The big guy – J.B. Pritzker – is not happy with 33 Illinois sheriffs (and counting) who have released statements in opposition to HB5471 that Pritzker signed into law Tuesday evening.  The sheriffs, apparently working off a template furnished by the Illinois Sheriff’s Association, have said they aren’t going to enforce HB5471’s gun and magazine bans, or the gun registration requirements.

Pritzker calls their statements “political grandstanding” which is pretty rich for a guy who regular grandstands on everything from ignoring federal immigration law to investigating the discovery of an alleged noose on the Obama Presidential Library construction site.

Yes, blacks get slaughtered in black-on-black violence in Chicago every weekend, including six on New Year’s Day, but that barely gets a mention from Gov. Jelly Bean.  But someone supposedly finding a noose on a construction site and J.B. is Johnny on the Spot, offering to provide every resource the State of Illinois has to find the culprit.

From NBC5:

As potential legal fights percolate over Illinois’ new assault weapons ban, law enforcement officials in several counties have said that their departments will not enforce provisions of the bill that require existing weapons to be registered with the State Police.

Their arguments center around their stance that the bill, which makes it illegal for Illinois residents to purchase, transfer or manufacture assault weapons and extended magazines, violates the Second Amendment.

McHenry County Sheriff Robb Tadelman was one of numerous law enforcement officials throughout the state who shared messages on social media in the aftermath of the bill’s passage.  

“Neither myself nor my office will be checking to ensure that lawful gun owners register their weapons with the state, nor will we be arresting or housing law abiding individuals that have been charged solely with non-compliance with this act,” he said.

In a statement, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office called the messages “political grandstanding at its worst,” and said that sheriffs and departments that refuse to enforce the ban are “in violation of their oath of office.”

“The assault weapons ban is the law of Illinois. The General Assembly passed the bill and the governor signed it into law to protect children in schools, worshippers at church and families at parades from the fear of sudden mass murder,” a spokesperson said. “Sheriffs have a constitutional duty to uphold the laws of the state, not pick and choose which laws they support and when.”

And JB Pritzker on ignoring federal immigration laws…

Way to go champ.  Bless your heart.

8 thoughts on “33 IL SHERIFFS REACT: Go pound sand, Governor. We’re not arresting gun owners for violating GUN BAN…”
  1. Scum governor has taken an oath to “support and defend” the United States’ Constitution but then works to dismantle the “Bill of Rights” Second amendment. How do you spell “TREASON”? THANK GOD we have elected Sheriffs that will stand for the Rights of their constituents by refusing to abide an unconstitutional farce of legislation! God Bless them and keep them safe!

  2. I doubt ISP is going to want to take on the task of going door to door and demanding to see if people are in compliance with this joke of a law. They aren’t stupid. My sheriff and Chief of Police said yesterday that they will not arrest or jail anyone in violation of this scam, and that their loyalty is to the Constitution and the Second Amendment. In fact, our sheriff stated that if ISP wants to try and enforce this, they will go it alone and will receive no support from LEO in this country.

    Under the circumstances, the registration nonsense needs to die a quick death in the courts. It is stupid to risk the lives of ISP officers enforcing this garbage against law abiding citizens. We need them out patrolling the Interstates, busting illegals and smugglers enroute to Chicago – not harassing people for owning some guns that look scary. While they can never say so publicly, I am guessing most of ISP wants nothing to do with this crap, either.

  3. “The assault weapons ban is the law of Illinois. The General Assembly passed the bill and the governor signed it into law to protect children in schools, worshippers at church and families at parades from the fear of sudden mass murder,” a spokesperson said. “Sheriffs have a constitutional duty to uphold the laws of the state, not pick and choose which laws they support and when.”

    This is emblematic of the liberal nanny state. Most of us outside Chicago didn’t ASK for your protection. We don’t have the problems they do in their godforsaken liberal utopias. I do not fear for my life or the lives of my family where I live. I control my own destiny, because I have the right to self-defense and exercise it. Government help is neither desired or required. All I require is for liberals to stay out of my life, and restrict their nanny state politics to the own domiciles.

    1. In fact – the only thing I do fear is an overreaching oppressive government who seeks to control every aspect of my life. The kind of government we now have under FJB and Jelly Bean (who wants to be the next FJB).

  4. Looks like by my count, there are now 78 counties (out of 102) that will not enforce HB5471. The only county I have found so far that will is Champaign (Crook County is a given). Champaign isn’t much of a surprise given its proximity to the commie UofI.

    Talked to my local gun dealer today and he is very confident this whole disaster will get injuncted, then tossed by the courts. NAGR will apparently be filing another lawsuit next week on behalf of a Naperville gunshop that says the law is going to put them out of business. The more the merrier. We need to drown the liberals in lawsuits until they cry uncle. My gun dealer said the biggest concern with most of his traffic is the registration with ISP and that most customers say that it is a bridge too far for them. Expect mass non-compliance with the law, especially when local LEOs refuse to participate in it.

  5. It’s going to be a great day when the courts knock down this slobs civilian disarmament garbage. After all the gloating and grandstanding he’s going to look like a fool and a tyrant in front of the entire country.

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