Guest post.

We all know how important it is to have clean, potable water in an emergency. But what are you going to do if your city’s infrastructure is damaged and there’s no way for the tap water to reach you? The solution may be as close as your kitchen sink. One way to ensure that you always have a supply of fresh, clean drinking water on hand during emergencies is with equipment such as the Berkey water filter. This article will walk through the importance of clean water, the process of making clean potable water, and why it might save your life someday.

One of the most important elements to keep you and your family safe during an emergency is clean, potable water. Whether it’s a natural disaster or terrorist attack that leaves you without power for days, weeks, or even months on end, knowing how to make clean water can be essential in keeping yourself hydrated and alive until help arrives. However, many clean water methods do not work well in emergencies.


Why Water is Important to Our Bodies

Science has shown that humans can survive without food for three weeks but cannot go more than four days without water. After that, dehydration sets in, and regardless of whether the person continues to breathe or not, they will ultimately die.

The water molecule is a key component of life. But, it’s not just for drinking because it serves many other purposes, including maintaining organ health and allowing blood cells to transport oxygen throughout our bodies.

Clean drinking water is essential to remain safe from disease, maintain good health and avoid contracting fatal medical conditions such as cholera. A lack of clean sources means that other illnesses can be transmitted along with it- typhoid being one example. There may not always be access to potable drinking supplies in emergencies like in natural disasters or areas affected by wars. People will rely on what they have available: finding stagnant pools that contain organisms capable enough to cause illness when consumed.

Therefore, clean, fresh, and safe water is necessary for every human being. It helps get rid of all kinds of toxins and keeps our body hydrated by ensuring that fluids are properly circulated through the bloodstream throughout each organ.


How to Make Clean Portable Water in an Emergency

Fill buckets full of tap water and let stand overnight or longer, depending on the severity of your emergency. This allows sediment at the bottom of tubs/pipes time to settle. The next day, use a pot or bucket to carefully scoop water from the top of the buckets without disturbing the sediment at the bottom and pour it into other containers for drinking. If you have a water filter, now is the time to bust it out. You can use filters to make contaminated water safe for consumption. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how to best use your specific filter. If boiling water is an option, bring as much as possible to a rolling boil and let sit for one minute. However, boiling may not be viable in many emergencies, hence why you’ll certainly need a filter.


The Berkey Water Filter

The Berkey water filter system is a gravity-fed filtration system that uses filters to remove harmful contaminants from your drinking water. The filters can remove and/or reduce levels of viruses, pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, chemicals, heavy metals, and other impurities. This makes the water they produce some of the cleanest and most potable available.

Another great feature of this water filter is that it’s so versatile. You can use it at home or while traveling – all you need is access to a fresh source of water. The compact size also means that it’s easy to take with you wherever you go.

Not sure if the water you prepare for your family is safe? Safe drinking water is only the one that you have boiled or filtered. So, if you’re looking for a way to make sure you always have clean, potable water in an emergency, the Berkey water filter is the perfect solution.



That’s why we recommend using a Berkey water filter for clean, potable drinking water in an emergency. Keep one tucked away at home and ask your friends to do the same so you can share when disaster strikes. It may be just what keeps you from dying of thirst if there’s no running water during a power outage or natural disaster.


base images courtesy Big Berkey (via Facebook).