JB Pritzker has a problem. Actually, he’s got a lot of problems. Ditto for his buddy Kwame Raoul, the Illinois Attorney General who didn’t finish anywhere near the top of his law class.
Barely a week since Governor Pritzker signed his unconstitutional gun ban into law, there are at least three lawsuits already filed. One’s got a court hearing this morning (courtesy of Tom Devore).
Of course, it’s up to the Illinois Attorney General to defend against these lawsuits.
Okay, maybe given the caliber (pun intended) of the attorneys on his staff, maybe Kwame has the bigger problem. Or maybe not, because Kwame’s not the guy who will announce he’s running for President in 2024.
Given how poorly the Illinois AG’s office did defending the “No Cash Bail” provisions of the SAFE-T Act (aka “The Purge Law”), Moms Demand Action from Bozo Bob Morgan better be buying some extra box wine because the gun control law they cheered so wildly probably isn’t long for this world.

Remember, a Kankakee County judge blocked the “No Cash Bail” provisions for 64 counties or so just before the new year. Kwame Raoul filed a motion to vacate that stay to the Illinois Supreme Court.
Kwame’s A-team not only didn’t get the stay lifted, the IL Supremes expanded it to the entire state.
Nice lawyering Kwame!
So, who is up?
Well, there’s Tom Devore in the Southern District in Federal Court.
Also, Thomas Maag also in the same court.
The Cook County Record has more.
The first legal challenges seeking to overturn Illinois’ new restrictions on guns have arrived in court, with more sure to follow.
On Tuesday, Jan. 17, lawsuits were filed against state officials, including Gov. JB Pritzker, seeking court orders declaring unconstitutional the new Illinois ban on so-called “assault weapons” and so-called “high capacity magazines.”
The first lawsuit was filed in Crawford County in southeastern Illinois, by attorney Thomas G. Maag, of Wood River.
That was followed quickly by a lawsuit filed in Effingham County, also in southern Illinois, by attorney Tom DeVore, the former Republican candidate for Illinois Attorney General. DeVore has also asked the court to issue an order barring the state from enforcing the law while the lawsuit is pending.
Supposedly Tom Devore has 800 plaintiffs in his suit. The word I heard from one of his plaintiffs is that he was charging $200 for each person to become a plaintiff. If that’s true, he’s already raked in $160,000. We’ll see if he’s more successful with this than his myriad of COVID lawsuits, the only one with a clean win there was for Darren Bailey the individual.
Tom Maag is a great guy and gun culture member who won some notoriety for blocking the State Police from charging an extra dollar for FOID applications and an extra $3 and change for the CCW licenses. He’s also running a suit with three plaintiffs.
And lastly, the ISRA supposedly filed a suit late in the day Tuesday as well, with David Sigale as their attorney.
The ISRA is represented by the Law Firm of David G. Sigale, P.C. of Wheaton, IL.
From the ISRA’s email announcement:
The entire lawsuit can be viewed here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4gnqv6pjgrwj6x/Complaint%20for%20Declaratory%20and%20Injunctive%20Relief.pdf?dl=0
We think there are a lot better attorneys to run this case but we wish Mr. Sigale the best of luck.
Where is GSL’s suit?
Guns Save Life is part of the Illinois Gun Rights Alliance. We’ve elected to take the time to craft a well-written and researched quality complaint instead of rushing to put something together hastily. If you read ISRA’s lawsuit at the dropbox link above, you see an example of a work product you get when you just have to be first to file.
We anticipate filing probably next week. We expect that Illinois gun owners can expect to see a temporary restraining order by February.
I would of liked to see the SAF and FPC with the ISRA take a little time to file their lawsuits, since the SAF and FPC do alot of good for fighting for 2A rights, but we should wish them well.
Good to see you guys taking your time and teamed up with the GOA, cannot wait to see the TRO next month
Has there been any news on the NRA yet?
Forget about NRA. All they do is talk and talk while Wayne L gets his daily mani-pedis on our donations. NRA has been worthless for years and are not worthy of anyone’s donations. GOA is far more aggressive and effective these days.
What irritates the heck out of me is that taxpayer money is going to fight the lawsuits against the corrupt unconstitutional “law”, citizens are paying to defend out Rights through the gun Rights organizations. Nothing we can do about it.
It’s good that GSL is taking time to put together a strong law suit. This is defiantly one thing that needs to be done right the 1st time.
Sad thing about this is the Illinois taxpayers are paying both ways.