Don’t you love politicians who pay lip service to supporting the police and law and order, then vote to defund the police on every bill to come up? And to open the border to illegal “immigrants.” On every single vote. That would be Tammy Duckworth, Illinois’ back bencher US Senator who may as well be the third Senator from California… or New York State.

Kathy Salvi is hammering Duckworth on those votes to defund the police (and to leave the border wide open) in media interviews and some folks are actually noticing.
From Breitbart:
Kathy Salvi, Republican nominee to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate, said on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that her opponent, Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), has been “on the wrong side” of many political issues, ranging from the “defund the police” campaign to border security.
“She’s voted against every bill to secure the border,” Salvi stated. “She’s voted for every bill to defund the police. She even supported Lori Lightfoot and Kim Foxx in Cook County, [who] are universally destroying the city of Chicago and its greater suburban area.”
Illinois is particularly afflicted by “far-left progressive” politics relative to most other states, Salvi said.
“We’re hurting nationwide, but Illinois holds a special spot for the push of the far-left progressive agenda,” she remarked. “The schools are in turmoil in many places. Our kids aren’t learning, and parents everywhere are concerned that their children are being shortchanged in the classroom.”
There you go: California’s third Senator, Tammy Duckworth.
Tell your friends to support the pro-gun candidate for US Senate: Kathy Salvi.
Salvi seems to be the candidate that isn’t. I’ve yet to see one TV ad, hear one radio ad, see one yard sign, or receive any kind of mailing for her campaign. Is she doing any campaigning at all? Does she figure she’s not going to win so doesn’t want to bother? Is she just hoping people will vote for her because she is not the candidate with a “D” after her name?
Defund Duckworth