JOIN US IN PERSON! We have some outstanding speakers on tap for our November GSL meetings. Click here for some meeting location changes, etc…
Officer Malone from the Chicago Heights PD will be on hand for this Sunday’s Chicagoland GSL meeting at the American Legion Post in Chicago Heights. He’ll be talking about the changes coming with the new “No Cash Bail Act” otherwise known as the “Purge Act” or the “SAFE-T” Act depending on your point of view.
The drawing “gun” will be about 3400 rounds of .22 ammunition… to be sent up for the winner to pick up in nearby Lockport if all goes as planned.
For this meeting: Dinner and conversation at 4:15-4:30ish and the meeting program begins at 5:30pm.
For these meetings below, dinner and conversation begins at 5:30ish and the meeting program starts at 7pm. Food is optional. There is no charge for admission and these are open to all.
The Pontiac Sportsman’s Club will host us with some terrific food at an affordable price. If memory serves, it might be turkey (a la a Thanksgiving meal), but I’ve slept once or twice since they told me what they had tentatively planned. Our main speaker? The fabulous Honorable State Rep. Dr. Tom Bennett, a long-time friend of Guns Save Life will give us an insider’s view on the veto session scheduled for after the election, and where he sees things going in the closing days of the session and next session. Yeah, he’s an honorable politician, unlike many in Springfield.
Awaiting the email from Dave Randolph, our Decatur Regional Director.
By the way, make sure you check out the bodycam video from the Decatur Police engaging with an armed and dangerous individual who tried to murder police instead of surrendering. So glad to have men like those gents standing between dangerous criminals and the law-abiding families living in and visiting Decatur.
COURAGE UNDER FIRE: Decatur cop, shot multiple times, decisively engages would-be cop killer at 10 feet [Graphic VIDEO]
Do you have kids or grand kids in public or private schools? If so, this is a *Must See* presentation
We’re hosting Rich Hirsch, District 87’s Director of Safety and Security. Yeah, he’s definitely not Paul Blart, mall cop. And he definitely isn’t cut from the cloth of the Uvalde, TX school district or city PD. He’s lived and breathed school security as a school resource officer (SRO) (and SWAT cop too, IIRC) for many years. Years ago, he responded on duty to a shots-fired call with unknown injuries at his son’s high school and was among the very first storming the complex with a rifle. Now retired, he’s taken a new challenge: overseeing the safety and security of schools in Bloomington, IL. He’s also active in the state-level SRO organization and in developing “best practices” recommended policies for schools state-wide. HINT: Establishing a perimeter after the unthinkable happens ain’t it.
Oh, the story of how he and GSL’s John Boch met.

Anyway, he’s going to talk about how to recognize and identify gross failures of school security in your kids/grand kids’ schools AND how to approach school administrators to fix the problems before the unthinkable happens. Got kids in school? You need to attend. Your adult kids parents to your grandkids in school? Bring your adult kids to learn about school safety and security to make sure their schools are using best practices to keep our most precious assets as safe as possible.
A recent incident in St. Louis illustrates how using good practices in safety and security blocked a would-be mass murderer from further mayhem as locked doors delayed his entry and bought time for SROs to respond and stop the threat with only two lives lost. Oh yeah, and the killer. He died from lead poisoning (unfortunately with only modest suffering) because the SROs ran towards the sound of gunfire and destroyed the threat instead of establishing a perimeter and waiting for “resources.”
Interestingly, while researching this, I found that Champaign, IL police department has discontinued their School Resource Officer program because of staffing shortages. So glad my kids aren’t in a district without SROs…
Barrack’s Banquet facility will be hosting us and if you would like to RSVP as a favor to them (so they can better calibrate food quantities to prepare), here’s a link. The food here is always at least very good, and sometimes it’s simply exceptional.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7TH: ELECTION EVE. (Temporary location: MCL Cafeteria in Springfield)
Congresswoman Mary Miller with join us at the Sangamon County Guns Save Life meeting. Because of a scheduling issue at SCHEELS we will meet at MCL Cafeteria in Springfield. It’s a buffet so they’re gonna have something you like. (They’re asking everyone coming to at least buy a drink or dessert…)
Come early and eat. There may be fewer tables inside the meeting room to facilitate more chairs for seating. Expect the potential for standing room only, especially with MAGA Mary Miller as our main speaker, so arrive early.
From Dale Lock:
We are unable to meet at Scheels for November and December. Therefore we will meet at MCL at 2151 Wabash Ave, Springfield, IL. Meeting starts at 7pm.
GSL played our part in helping Mary Miller win her seat in Congress, and even though Springfield is outside her district, she wants to thank us for our support.Remember November 7, 2022 is the NIGHT BEFORE the election, so this is a real honor.In order to meet at MCL we ask that everyone buy something that evening, even a coffee or a soda. The food there is great, and we want to be nice guests. Seating is limited, so you may have to sit on somebody’s lap. [LOL. Just kidding… although you might want to eat early outside the room in the restaurant proper as there may be fewer tables than normal in the room.]We will have a drawing for a Ruger Mark III .22 pistol Target model. This gun came with a laser, which works, but we were unable to find good batteries at the last meeting. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. In December, we will meet December 5, 2022, location to be announced. We will give away the GLock G27 in .40 S&W with 800 rounds of ammo.We will have the usual 50/50 drawing.PLEASE tell everyone you know that we have had a temporary change of venue for November and December.