With all the incidents of anarchy and unrest of late, there’s a chance that someday you or your loved ones could find yourselves on the dangerous end of a mob’s anger.

With that in mind and while you can think calmly and without haste, consider what the threshold would be for you to use deadly force if confronted by a hostile mob in your car, or in your neighborhood/on your property.

You cannot be cavalier in wielding deadly force in self-defense. The jury pool will not be a GSL meeting room full of advocates for self-defense.

Far from it, especially in Illinois. Doubly so for jurisdictions where the local prosecutors side with criminals over law-abiding citizens everyday (Cook County, for example).

You cannot use deadly force (gun or vehicle) to stop someone damaging your car. And brandishing a firearm hoping it will “part the Red Sea” of angry protesters will likely get you a criminal arrest and conviction by criminal-friendly prosecutors in larger cities. Don’t brandish unless you’re justified in using deadly force. You’re not starring in a Miami Vice episode.

At home, consider the same scenario of a hostile mob. No, it will probably never happen, but the McCloskey’s in St. Louis no doubt thought it would never happen to them either. And look what happened to them.

They brandished guns as a hostile mob tore down a gate and poured onto their property. No doubt the Soros-bought St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Kimberly Gardner thought the McCloskey’s were criminally wrong for threatening the horde with guns.

Even with the McCloskey’s restraint, the local prosecutor had cops seize their guns a few days later. Now they face felony criminal charges from the criminal-coddling local prosecutor.

Sometimes you just can’t win against a hostile prosecutor. So be prepared for a jury trial.

As an aside, do you have self-defense insurance? Now would be a fine time to sign up for a policy!

What is your line in the sand at home? Is it someone throwing bricks through your windows? Is it someone lighting a Molotov cocktail?  Or commercial fireworks?  Is it a violent and tumultuous entry as they break down your door?

Figure it out.

Consider this now, not when you’re in the middle of an involuntary confrontation where you will have a flood of emotions and adrenaline to manage in addition to a dynamic scene around you.

15 thoughts on “Establish your line in the sand now… not when a mob has formed outside”
  1. Kenny-boy dr.ho, or is it Hoe now? got yerself a NEW “screen name” Kenny-boy?

    Have you and peddy-phill set up your “bounty” on “good cops” yet, Kenny-boy? How many BJ’s do you give for a “good cop”?

    How many “good cops” have you made today, Kenny-boy?

    Why aren’t you out there “leading” your AntiFA “gang” making “good cops” out of bad ones?

    You are just a pathetic “keyboard komando” loser for your AntiFA gangs, moron.

    Come on, HYPOCRIT, get out there and get your OWN hands dirty instead of HIDING behind your PATHETIC “keyboard hating machine”, STAND UP FOR YOUR PATHETIC IDEALS MORON!! YOU ARE A FRAUD! SCUM. Watch out Kenny-boy, the cops can shoot back, ARE YOU AFRAID, or just a PATHETIC LOSER?

    1. Dittos.
      Kenny Boy, and I do mean boy, just crawl back into the hole you came out of, whether that be your gay lover’s hole or just a hole in the dirt.
      Just do it.

    2. You dishonor all memory of the Gipper, sir.

      Shame on YOU.

      You may disagree with my opinions. If you do, debate me. Or shut up.

      But “gay lover’s hole?”

      Son, that’s just pathetic, un-American and homophobic!

      Is Guns Save Life a HOMOPHOBIC organization? Do you even allow GAY members? Do you badmouth everyone you think is GAY? Is the “ban-hammer” apro pos of gay-bashing, even if of a non-gay?

      BUt John Boch LOVES IT!

    3. Hmmm, sounds like I stumbled upon some truth, eh Ken?

      No Ken, I badmouth stupidity, and apparently have uncovered the reason for it.

      A phobia implies a fear. I have no fear of gays, just disgust for their immoral behavior.

      You multiple screen names don’t fool anyone.

  2. I think it’s time to stop responding to Ken’s comments. By responding you are encouraging him to continue his childish comments. Whereas, if you ignore him, totally and completely, Ken may eventually realize he is wasting his time, as no one wants to read his childish comments. Ken is looking for attention, let’s look the other way.

    1. Childish comments? Name-calling? Belittling me?

      But not one of you has responded to the SUBSTANCE of my postings.

      Every one of the posts I’ve made that has a link to POLIcE MURDERERS, violence and other assorted Constitutional violations.. . nobody responds to. You just pucker up for that cop arse!

      And if you think your kneejerk buddies have the moral strength to NOT respond to me, you think better of them than I do. That 17-year old kid who shot everyone up in Kenosha last night has better impulse control than any of you ol’ guys! Especially GSL1598 or whatever. That guy couldn’t keep his opinion to himself if you paid him to!

      So, quit the name-calling and insinuating I’m a “peddy-phil” and reply to the violence the police commit.

      I think the cops are an evil necessity. A necessary evil, if you will. I’ll call ’em when I need ’em. But they are evil.

      And John Boch? Still waitin’ on your apology to the young lady whom you defamed. And ladies of GSL? WHen you gonna stand up for other young ladies? Or you just gonna let ol’ JB get away with besmirching the character of a young woman who likes to post selfies? Cause, gun rights!

      Now, we know you’re all gonna read my comments and stew in your moldy undies! Mwah!

    2. Remember when that Godsend, Charlton Heston, stood up at the Time-Warner shareholder’s meeting and simply READ THE LYRICS of Ice-T’s “Cop Killer?” Remember the effect that had?

      Here’s a refresher:


      So, in response to Dan’s accusation that it is I who is making “childish comments,” I’ll simply REPOST GSL+1666’s comment here, in toto:

      “Kenny-boy dr.ho, or is it Hoe now? got yerself a NEW “screen name” Kenny-boy?

      Have you and peddy-phill set up your “bounty” on “good cops” yet, Kenny-boy? How many BJ’s do you give for a “good cop”?

      How many “good cops” have you made today, Kenny-boy?

      Why aren’t you out there “leading” your AntiFA “gang” making “good cops” out of bad ones?

      You are just a pathetic “keyboard komando” loser for your AntiFA gangs, moron.

      Come on, HYPOCRIT, get out there and get your OWN hands dirty instead of HIDING behind your PATHETIC “keyboard hating machine”, STAND UP FOR YOUR PATHETIC IDEALS MORON!! YOU ARE A FRAUD! SCUM. Watch out Kenny-boy, the cops can shoot back, ARE YOU AFRAID, or just a PATHETIC LOSER?”

      There. That’s some pretty vile, hateful stuff there, ain’t it?

      But ol’ Dan thinks it is I who posts childish comments!

      No wonder the left wants to take away our guns. You guys are BATSHITE CRAZY!

    3. Dan,
      We have tried to ignore the idiot ken, the non-Christian, before but he just must troll J. Boch and GSL, and post his hatred for all who enjoy this site to see, he is an ego-maniac along with everything else. Most of all, he is a pathetic loser.

      I would love to stop responding to this mental midget moron, but the scumbag brings out the disgust in me for his idiocy.

  3. Dan, gsl+1589 is the one with childish rants. If you are going to critique, at least get it right. gsl+1589 is playing the part of the “bully”, gsl+1589 uses obscene language, and gsl+1589 has turned the “blog” portion of the GSL newsletter into “anything but” family oriented material. gsl+1589 clearly shows why no one should give a “dime” to this organization!

    1. I whole heatedly second this accurate assessment. For all the filth and BS GSL+1589 has vomited forth…. Know body has tried to shut him up……. This site has become increasingly vile and filthy…..moderator, anyone??? But good ‘ol boys and birds of a feather and all…….. Watch them pile on as they “get each other’s six”….. In true “keyboard commando” style.

    2. Kenny-boy,
      I forgot this idiotic “screen name”, I knew you had more and are struggling in your demented pea-brain to make up more stupid ones. “putting the truth out” is ANYYTHING BUT the truth. Watch this idiot support his butt-buddy Kenny-boy, but, but, but,…puttingthetruthout and Kenny-boy and phill, and add infinitem are ALL “Kenny-boy the non-Christian”, idiot fool.

  4. Ken: Great YOUTUBE video! It really shows Po-Lice for what they truly are…unprofessional at best; bullying cowards at the worst.

  5. Kenny-boy, who thinks he is a “Christian” is definitely a hater, but, he has NO conviction in his hatred to STAND UP, go out and create “good cops” standing with his AntiFA gang police killers.

    He is NOTHING but a “keyboard komando” looking up videos on the internet and trolling this site to “satisfy” his HATERD for John Boch, GSL, and contempt for any and all police officers, claiming “the only good cop …” (is a dead cop?) but he is such a hypocrite he will not go out to “make” good cops out of bad cops, he is a PATHETIC LOSER.

    IF the loser, Kenny-boy, were an honorable and upright “Christian” and “healer”, why isn’t he actively going out to the “bad cops”, preaching true Christian ways and turning them into “good cops”, not by killing, but by teaching them the “error of their ways” and turning their hearts away from evil, and perhaps he would also go into the neighborhoods where the most crime is being committed and turn the criminals away from their evil ways as well, teaching them responsibility for their actions and away from Burning, Looting, and Mayhem.

    Kenny-boy, phill, Hoe, ken “the Christian” hater, “guess who”, “you know who”, are all one and the same idiot moron hiding behind different “screen names” to post on this site. They are ALL disgusting and hateful.

    Kenny-boy, life is much more enjoyable if you don’t have so much hatred in your soul, you pathetic moron and a liar.

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