John Kass, hardly what anyone would call a “conservative,” and likely not even “pro-gun” has done a pretty fair job going out on a limb to attack the Chicago Machine. Ahead of the election, he savaged JB Pritzker and the Democrat machine. Now that the election has taken place, he’s set his sights on more of the same.
Interestingly, he cites a quote from Cook County Chairman Toni Preckwinkle to the Chicago Tribune Editorial Board. The comments should send chills down the spine of decent people just trying to raise their families in safe neighborhoods. And I quote, “Preckwinkle made the point that residents in more affluent neighborhoods are now getting a taste of what it has been like to live in the Chicago ZIP codes that have heard gunfire and feared carjackings for years. She made that observation with a sardonic chuckle…”
So it seems Miss Preckwinkle doesn’t really have an issue with gunfire and carjackings proliferating to all neighborhoods in Chicago. Wow. That’s quite a position.
Here’s a tease from the Kass column. I encourage you to read the whole thing. It’s pretty brutal.
Oh, so you see the word “winner” in a headline and you expected what, a photo of Gov. J.B. Pritzker, the Democrat and Commodius Maximus of Illinois?
J.B. isn’t a “winner.” What did he win, really? Yes, the corporate legacy media kisses his behind because they’re used to kissing it. And yes, he’s the governor, but he didn’t “win” it. He bought it. The governor of a failed state that he bought with his inherited billions that he didn’t work for. He spread so much sweet oily cash around, that Democrats and their mouthpieces required insulin.
The winner is woman who didn’t have billions. She’s got brains and balloons, and those sensible shoes. She knows government unlike so many in politics.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, the new Borg Queen, Toni the Boss Preckwinkle.
Boss Toni holds Chicago, the current Chicago mayoral campaign, and Chicago violent crime in the palm of her hand. She keeps them there right in her lap, under her control, and she just might pinch their necks off if they vex her. Also in that lap of hers along with her pet judges, and the chief judge, her county prosecutors, the county sheriff who runs her county jail, is her former office manager, gofer, hatchet-woman and Jussie Smollett supporter, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.
With all those webs, Boss Toni controls the response to rising crime but media won’t put Boss Toni’s fingerprints near the scene. Media shields her. Yes, she controls the Cook County Courts, and the judges, the state’s attorney, and Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart. That’s a boss…
In the recent Tribune’s editorial endorsement of Boss Toni, there were these chilling couple of lines.
“When we brought up the now-pervasive fear of violent crime in Chicago during our conversation, and the possible impact of legislation eliminating cash bail, Preckwinkle made the point that residents in more affluent neighborhoods are now getting a taste of what it has been like to live in the Chicago ZIP codes that have heard gunfire and feared carjackings for years. She made that observation with a sardonic chuckle…”

Then again, this is the same Toni Preckwinkle who – OUTSIDE HER RESIDENCE – one of her protective detail was robbed of his service pistol (that should be dereliction of duty!) and another fired shots after a thug tried to carjack his unmarked police squad car (really? Really.)
Maybe Toni just wants to share the love crime.
That’s just so uplifting. Bless her heart.
What a bitch.
Raised in Chicago with a “Chicago-thug” mentality? Wow! Equal-opportunity crime?
Hello. And Bye.
This is how leftists play the game. They say they want “equality” but never raise anyone up, except themselves. And they drag everyone else down to the same level, the bottom..