Welcome to day two of Illinois’ “Shelter in Place” order. Here’s a quick run-down of things you need to know, and some things that might cheer you up in these times. So let’s get to it!
First and foremost, when Governor Pritzker made his order telling “non-essential” workers and people in general to say home, he specifically included gun dealers as “essential.”
That’s not a typo.
Unlike some other states (New York, California, Pennsylvania) that have shuttered gun shops and gun manufacturers, Governor Pritzker specifically exempted gun shops from his closure order.
Given the crush of business at gun and ammo retailers, it’s clear that Illinoisans are voting with their feet and wallets when it comes to beefing up their defense capabilities.
And this is a fine time to practice home carry. Even before truck drivers get sick and store shelves begin to stay closer to bare than filled.
And for other good reasons, too. Nationally, soft-on-crime political leaders are acting to empty out prisons and county jails of some bad people. That includes Cook County. What are these jailbirds going to do when they get out? Probably not behave themselves.
Meanwhile, I’ve had a lot of people reaching out to me telling me what they see in their local communities. Not all of it is pretty.
In Cook County, Sheriff’s police are providing overwatch as supply trucks unload at Dollar General stores and other bigger retailers in working class neighborhoods.
Why? Because “criminal justice involved” “entrepreneurs” and panicked people were helping “unload” those trucks of very highly sought-after items.
Downstate, Walmart in Champaign hired extra security to drive up and down the parking lot with yellow lights flashing to discourage robbers from robbing shoppers on their way out of the store with very valuable food and toilet paper.
Meanwhile, police are maintaining a hands-off attitude for all but the worst offenders as they aren’t wanting to interface with any more folks than they have to… and because the jails are not wanting to intake low-level criminals to help keep coronavirus out of their facilities.
The Illinois State Police, for instance, have stepped back from issuing routine traffic citations. If you’re driving 127mph in a 70mph, they’re going to chase you down. If you zip past a marked unit in the median going 80 or 85? Probably not so much.
And truckers? ISP won’t interface with them “unless their truck is on fire.” An ISP quote, not mine.
By the way, did you hear Harvey Weinstein tested positive for the Chinese flu? Yeah, it’s a sad day. It’d be a shame if someone gave him aspirin instead of the antimalarial drug that’s showing promise treating the Wuhan flu!
As for the Champaign City ordinance that granted Mayor “Little Debbie” Frank-Feinen (did you see the picture of her with Nancy Pelosi?) the power to suspend gun and ammo transfers and other Martial law-like powers?

Several law-enforcement people have contacted me. One source, particularly well-placed, sent me this:
The Champaign ordinance mirrors the one passed near my hometown… in part because most cities had never passed an “emergency declaration” ordinance as allowed by state law. And, since most lawyers are lazy, they merely cut & pasted the model ordinance on the Illinois Municipal League website.
When Canton passed their ordinance, a local media guy asked the Mayor (a retired police chief) if he intended to limit gun/ammo sales or transfers in his emergency declaration. The mayor replied, “Hell no, I threw my AR-14 in my truck before I drove to the meeting tonight, we’ll never enact that clause as long as I’m mayor.“
After Pritzger’s press conference announcing the shutdown, the ISP Director had a conference call for all LE and made it VERY clear that access to guns and ammo was considered an essential personal safety right for all citizens and stores selling the same were considered essential. I know you have been pretty critical of Kelley, but I worked at ISP for more than 20 years and my job… put me in regular contact with the many ISP Directors over those years and this guy is a breath of fresh air compared to ALL of his predecessors.
I can also tell you that the entire command structure at the firearms bureau (FOID) has been reassigned, including Jessica Trame the section supervisor, and she was previously COMPLETELY bulletproof since she is a [Bill] Cellini niece.

Americans are flocking to gun stores because they know the only reliable self-defense during a crisis is the #2A.
Carletta Whiting, who’s disabled & vulnerable to #coronavirus, asks Dems trying to exploit the pandemic: Why do you want to leave people like me defenseless? pic.twitter.com/wDeEYHqzOU
— NRA (@NRA) March 21, 2020
What can you do?
For those needing food!
So the toilet paper I’ve been stockpiling for years will finally come in handy, so to speak.
While others are busy browsing the latest crap on Fecebook and the like, some of us actually think ahead and prepare the best we can.
I’m curious what the sewage plant workers are going to start seeing show up-towels, linens, washcloths?
N95’s and TP aren’t the only things in short supply.
Tried buying ammo lately?
I wrote last summer how that time was the “Golden Age” for ammo, mag and gun availability at affordable prices.
Yeah, that’s all gone now.
I took your advice.
Hope other readers of this webpage did the same.
Didn’t bother. Stocked up on that years ago as well. Stockpile should last decades.
Why do so many wait until they desperately need something before they think about getting it?
Normalcy bias.
“That thought makes me want to up my home carry from a Glock to something a little more… substantial.”
Oh John, let those other items out of the storage containers…they like to get out now and then, and even like to go for rides!