, sells or offers to sell, purchases, manufactures, imports, transfers, or uses: (1) any manual, power-driven, or electronic device that is designed to and functions to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm when the device is attached to the firearm; (2) any part of a semiautomatic firearm or combination of parts that is designed to and functions to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm by eliminating the need for the operator of the firearm to make a separate movement for each individual function of the trigger; or (3) any other device, part, or combination of parts that is designed to and functions to substantially increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm above the standard rate of fire for semiautomatic firearms that is not equipped with that device, part, or combination of parts. This offense is a Class 2 felony. Provides for exemptions.


    Celina Villanueva (D) Summit

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Crime and Traffic Assessment Act. Provides that the court shall also order payment of a conditional assessment of $500 for a violation of gunrunning and firearm trafficking which shall be collected and remitted by the Clerk of the Circuit Court to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Traffic and Criminal Conviction Surcharge Fund to be used for grants by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board to units of local government to purchase bulletproof vests for local police departments and to hire peace officers. Makes conforming changes to the Criminal Code of 2012.


    Karina Villa (D) Batavia

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Use Tax Act, Service Use Tax Act, Service Occupation Tax Act, and Retailers' Occupation Tax Act. Imposes a 7% surcharge on firearms and firearm component parts. Amends the State Finance Act. Creates the Student Mental Health Services Fund. Provides that the proceeds from the surcharge shall be deposited into the Fund. Provides that moneys in the Fund shall be used by the State Board of Education to provide mental health services at any public, non-public, or parochial school in the State. Effective immediately.

    Anne Stava-Murray (D) Downers Grove

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Prohibits the transfer of .50 caliber ammunition and large capacity ammunition feeding devices (30 rounds or more). Provides that on and after the effective date of the amendatory Act, the person may transfer .50 caliber ammunition or a large capacity ammunition feeding device only to an heir, an individual residing in another state maintaining it in another state, or a dealer licensed as a federal firearms dealer under the federal Gun Control Act of 1968. Provides exemptions. Provides that a person who knowingly transfers or causes to be transferred .50 caliber ammunition or a large capacity ammunition feeding devices commits a Class 3 felony for a first violation and a Class 2 felony for a second or subsequent violation or for the transfer of 2 or more of these caliber bullets or devices at the same time. Defines various terms. Effective immediately.

    Kelly M. Cassidy (D) Chicago

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act. Provides that the Department of State Police has authority to deny an application for or to revoke and seize a Firearm Owner's Identification Card previously issued under the Act if the Department finds that the applicant or the person to whom the card was issued is or was at the time of issuance a person who has been prescribed an opioid for a continuous period of 91 or more days, provided that the person may establish that he or she is not subject to denial or revocation by submitting a written statement from a physician to the Department demonstrating that the person is not dependent on an opioid.


    Yehiel M. Kalish (D) Skokie

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits the offense of unlawful sale or delivery of firearms when he or she while holding a license under the federal Gun Control Act of 1968, transfers or possesses with the intent to transfer more than one firearm to any person within a 30-day period or transfers or possesses with the intent to transfer a firearm to any person he or she knows or has reasonable cause to believe has received a firearm within the previous 30 days. Provides that it is an affirmative defense to a violation that the transferor in good faith relied on the records of the Department of State Police in concluding that the transferor had not transferred a firearm within the previous 30 days. Provides that a person who commits this offense commits a Class 3 felony.

    Senator Chuck Weaver (R) Peoria

    Synopsis As Introduced

    Amends the Firearms Restraining Order Act. Provides that a State's Attorney or assistant State's Attorney (rather than a petitioner) may request an emergency firearms restraining order by filing an affidavit or verified pleading alleging that the respondent poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself, or another by having in his or her custody or control, purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm. Provides that if the court issues an emergency firearms restraining order, it shall, based upon written application filed by the State's Attorney or assistant State's Attorney supported by evidence submitted under oath or affirmation, upon a finding of probable cause that the respondent possesses firearms, issue a search warrant directing a law enforcement agency to seize the respondent's firearms. Provides that an emergency firearms restraining order and a 6-month firearms restraining order shall require the firearm or firearms and Firearm Owner's Identification Card and concealed carry license, if unexpired, to be returned to the respondent if the firearms restraining order is not granted within 7 days. Effective immediately.
    Chapin Rose (R) Assistant Republican Leader Champaign

    Synopsis As Introduced
    Amends the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963. Provides that notwithstanding any provision of the Code, the denial of bail is required if the person is a felon who is charged with a firearm offense.

    Stay tuned. Unfortunately, I'm certain there are more anti-gun bills to be introduced.

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