North American Arms makes some pretty small revolvers. Suitable for deep cover. Or, in the case of a woman in Boone County, Missouri, deep-deep cover. Amy Wilhite, 39, apparently lacked a holster for her NAA .22 revolver, so she improvised. She reportedly used the holster that mother nature provided.
Even more impressive, after she was arrested she made it through the strip search process without the little gun’s detection. Now that’s deep cover! Or something.
This isn’t the first time a woman has concealed one of NAA’s products in her holiest of holies.
Maybe NAA should come up with a new ad campaign. Finding a model for it would probably be difficult, though. Perhaps when Ms. Wilhite is released?

The incident provides some great material for TV news anchors and radio and TV commentators. Like this clip about a woman in Oklahoma a few years ago:
NBC station KSN has the details of this most recent incident:
A female inmate at a Missouri jail is facing additional charges after investigators say she hid a tiny gun inside a “body cavity” to smuggle it into the facility.
Amy Natasha Wilhite faces a felony charge of delivery or possession of a weapon at the Boone County jail.
According to the Boone County Sheriff’s Department, on Wednesday, detention staff found a firearm inside one of the housing units.
An investigation determined that Wilhite had allegedly concealed a tiny revolver inside an unspecified body cavity when she was booked into the jail on Feb. 14. Wilhite allegedly removed the revolver and hid it inside her personal belongings.
Wilhite was originally searched three times, including a procedural strip search, but no weapon was found.
According to investigators, the gun, a North American Arms .22 caliber revolver, weighed only 4.6 ounces.
Several of the staff at the Boone County jail have Explaining to do. Or perhaps they need to buy a metal detector to install at their intake area.
Fortunately, that particular “pre-owned” NAA .22 revolver is unlikely to ever be sold on the used firearm market. For that, we can all be thankful.
Very thankful indeed.