Don’t think you’re going to shoplift product from the Guitar Center in Albuquerque.
It won’t end well for you.
And if you refuse to leave after they get their merch back, they’ll take you out like the trash.
Watch the video…
Albuquerque guitar center doesnt mess around.
— 🥀_Imposter_🕸️ (@Imposter_Edits) January 13, 2023
We could use a little of this in Illinois, and in other locales with Soros-funded prosecutors who won’t prosecute retail theft for less than a thousand dollars.
Heck, in Illinois, we had Rep. Carol Ammons sponsor a bill in 2019 or 2020 to raise the threshold for felony retail theft to $2000. What makes it particularly rich is that the same Carol Ammons faced a special prosecutor’s investigation after she allegedly boosted a designer purse from a charitable thrift shop!
Oh, but it was all just a big misunderstanding.
So if you see Rep. Carol Ammons (endorsed by Bernie Sanders) in public at a retailer, keep an eye on her. If you see her acting suspiciously, call the police.
Here’s more from 2020…
STEALING FROM A CHARITY? REALLY CAROL? Special Prosecutor appointed in State Rep Carol Ammons (alleged) retail theft case

A special prosecutor has been appointed to consider formally charging State Representative Carol Ammons with retail theft for shoplifting a used Coach purse from a charity thrift store in Urbana, IL on Jan. 10th. Store surveillance video recorded the incident at the Carle Auxiliary Retail Boutique.
Ammons, who has shown nothing but overt antagonism for gun rights, claims it was all just a “misunderstanding.”
Here’s the story from WCIA-TV:
URBANA, Ill. (NEXSTAR) — A court-appointed special prosecutor is investigating whether or not there is probable cause to charge state Representative Carol Ammons, a Democrat from Urbana, for allegedly stealing a purse from the Carle Auxiliary Resale Boutique on Friday, January 10th.
The item, said to be a Coach purse, was worth an estimated $80, according to sources who were present. Those sources also say that wads of paper used to fill purses for display purposes were laying on a floor in a dressing room; the tag from the purse was also found on the floor.
Ammons’ legislative aide, Jenna Sickenius, emailed a statement on behalf of Ammons, calling the incident “a non-story about a simple misunderstanding.”
A simple misunderstanding? Really?
An elected State Representative didn’t understand that she was to pay for merchandise before walking out of a charitable thrift store?
The Champaign News-Gazette reached Carol Ammons’ husband Friday. From the News-Gazette:
Ammons did not return calls seeking comment, but her husband, Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons, told The News-Gazette on Friday: “This is a non-story and a basic misunderstanding, and that’s all you’re going to get from me.
Gosh, that almost sounds like a rehearsed answer, doesn’t it?
Can you say “damage control mode?”
And frankly, they should be in full damage control mode. Here’s a powerful woman with a good job. And she’s accused of stealing from a charity. How pathetic is that?
And we might also add that the store’s sales fund very admirable charitable goals as well. From the News-Gazette:
Proceeds from sales at the resale shop enable the auxiliary to fund the 12-bedroom Carle Auxiliary Guest House, where family members of intensive-care patients are allowed to spend the night for free, and scholarships for nurses, according to Marty Edwards, area chairman of the resale boutique.
Edwards told The News-Gazette she was aware a purse had been taken without payment but knew little else about the incident. She could recall only one other time when items were stolen. Many of the shop’s customers are regulars, she said.
Carol Ammons was endorsed by Bernie Sanders in 2016, along with seven other hard-left progressive Democrats from across the USA. That’s some distinction. True AOC acolytes.

Meanwhile her husband Aaron Ammons is no stranger to the criminal justice system. He has worn silver bracelets plenty of times himself. Even resisted arrest, too.
From the Edgar County Watchdogs:
Aaron Ammons was first arrested and charged with two felony counts; possession of a controlled substance, aggravated battery/intimidation of a witness in 1992.
In 1993 he was arrested and charged with felony possession of a controlled substance, then in 1994, arrested and charged with the felony delivery of cannabis and resisting a peace officer. Of the 4 separate cases, he faced a jury trial on his first 1992 charge and was found not guilty. The other charges were dismissed.
In a 1993 felony arrest, he was convicted of felony heroin possession with intent to distribute. He recieved probation which he violated in 1995 and was again sentenced to probation, this time for 24 months.
January 2, 2015, Ammons filed his petition for a pardon from then Governor Quinn with the Illinois Prison Review Board. The law that covers that process can be found at this link. As previously reported by the News-Gazette, Ammons pardon was unlike others and politics played a key role.
Yes, Ammons got a pardon and expungement of his records. With the exception of his right to keep and bear arms. He remains a prohibited person unless the Illinois State Police have restored his right to possess firearms.
He wanted to be able to own firearms once again, too.
From the Edgar County Watchdogs.
A request to the Illinois Prison Review Board (PRB) resulted in 84 pages of documents including the pardon which also included an exclusion for possession of a firearm. I found that odd as the application was marked requesting full reinstatement of rights to include possession of a firearm, of which Quinn did not honor.
More from the Edgar County Watchdogs…
The rules applying to a pardon outline the petition for pardon must be provided 75 days prior to a public hearing on the petition. Ammons submitted his application 10 days prior to the last possible day Governor Quinn could issue a pardon. If integrity is a man’s capital, where was the integrity in not following the rules in seeking a pardon?
Ammons initially failed to notify the State’s Attorney and his sentencing judge or Chief Judge of the circuit he was convicted in that he was requesting a pardon from Governor Quinn. When he corrected that error, he failed to provide confirmation to the PRB as required. Ammons failure resulted in his petition being removed from the hearing docket as it was deficient………yet he was pardoned by Governor Quinn.
The hearing that Ammons marked “yes” for on his petition never happened. Those hearings are designed for all interested parties to be able to be heard on why the person should or should not be granted a pardon. From those hearings, a recommendation is made to the Governor. In this case, all the key procedural requirements followed by others were ignored by Ammons…….yet he was pardoned by Governor Quinn.
After his pardon, Ammon has run for public office as a Democrat and won. He currently serves as the Champaign County Clerk.
And while Carol Ammons has consistently proven her antagonism towards gun rights for the law-abiding in Illinois, she has eagerly fought for the rights of criminals and soft-on-crime policies.
In fact, she was the chief co-sponsor of a bill to raise the felony threshold on retail theft from $300 to $2000! Not only that but her bill, HB-1614, would remove the felony aggravating factor of a previous retail theft conviction.
How convenient, right?
But that stolen purse was just a misunderstanding, right?
The very end of the video where they open the door and toss out his shoe
As the article explains, Aaron Ammons, who formerly went by “Brother A-Dub” when he was a community “actvist” (as well as former felon) is now the Champaign County Clerk. He is incompetent in the most basic tasks of the office, with major and minor scandal after scandal in the office (initially forcing out long-time employees in faver of his “ethnic” cronies), and screwing up election returns in so many ways that the remaining rational people of the County suspect fraud in his recent reelection and those of other county officials in favor of the Democrats, of course (his opponent was far more qualified). Ammonds has no qualifications for the job. He was formerly a rable-rousing SEIU union janitor at the University of Illinois for 17 years, and then somehow got appointed as a trustee for the University’s retirement system when his wife entered politics (I wonder how). Then he got elected as a city alderman, mostly from support of Chicago public housing transplants moving down to Champaign-Urbana (many of them wrecking the town in the process). As the article shows, his wife is just a criminal goofball who got off with shoplifting an expensive purse from a charity after a “special prosecutor” decided that the clear video evidence didn’t overrule her “privilege” as a minority and Democrat hack representative. She is known in the legislature as being “difficult” even among other Democrats, but still manages to worm her way into positions of authority by constantly claiming racism. Her husband does the same whenever he has been in meetings and confronted by citizens on his constant screw-ups. They are just awful people.
Those of you living in Champaign County, it is time to leave. It was once a wonderful place up to about 30 years ago, and has been spiraling down the drain ever since. The County Board is now dominated by leftist nuts, likely defeating the remaining reasonable people that were on the Board in 2022 using voter fraud (with the help of Ammons’ employees incompetence or dishonesty). Do you really want to wind up in court in Champaign county after a defensive shooting, being arrested by a new sheriff who hires and promotes people based on their “sexual orientation,” being prosecuted by a district or county attorney who hates gun owners, and judged by a leftist jury and judge? And after you are convicted, having your familiy’s property taxes increased by “Brother A-Dub,” while he lowers them for this “ethnic” friends. You can stay in Illinois if you must, but for God’s sake move to some place like Effingham or another small town in the southeast and get out of C-U. Indiana or Missouri are just across the borders. You’ll thank me.
See the linked article from Guns Save Life at the bottom of this post for an example of what you are facing now in the Ammons’ Champaign County from their Chicago-transplanted constituents who keep electing them (your potential jury members), even as an UNARMED homeowner defending yourself from three armed teenage thugs. The thugs kick in the home’s door armed with a rifle, handgun (possibly pellet, never found) and spray the homeowner in the face with pepper spray. The unarmed homeowner defends himself and chokes out the thug with the rifle. The other two with the handgun and spray run away (captured soon after by police).
The somewhat lefty newspaper, the News Gazette, describes the the armed home invasion with the door kicked in as an “unwelcome entry.” A crowd of protesters AGAINST the homeowner show up at his home (during the Covid lockdowns) to intimidate him – likely supported by the Ammons. The state’s attorney (who could be prosecuting YOU) said of the armed teen career-criminal choked-out by the victim homeowner, “It’s sad but he made the choices he made.” There is no doubt in my mind that if the homeowner had not had security system video of the attack that he would have been charged with manslaughter with pressure from the Ammons, as the State’s Attorney has done to other people defending themselves against the transplanted Chicago thug population in town.
“Armed Home Invader Killed by Homeowner in Urbana, Public Defender Calls It ‘Heartbreaking’”
Below is a recent article by local reporter and commentator Jim Dey and a letter to the editor about what dirtbags the Ammons really are. Recently, a Democrat Illinois state senator died of a brain tumor, and the Ammons’ acted like morons trying to apply pressure for Carol Ammons to be appointed to fill the vacant seat. Then as usual, the Ammons claimed that Carol Ammons was not appointed because of “racism,” and Aaron Ammons said that they needed “to battle this new generation of whites.” They also acted like rude scum towards the dead senator’s family in the process, and were called-out online on their slimey tactics and disrespect by the deceased senator’s family and other Democrats.
But the lefty Democrats who have taken over Urbana and Champaign County keep re-electing these racist fools (that is, if you believe Aaron Ammons, who was already formally cited for election misconduct, is actually conducting fair elections as Champaign County Clerk for himself and his wife).
“Champaign County Clerk Leads War of Words Over Faraci Appointment”
Letter to the Editor: Must Reject Racist Claims